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Man is this place dead or what?

Keyser Söze
HydrasBreath ♜
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Ron Swanson
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Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Zillah wrote:Well at least none of us live in Kuwait...

Fuck that.

According to that site, Greece has pretty low heat right now. Watch as upon my return heat waves kick in.



Shit I was just jamming out for 20 minutes and broke a sweat playing guitar.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sym wrote:Shit I was just jamming out for 20 minutes and broke a sweat playing guitar.

Sometimes I wish I played something less demanding on the physical side of things. On the other hand, the physicality is what sparked my interest in drums in the first place. That and I find hitting things is very anxiety reducing.



Guitar is one of the few things that require finesse that I can actually do.

It took years of practice though. Guitar is such a hard instrument to play, most people dont realize.

Drums are fun though. I can double kick like a mad man, but thats about all I can do. That and some lame snare rolls.

I can almost do blasts.....almost

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sym wrote:Guitar is one of the few things that require finesse that I can actually do.

It took years of practice though. Guitar is such a hard instrument to play, most people dont realize.

Drums are fun though. I can double kick like a mad man, but thats about all I can do. That and some lame snare rolls.

I can almost do blasts.....almost

But can you groove and syncopate?

That is the question.



No Im a below average drummer. Granted I haven't devoted myself to it alot, just messing around with my bassists kit most of the time.

I just prefer guitar. I ave always loved it. The sound is orgasmic to me......riffing and shredding.....

Im 100% self taught too. Never took a lesson in my life. I tell you fucking theory sucks ass to learn on your own. Knowing theory is a must for metal guitar.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:Guitar is one of the few things that require finesse that I can actually do.

It took years of practice though. Guitar is such a hard instrument to play, most people dont realize.

Drums are fun though. I can double kick like a mad man, but thats about all I can do. That and some lame snare rolls.

I can almost do blasts.....almost

I fucking couldn't drum my way out of a paper bag. I definitely wasn't made to play drums. The only thing I can do is like the simplest rock beat with single kick snare and hi hat. It's pretty sad.

I have good hands so string instruments come pretty naturally to me. But fucking cello man. Now that's a fucking hard instrument to learn/play. It's like physically and mentally draining alot of the time. millimeters matter when you play so you have to really concentrate all the time on where your fingers are and how your whole body and stance is really. Don't have your elbow high enough? oh look at that you just went out of tune. Slouching a little bit? Oh you're out of tune. Not griping your cello right with your knees? Out of tune.

sometimes I just want to burn the damn thing it's so frustrating haha.



Cellos really go out of tune that easily?

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

well it's fretless so where you put your fingers depends how in tune you are. So if you throw off your stance in some way it usually throws everything all out of whack and like I said if you're off by just a few millimeters one way or another you won't be in tune anymore so You gotta concentrate not only on what you're playing but what your body is doing while you're playing...and then throw in having to sight read music on top of all of that. It's alot of thinking going on.

I'm pretty drained mentally after a cello practice session.



HydrasBreath wrote:/celloproblems

switch to violin, we're a lot less high maintenance Very Happy

jk man, we need more cellos in this world

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Pariah wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:/celloproblems

switch to violin, we're a lot less high maintenance Very Happy

jk man, we need more cellos in this world

nah I couldn't hack violin. Way too small for me. I'd feel too cramped. I'm so used to bass and cello and notes being spaced far apart. I don't know how you can play notes that are so close together especially in the higher register of the fingerboard. On a violin the notes must be practically on top of each other. Plus I prefer lower register instruments. I like the grunt and punch they have. And let's face it a cello just looks and sounds fucking sexy Razz.

And yeah there aren't that many of us. I've been the only one at Uni for awhile.



With violin, you focus a lot on the position of your finger, and I've always found myself thinking of the bone as opposed to flesh in my fingers. Like you know the even if your finger is in the same spot, you can shift pressure left and right on it. I do that a lot with violin. Plus you need to have very thin fingers. Though once you learn finger substitution, it becomes somewhat fun.



Terry Corp. wrote:its been tipping 100 here in Montana for the last week. Can you imagine going from 100 degrees to -40 in the winter? No, most of you can't

mother of god Razz

coldest it's ever gotten here was like barely 30 enough for a little snow then it was melted the next day

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