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My DayZ story.

HydrasBreath ♜
Dropped Da Soap
Patrick Star
8 posters

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1My DayZ story. Empty My DayZ story. 2012-07-29, 16:07

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

I made plans with meeting up with someone on the DayZ forums east of Stary Sobor, so i joined their vent server. His friend said he had just fixed up a car and i asked him to pick me up, i was east of Novy Sober in the fields where the two bikes spawn(note i had just logged in). The server was five minutes from shutting down, so we got out and saved the car, but we spotted a dirt bike(with everything working!) which was very lucky. We saved them both and hid them then we started to head to Novy to get jerry cans(for the dirt bike). we hit up Novy sobor and heard a few gun shots coming from the church, when we got there two people were sitting in the church and my buddy said he got one of the and the other alt F4'd(Pansy) . He then told me to get the ak mags off the one body and we should get out of there immediately since the guy that logged might be server hopping. Then we made our journey north west through the fields where the action began. On our way over to Stary the guy with me spots two people about one-two hundred yards further down in the field(I can only remember one name i think it was cuddle or cuddie) we proceed to stalk them, they go into the red rusty ware house on the east side. We stake them out for a bit and wait out in the brush a bit north east of the military tents. after a while the guy with me shoots(he has an M24)

I watch our back and suddenly hear automatic fire! One of them flanked us! I opened fire on him and suddenly it was an all out fire fight. I was very confused and my heart was racing.I'm shooting back and don't know the status of my teammate. He then talks over vent saying he needs to be bandaged and he's knocked out. So it was me against two to three other guys, i wasn't sure at that point, i think my teammate may have injured one of them.I quickly equipped a grenade and threw it in a panic, i forgot to hold down the button, so i run back a few steps and suddenly I'm deaf and i think the other guys are stunned since they stop shooting. So i run and reload my AK-74 kobra and PDW behind a few trees. I then find myself with a broken leg bleeding out. I spot the guy that was shooting me and i kill him! Very lucky, i thought to myself. I then go crawl behind a tree and bandage myself up plus morphine then i eat a piece of meat, bringing my health up to 3,700. I see one of the enemies rolling around in the grass trying to spot me, so i crouch run a half circle up the hill and get the drop on him. I start to open fire then i hear someone shooting behind me, he had a ghillie suit, and man was his aim terrible. I run back to the cover of the trees and reload. I then kill the guy with the ghillie suit, but i was still pretty scared since i could barely see.

I continue to hear single shots being fired so i crawl to the cover of the trees and wait it out. At this point i was pretty sure my teammate was dead, to check I say in the vent" hey dude you still need to be bandaged?" Someone else in the vent said he raged and threw his headset or something of that nature. My suspicions had been confirmed. I waited out for five minutes after the gun shots stopped, i crawl to the bodies to collect my loot. An FN-FAL with a nv scope, m16a2 and a Lee enfield. He also had a lot of blood bags and morphine, I feared i had killed a medic. I then get confident that the guy shooting was gone. I look for my buddies body and see he no longer has his gun. I guess the guy shooting looted my guys body then bugged out thinking i was a larger force than i actually was. Someone in the vent reported that they were in stary sobor, i was very relieved to hear this! I quickly told him my position and that i needed a blood transfusion, he makes it over and gives me the transfusion.I i tell him he can take what ever was left on the bodies.

We ended up near mogilevka and got picked up by his friends(my teammates was in there as well i guessed they grouped up while were making our way to the town.) We headed back to stary and found a crashed helo on the way, we managed to aggro a bunch of zombies with the really loud engine.When we arrived at stary we headed towards the aftermath of the firefight. they took the rest of the loot from the bodies, i apologized to my new found friend for not being able to save him in time, but he congratulated me for winning the fire fight. We ended up looting the tents afterwards, messing around and throwing smoke grenades at each other. We logged for the night in a near by forest.

It was one of the best and most exciting times i have had in DayZ so far.
Map for reference if you're interested.

Last edited by Camel on 2012-07-30, 03:12; edited 2 times in total

2My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-29, 16:14

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

This doesnt even sound like a game. It sounds like Fallout come to live. I HAVE TO GET IT.

3My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-29, 16:30

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

That's crazy man. It must be super rage inducing to get killed if you've had a character for awhile with good stuff though.

4My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-29, 16:53



Sounds pretty cool except for one thing.
Voice chat. It sounds like you can just chat away with people regardless of distance? If that's the case, it should only be proximity unless you have radios of some sort.

Absolutely, totally fucking worthless if that is the case.

