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Man is this place dead or what?

Keyser Söze
HydrasBreath ♜
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Ron Swanson
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It was moving pretty good the past few days not so much.

Whats new with everyone?

I got a new guitar yesterday and am going to the beach Saturday, other than that not much is new.


I just realized how boring my summer has been.




I really haven't done anything

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I hate work. would you guys pay me for my company and funny anecdotes? Kinda like a prostitute but without the sex....... maybe

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I haven't done anything this summer. Other than that, crazy is still crazy, and I have pool league tonight. Still pissed about losing last week and dropping in rank.



Been pigging out on Steam, scamming people left and right on TF2, shooting many many many dead things in KF, exploring Frozen Synapse and just generally buying games that sound fun like Limbo and L4D2. That, playing Khult's gift of AC2, as well as various CoDs with irl friends, and reading a ton. Having a rather good time of this summer.

oh, my sister and I are painting part of the living room.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Terry Corp. wrote:I hate work. would you guys pay me for my company and funny anecdotes? Kinda like a prostitute but without the sex....... maybe

I'm all about prostitution.



This has been a lame summer.

Although the next two months will be fun.

Going to see the Seahawks and Raiders on August 30th, and then the Kreator show September 23rd.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Well I'm newly single as of yesterday...mixed feelings about that. Part of me is happy since I don't think our lives were headed in the same direction so it would have led to a huge mess down the road if we stayed together and I would have probably hurt her real bad which I didn't want to have to do since we've been friends for years and this is our second go at being a couple. So there's that and seeing new people always seems like an interesting prospect and all.

Then on the other hand I'm kinda bummed about it because for one it just kind of happened out of nowhere since we've always gotten along great. We were basically best friends that were fucking. We had the same humor and she was into metal and was ok with my whole music deal and she wasn't a needy jealous crazy. We've never had a fight the two times we were together. We just kind of break up out of nowhere due to circumstances outside the actual relationship. It sucks...we make each other happy but life keeps getting n our way.

And also yesterday I had a dress rehearsal for my first legit cello gig which was ok but then found out the actual concert that was supposed to take place tonight is moved to Saturday and I work Saturday and I can't book it off since I already made sure to have tonight off.

So yeah all and all yesterday was pretty shitty.

And yeah my summer has been pretty lame so far...I've done pretty much nothing except work sleep and eat. I barely see daylight.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Easy going summer so far doesn't bother me, besides come August I'll be working my ass off doing PA, so...



this summer's been boring as least last summer I stayed with friends but they all have jealous GFs now and are stuck up their asses lol

edit: also been too hot to do anything.Fuck 115 degrees every day with the humidity -______- .I soooooooo wanna move to a place without horrible humidity and cooler weather



Made a bunch of money today and now I'm going to take my daughter to the carnival.



Dont you have 2 Daughters?

Your only taking one?

Hehe theres like a battle royale at your house to decide who goes Very Happy

Metal is starting his own Hunger games lol



also,waiting for ME3 to come in the mail,it was 23 bucks with shipping,not bad.

thinking back on it I should of just kept it,I got Borderlands GOTY and AC Revelations from trading it in way back,but never played em much



So bored.

Mostly online, but nothing on the internet entertains me. Can't find the urge to draw much, reading a little bit...starting to think about planning for our State Fair soon, like who to go with on what days. It's always really fun, this year I secretly want to drag Pariah on the ejection seat. what do you guys think? Looks fun right??? Very Happy

But mostly my life is pretty uneventful. The days tend to seem quite long >.<



Frostbyrn wrote:Dont you have 2 Daughters?

Your only taking one?

Hehe theres like a battle royale at your house to decide who goes Very Happy

Metal is starting his own Hunger games lol

Ha! Actually took both, I just didn't think the older one would want to go. The Whole family went though!



If she didnt want to go then you should have dragged her anyway took her on the merry go round,Screamed "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" at the top of your voice and while she was trying to hide her face in her hands point at her and yell this is "*Insert Daughters name here*"



Am I the only one whos enjoying summer?

you guys are sad.




i am also hating my summer



summer sucks,it's too hot

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Zillah wrote:Am I the only one whos enjoying summer?

you guys are sad.

I always enjoy summer. It's the time of bikini's, tank tops, and really short skirts. Plus they usually put little umbrellas in drinks too!



Twisted Evil woo short shorts

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Gotta love all the skin showing on the lovely ladies during summer.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


what is this strange season you speak of?



