Fuck yeah, I put my name on it.
If the government ever gets that powerful, you know that Americans have the balls to stand up to them. We don't tolerate that kind of shit.
Anyway, I'm sick and tired of legislators acting on things like this without the consent of the people. They push and push and push for laws that really only serve themselves.
They say we've got a system of checks and balances, but fuck congress. They're out of control. Charlie Rangel is one of the latest ones to be spending American tax dollars for his own luxury.
These other fuckers have got huge investments in major corporations like Lockheed Martin or General Electric (who owns probably 1/5th of EVERY FUCKING THING), so they're going to protect these guys no matter what.
What happens in the end is that all the wealth stays in the corporations, part of that goes to the investors (some of them being congressmen, who vote for their own salary raises every couple years or so), and the middle class dwindles. If nothing is done, we will no longer have a middle class. It will be the rich and the poor.
I want congressmen to have term limitations. The President can only serve two terms. Why can some fuckhead fatcat Senator or Representative live his whole life off of our money? Are they really doing what's best for us?
With the state of the national debt currently, I don't want anymore corrupt legistlators to pop out of the woodwork. How long was Rep. Rangel stuffing his pockets? He was only recently discovered. THIRTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT. This motherfucker's pulling change from the coffers.
It makes me sick. Maybe term limitations will invite only honest people to serve.
I dunno. The system is broken, and I see no way to fix it. My rage just tells me to set fire to everything. Destroy it. But I can't afford the consequences. I'll just be labeled as a domestic terrorist. Something has to get a point across, though.
Peaceful protest only gets you so far. It only gets you ridiculed by one half of the politically biased media.
Whatever. Fuck it all. I don't have the money that these assholes do, so I can never make a difference. All I can do is get a job, a wife, and kids, and hope that shit turns out okay for me, and try to enjoy myself.