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Do you think the M16 needs to be nerfed?

Keyser Söze
The Adli Corporation
Artimise Flare
10 posters

Should it be nerfed?

Do you think the M16 needs to be nerfed? Vote_lcap40%Do you think the M16 needs to be nerfed? Vote_rcap 40% [ 2 ]
Do you think the M16 needs to be nerfed? Vote_lcap60%Do you think the M16 needs to be nerfed? Vote_rcap 60% [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 5

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I'm not sure, some argue it's easily the best rifle in the game. Sure I get killed by it a lot, and during some pretty BS situations, but when ever I use it, I don't do so well. I prefer the other assault rifles like the G3 and such.

State your reasoning if you do or do not believe it needs a nerf?



Yes. The increase in recoil it's going to get is appropriate.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Would that apply to the M416 as well? It too has some pretty wicked steady recoil, or does the -50RPM' help balance it against the M16 which has an 800RPM ROF.

I'll admit, that when I used the M16, automatic fire, even burst, was extremely accurate over extended ranges, though I was able to replicate this to an extent with rifles such as the L85A2 and even the AUG.

Anyone know the the TTK is for the M16 compared to the other rifles?





I think it should,then the M417 will catch on more. It's like a laser beam even at longer ranges,and kills pretty quick.Plus it reloads so fast.I guess it's gotten to where all the "good people" use it,kinda like how everybody way back was just purely using front grip+silencer,I guess Dice wants to spice things up with variety

I have a few hundred kills with it,but I honestly much prefer the AEK or even F2000 or AN94 to the M16,always felt kinda weird to me with any sight I put on it,I found the red dot to be the best

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I like the under dogs to be honest. Weapons you seldomly see used, like the FAMAS and the G3A3. most of the time it's the M16, F2000 or AEK. Sometimes I see the AUG, and I love it when people rage at the fact that I'm killing them with a weapon that is so under utilized.

Had one guy call me a noob for using the FAMAS and sniping him across the map with the bipod.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

probably. i ripped people a new asshole with it on the 360, even suppressed at range. its fairly accurate and the recoil is lower than i feel it should be, its too easy to spam bullets downrange with it.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I've never really used it...



I've never really used it either. My AEK <3

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

MEGA MILK wrote:Yes. The increase in recoil it's going to get is appropriate.

I agree with the level 100 hambeast, with that reload time and RoF it had to lose something

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yes. I picked up one on Metro once. I hipfired 4 guys in a row in under 4-5 seconds at CQC range. Killed all of them with headshots despite aiming at their chest.

Even looking down the sights just aiming at someones chest from a decent distance away and tapping the RT button 2 times in a quick succesion almost always scored me a headshot.

That and its insane reload time it is a very easy weapon to use. Now I know why the guy I picked it up from had 110 stars with it.



Probably needs to be. I hardly ever use it, but get wrecked by it all the time.

Upon using it though, it doesnt seem to be that OP, so I dunno.

Color me confused.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Its got a great combonation of very little recoil, top tier RoF, the fastest AR reload, and good hipfire/ long range ability.

There isn't a statistic that the M16 isn't included in the top 3 of as far as performance among ARs



yeah I guess with the insane accuracy,fire rate,and fastest reload speed in the game (IIRC) something had to go

I'm honestly surprised I never hear more people cry about the AEK,it kills me the most probably,but,it's balanced by the long ass reload time and big recoil,I've just used it so much I'm super used to it

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

The AEK and the F2000 sacrifice long range accuracy, even in semi auto. They take longer to reload, and have significantly more recoil than the M16, so they're balanced. In CQC you'll get owned by then, but other rifles will out perform them at longer ranges.

I'll have to try it tonight and see for myself again and review my thoughts on how the M16 performs. I just never really gave it a chance to be honest.



F2000 absolutely owns in CQ

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Followed closely if not matched by the FAMAS as far as TTK the reload time is what kills the FAMAS though, along with the 25 round magazine.



I like the Famas alot too.

The one gun I find really disappointing with is the AN 94.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I see people running around with it every once in a while. I've yet to use it really, so I can't comment on it's performance or it lack thereof.



Its alright.

Ive got like 100 and some odd kills with it.

It doesnt have any stopping power.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Technically the AN94 is the only gun that can compete with the M16 since it fires 2 shots almost simultaneously. so easy to get a chest+head shot and drop someone in no time. Also you can fire it up to 1800 RPM if you could only hit the trigger fast enough.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I really don't think I die from it anymore or less than any other gun. Haven't really used it lately, so I can't say from that end though.



I like the AN94,idk how many kills I have with it,maybe like 700. I like it with the heavy barrel and kobra red dot,although I've really been meaning to try it with the holographic



Play on PC Metro.

Always going to get one (or more) people bitching about some hambeast using it with over 30 stars.



Yea its funny to see those guys. They must only use one weapon.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I got hate mail from a guy who had 101 stars with the M4A1. I checked his stats and his next highest kill total with a gun was 70 >_> Fucking chode, sent me a message saying "lol fucking noob" when I went like 25-5 in a winning effort.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

What did you do to warrant that hate mail, kill him several times?

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Artimise Flare wrote:What did you do to warrant that hate mail, kill him several times?

I think I may have killed him with a C4 trap or something stupid that just happened to get him. I believe it was Grand Bazaar Rush and I just COVERED the hallway of doom with C4. I got a triple kill iirc

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Lol, he should learn to throw grenades to defeat such traps. But seriously, I know how that feels. Every once in a blue moon I get raged at, normally it's when I'm just going on a rampage and am accused of hacking or using an aim bot.

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