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Koonami is a joke

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1Koonami is a joke Empty Koonami is a joke 2012-08-08, 20:57



"A new patch for Silent Hill HD Collection (PS3) is now available for download via PlayStation®Network. Included in the update are corrections to frame rate, audio-syncing, and other reported issues. Plans for a Xbox 360 patch have been cancelled due to technical issues and resources.

We deeply and sincerely apologize to any players who are continuing to experience these issues on the Xbox 360 version of the game."

I guess I "can't" buy their shitty HD collection then due to my resources

they had no problem selling the glitchy thing in the 1st place.

I asked em before if it was really as glitchy as everybody was saying,etc. and they removed my post -__-

did nobody even test it before they shipped it out?

ahh...I remember the days of no patches and games having to be good from the factory...

2Koonami is a joke Empty Re: Koonami is a joke 2012-08-08, 21:45



I find this odd because Sony charges a bunch more for a developer to put out a patch on the PS3 than Microsoft does with the 360.

IIRC, to put a patch out on 360 Microsoft charges ~$40,000.

3Koonami is a joke Empty Re: Koonami is a joke 2012-08-08, 23:37



Konami is is known for irresponsible behaviour when some issue arises with games.

It is very rare that they admit it is their fault, and even rarer to actually fix something (and even then they are known for fixing issues with the next purchase series, like expansions, DLC, or even a next game title).

For a recent event, earlier this year, they released a game called 'New Love+' in Japan for 3DS which was a massive failure (that went from full price to 75~90% sale) within a month. Consumers complained that the game is severely bugged and poorly optimized for 3DS, but Konami said its not their coding problem and its 3DS or user's problem. Sales plummeted after they started to act like this in FAQ and support. Only then they have admitted problem and decided to fix it in two stages (it was also partly due to Nintendo 3DS not having patching option when it was released. Shame on you Nintendo).

They were notorious for Japan only games, like the example above, but did not seem to have too much trouble with international/western releases. But I guess its creeping up worldwide.

4Koonami is a joke Empty Re: Koonami is a joke 2012-08-09, 08:35

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

JrTapia1991 wrote:ahh...I remember the days of no patches and games having to be good from the factory...

actually some games (even AAA titles) were still buggy back in the glory days. FF6/FF3 on SNES comes to mind with a pretty glaringly huge glitch where darkness doesn't affect your characters at all. They can be blinded and still hit with perfect accuracy. There's also one of the stats that's's either magic block or magic evade. No matter how high your stat is in it it won't do jack shit and I believe it's tied in with one of the other stats like regular evade or something.

that's the only one I can think of off the top of my head. I'm sure there are plenty of others.

5Koonami is a joke Empty Re: Koonami is a joke 2012-08-09, 10:07

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Actually the only reason SNES games or older titles were as hard as they were was because of crappy programing or game breaking glitches.

6Koonami is a joke Empty Re: Koonami is a joke 2012-08-09, 12:21

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

HydrasBreath wrote:
actually some games (even AAA titles) were still buggy back in the glory days. FF6/FF3 on SNES comes to mind with a pretty glaringly huge glitch where darkness doesn't affect your characters at all. They can be blinded and still hit with perfect accuracy. There's also one of the stats that's's either magic block or magic evade. No matter how high your stat is in it it won't do jack shit and I believe it's tied in with one of the other stats like regular evade or something.

There was a glitch where if you sketched a certain monster with Realm that your inventory would become glitched. I've had it totally remove all my inventory, and I have had it give me 255 Paladin sheilds, Economizers, Gengji gloves, and Offerings. the monster is in the world of ruin in a desert, north of the Opera house I believe.

7Koonami is a joke Empty Re: Koonami is a joke 2012-08-09, 12:39

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Kurz wrote:Actually the only reason SNES games or older titles were as hard as they were was because of crappy programing or game breaking glitches.

I don't really agree with that. Yes there was some terrible terrible games with poor controls and shoddy programming but for the most part the bigger titles that had major studios behind them were pretty spot on save for some minor glitches and such. They were harder because that increased the game's longevity. They didn't want you beating their game in a few hours because the video game industry wasn't like it is now where you have yearly releases of franchises and new games coming out all the time. Your games had to last awhile till the next big release.

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