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Just bought Oblivion GOTY again....good choice?

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Ouch it was $39.99 used....thanks alot Skyrim for jacking up the price -___- .I bought it a year and a half ago for 30 brand new at gamestop but never got into it and winded up trading it in for Halo Reach.

I LOVED Morrowind and I've really been looking for something good to play for awhile.I saw a "let's play" beginning of Oblivion on youtube a couple days ago and it really gave me an itching to play this game.I know it's not New Vegas or Fallout,but swords and magic can be fun:)

should I since it's used...

1.Take it back in less than a week and get a refund

2.Take it back and get Two Worlds 2?It's $35 used,and I heard deep down it's a good game,but with rough edges.It's supposed to have more spells than there are STARS IN THE UNIVERSE! >:O

3.Take it back and use the money to get Morrowind GOTY on PC Very Happy

4.Maybe I'll wind up liking it.I just have a feeling I won't be able to get into it again....luckily the game is used so I can just take it back to gamestop if so.



I finished Two worlds 2 in a week

I dont know if there is more to the multiplayer on it though

And dude it is really up to you



wow I figured Two Worlds 2 would be longer =/ .I saw a review and the guy said there's over 80 hours, but they always over exaggerate



I did every single Side quest and it took me 7 days plus i spent a couple of hours to get my Weapons to high levels via Upgrading and it took me 42 hours all up



Go with Morrowind IMO. Unless you're getting it for console?



Yeah but Morrowind is more for people that are into the Fantasy Genre

Also if you can get it for PC the modding community is great



:3 yeah I was gonna get Morrowind for the pc.I have Morrowind GOTY on original xbox...hell,I spent a whole summer playing it in '08 finding all the secret stuff on my own and playing this day with all the hours I've done I only did some mage guild,and thieves guild,a little tribunal and bloodmoon.Or maybe I beat Bloodmoon *shrug*

But I want to save wear and tear on my 360.I'm on my 3rd one after all >_>.If you could install original xbox games on the 360 I'd just play it.But for pc the goty is only about's about 10 bucks,but that's from some game company in the UK that's been burning older games and selling them for cheap like Resident Evil 2 on pc for 10 bucks.Normally it's like 50ish I think -__-


2 worlds 2 multiplayer was not all that. There was only a handful of co-op maps which were pretty large but the fact that the same enemies always spawned in the same spot made it get very boring very quickly regardless of what class you decided to start out with.

Didn't try out any of the vs type modes since to me, the controls seemed too sluggish for anything vs related.



If you get Morrowind for the PC, do yourself a favor and check out a site called Tamriel Rebuilt. Crazy awesome mod that's been in the works for years. I remember visiting that place during media arts class in high school... I think they're even working on a new region for Oblivion.



Yeah then there was that mod that was a fake SKyrim gameplay trailer

Nerris or something it looked pretty good and added New animals better Graphics and a whole lot of crap

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