115 degrees every day with 80% humidity Evil or Very Mad

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Alpha Brit wrote:summer?

what is this strange season you speak of?

I think it's those four days in July/August where it's sunny, warm annd there aren't any clouds.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Silly brits...

I always laugh with British that come to Greece on vacation, run around all day shirtless because it's hot and end up as red as lobsters. I feel like running up to them, slapping them hard on the back and run away laughing maniacally.



Laughing Laughing Laughing

I can stand sunburn on my arms but my god not my neck....I always remember to wear a shirt/rag/bandana on my neck like a scarf

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

JrTapia1991 wrote:

like a scarf

Hipster Jr is hipster Razz

and yeah I suppose the view is nicer in relation to the ladies in the summer.



Yeah it's always too hot for me in the summer. I get heat stroke easier than most too, and burn really easily which sucks, so I tend to avoid the outdoors. So I stay all cooped up indoors and I wonder why I get bored XD



< Hates the summer

Fuck the heat.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I wonder how many of you really know what heat means...



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:I wonder how many of you really know what heat means...

Im from Ohio.

90+ and massive humidity. I know the heat. It might not be Greece or Texas, but its no cakewalk. That humidity is brutal in that part of America.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sym wrote:
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:I wonder how many of you really know what heat means...

Im from Ohio.

90+ and massive humidity. I know the heat. It might not be Greece or Texas, but its no cakewalk. That humidity is brutal in that part of America.

Please, I live in Greece. 100 at least and up to 120 for at least three months of the year, with humidity well over 70-75% and not mentioning major heat waves lasting up to two weeks at a time.

We get 90+ in the fucking shade man...



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:
Sym wrote:
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:I wonder how many of you really know what heat means...

Im from Ohio.

90+ and massive humidity. I know the heat. It might not be Greece or Texas, but its no cakewalk. That humidity is brutal in that part of America.

Please, I live in Greece. 100 at least and up to 120 for at least three months of the year, with humidity well over 70-75% and not mentioning major heat waves lasting up to two weeks at a time.

We get 90+ in the fucking shade man...

maybe you missed the part where I said its not Greece or Texas. Obviously you must have. Mad

I dont know man, id take 100 degree weather over 95% humidity any day of the week.

Spent time in Arizona, 120 heat, not as bad as Virginia with 100% humidity at 85 degrees.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

its been tipping 100 here in Montana for the last week. Can you imagine going from 100 degrees to -40 in the winter? No, most of you can't

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sym wrote:
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:
Sym wrote:
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:I wonder how many of you really know what heat means...

Im from Ohio.

90+ and massive humidity. I know the heat. It might not be Greece or Texas, but its no cakewalk. That humidity is brutal in that part of America.

Please, I live in Greece. 100 at least and up to 120 for at least three months of the year, with humidity well over 70-75% and not mentioning major heat waves lasting up to two weeks at a time.

We get 90+ in the fucking shade man...

maybe you missed the part where I said its not Greece or Texas. Obviously you must have. Mad

I dont know man, id take 100 degree weather over 95% humidity any day of the week.

Spent time in Arizona, 120 heat, not as bad as Virginia with 100% humidity at 85 degrees.


Actually, I did miss that part. Sorry...

We get a lot of humidity in Greece too, especially on islands. And don't forget that Greece is the country with the most islands.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Also Sym, would you take 110 degrees and 90% humidity? Because that happens quite often in some parts of Greece. It is not fun...



I weigh 225 pounds so prefer the cold



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:Also Sym, would you take 110 degrees and 90% humidity? Because that happens quite often in some parts of Greece. It is not fun...

No that sucks ass.

You can have your crazy Greek heat.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

We're about the same weight. I prefer the cold too.

You can always put something on in the cold, but with extreme heat you can't do shit. My favourite weather though, is fall.

Just curious, how tall are you?



I am 6'1. Im a big boy haha.

< former football player

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sym wrote:I am 6'1. Im a big boy haha.

< former football player

So we're about the same height too. You're an inch or two taller though.



Yea I agree. In Ohio we get the worst of both worlds.

Hot summer and cold snowy winter.

oregon where I currently live is very mild all year long.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I like mild. I wish I lived in mild weather.



Yea the PW NW in the US is very mild. Oregon and Washington.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I mean, imagine playing drums in Greek heat. I play for two hours, consume up to three litres of water and at the end of it all I have no urge to go to the toilet. It all just sweats right through.



Fuck that shit. Ugh

Hell of a workout though ha



Well at least none of us live in Kuwait...

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I know. But then why am I still fat? hahaha

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