5My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-29, 16:56



lol it is like mumble from what i understand in game but as he stated he was in Ventrilo or w/e

6My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-29, 17:15



There's so much footage on youtube of crazy happenings like this lol.

7My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-29, 17:24



AW linked criken2's spookrama stuff

8My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-29, 17:41

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Metalzoic wrote:Sounds pretty cool except for one thing.
Voice chat. It sounds like you can just chat away with people regardless of distance? If that's the case, it should only be proximity unless you have radios of some sort.

Absolutely, totally fucking worthless if that is the case.
There is a 40m range to voice chat, but i was in a third party program chatting with the other people.

9My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-29, 17:56



This is bull. I still cant get this mod to work.

This is the only mod Ive never been able to activate.

10My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-29, 18:05

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

yeah i have to get this game

11My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-29, 18:11



Metalzoic wrote:Sounds pretty cool except for one thing.
Voice chat. It sounds like you can just chat away with people regardless of distance? If that's the case, it should only be proximity unless you have radios of some sort.

Absolutely, totally fucking worthless if that is the case.

Waiting for the Vita version?

12My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-29, 19:53

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

yeah i'm going to pick this up tonight or tomorrow

the game is so much like eve in the sense that everyone is out to get you

i love it

13My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-30, 00:06



Camel wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:Sounds pretty cool except for one thing.
Voice chat. It sounds like you can just chat away with people regardless of distance? If that's the case, it should only be proximity unless you have radios of some sort.

Absolutely, totally fucking worthless if that is the case.
There is a 40m range to voice chat, but i was in a third party program chatting with the other people.

Cool that the game has prox chat, but lame if it lets you use an outside program to cheat. They should program it to detect if you are chatting and if you are it should attach a siren to your characters head that squeals "THIS GUY'S A FUCKING PUSSY CHEATER BITCH FACE!" over and over with a 3 mile range so everyone can hear it. Plus your in-game model should change from a dude to a vagina with arms and legs.

Mr. Lundegaard wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:Sounds pretty cool except for one thing.
Voice chat. It sounds like you can just chat away with people regardless of distance? If that's the case, it should only be proximity unless you have radios of some sort.

Absolutely, totally fucking worthless if that is the case.

Waiting for the Vita version?

Hell yeah! You could actually do it right now with that PC game streaming ap that is out. If they get that perfected and get it to work over the internet I'll stream PC games to the Vita...

14My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-30, 00:15

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i don't understand how using an outside chat client would be cheating

that would also mean people playing this game in the same room would also be cheaters if they didn't use in game chat

15My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-30, 00:24

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

I guess it's more against the spirit of the game.

16My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-30, 00:30



I have this but it's too hard. Zombies always kill me even if Im crawling prone on the ground.

17My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-30, 00:40



Camel wrote:I guess it's more against the spirit of the game.

Yes, I should have been more clear. Camel is right.

It is massively against the spirit of the game.

18My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-30, 00:41



Dave wrote:I have this but it's too hard. Zombies always kill me even if Im crawling prone on the ground.

I haven't tried it (PC and all...), but wouldn't slowly crawling make it easier for them to catch and eat you?

19My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-30, 00:47

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i watched a few videos of game play and it would appear there is a poor game mechanic which allows you to not be detected by zombies if prone

20My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-30, 00:48

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

if it's in the spirit of the game the heck yeah i'd use in game comms

21My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-30, 00:53



Manila Plague wrote:i watched a few videos of game play and it would appear there is a poor game mechanic which allows you to not be detected by zombies if prone

Weird. If I were being chased by zombies the last thing I would want to do is lie down and hope playing dead worked.

...actually thinking about it I bet their reasoning for having it that way is to make extremely tense, scary moments with zombies sniffing all around you while you pray they don't suddenly pounce on you and eat your brains...

I can see how that might work if it were done well. Special sound effects, loud heartbeat in your ears, snorting snuffling zombies around you, a special flat on the ground first person viewpoint with vision that slowly tunnels if a zombie gets close to you etc...

22My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-30, 00:58



no zombies can definitely see you while prone

23My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-30, 01:09

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

You may have been doing it wrong duck, are you sure they didn't spot you prior? It works perfectly for me.

24My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-30, 10:14



Im sprinting while prone, which according to the ear and eye thing doesn't make a difference. But I had been lying prone trying to cross a street but then a bunch of zombies walked into the street, i decided to back off and try to find another way around, so i turn around and crawl the other way only to find a zombie chewing on my ass.

25My DayZ story. Empty Re: My DayZ story. 2012-07-30, 14:22

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

and when i log back on not five minutes later i was killed by a sniper. FML

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