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Im not going to lie. This guy legit scared the shit out of me when I was 5-6 years old.

Artimise Flare
Dropped Da Soap
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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

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Just listen to his themesong. Specially at 1:08 and onwards.

Mankind is literally one of wrestlings greatest characters. Mick Foley played him amazingly.

But as I was saying, when I was young, this guy scared the living daylights out of me.
He gave the creepiest promos in the creepiest voice. His mannerisms were just terrifying. He was constantly pacing back in forth, he always curled up in the fetal position and rocked himself back and forth.

Even the way he fought was terrifying. He fought like he was always hurt(which this is Mick "Motherfucking" Foley, dude had a small thing of C4 detonate beneath him in a match), and he always screeched like he was in pain when he was either getting hit, or attacking.
Not to mention, NOTHING, NOTHING seemed like it hurt him.


After that first fall, he was being stretchered out of the ring, and they were going to end the match. He limped off the stretcher, down the ramp, climbed the cell and then got chokeslammed. And after being chokeslammed he had a chair land on his face(watch closely at the last fall)that busted a tooth up into his nose. And he still got back up and kept fighting. Even getting slammed onto thumbtacks.

Then there was this infamous moment


He was also the only wrestler to ever have an ending theme for when he won a match.


Whenever he won, that music would start playing. He would sit in the corner of the ring, knees to his chest and start rocking back and forth. While crying and pulling out his hair. For somereason that scared the crap out of me.

Now I know this is stupid. But never once has anyhting in a movie scared me, or any stupid scary stores. But when I was 5, this guy scared the shit out of me. And still remains one of my favorite wrestlers of all time.



I'd sincerely like to ask, what the fuck is wrong with people?

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

What do you mean?



googling for 5 minutes, I see people screaming on the internet about how The Undertaker is a god in human shape, John Cena is the most perfect man alive, Mankind is a metaphor for the human condition, and bullshit like that. I'd just like to know, da fuq. These aren't great poets of our era, these are actors on a stage pretending to smack the shit out of eachother. How can anyone take this seriously?



Wrestling is fake genius

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Staged,not fake.

And Pariah, those things are all from Marks. The term longtime wrestling fans use to describe those who actually believe what they see in Wrestling.



Pariah wrote:googling for 5 minutes, I see people screaming on the internet about how The Undertaker is a god in human shape, John Cena is the most perfect man alive, Mankind is a metaphor for the human condition, and bullshit like that. I'd just like to know, da fuq. These aren't great poets of our era, these are actors on a stage pretending to smack the shit out of eachother. How can anyone take this seriously?

Dig far enough into any fandom Pariah, and you'll find people like this. It can get pretty scary, haha.



He needs a hug.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Need I remind y'all of Twilight? *shudders*



Frostbyrn wrote:Wrestling is fake genius

Im not going to lie. This guy legit scared the shit out of me when I was 5-6 years old. PIWqw

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Pariah wrote:googling for 5 minutes, I see people screaming on the internet about how The Undertaker is a god in human shape, John Cena is the most perfect man alive, Mankind is a metaphor for the human condition, and bullshit like that. I'd just like to know, da fuq. These aren't great poets of our era, these are actors on a stage pretending to smack the shit out of eachother. How can anyone take this seriously?

I know I already commented on this before about how only Marks believe this stuff but, im gonna say some more about it.

Undertakers gimmick was created almost 35 years ago. Back when people actually legitimately believed wrestling was real(it wasn't confirmed to be staged till the late 80s). So back then they had really, REALLY, stupid gimmicks. From clowns, to guitar-playing Elvis impersonators. He is still one of the very few wrestlers from that era still performing today.
So while his gimmick is nowhere near the amount of "WHAT THE HELL" it used to be and is more grounded in reality, like the rest of the guys performing today, young kids and idiots still take it seriously.

Mankind as a metaphor for the human condition is completely stupid. The only reason Mick Foley named himself Mankind was because Vince McMahon(the owner and creator of WWE)wanted to call his character "Mason the Mutilator". Foley knew it was stupid, and asked him if they could use the name Mankind instead. Which as Foley said in his book, was the first name that came to mind when Vince told him of what he wanted to call him. So basically it was a split second thought he came up with to change the characters name and keep it from sounding stupid.

John Cena as the most perfect man alive is another thing Marks throw around. As much as long time wrestling fans, like me, hate to admit it, Cena is the face of the WWE. He has the largest fanbase(granted, 90% of his fanbase are between the ages of 6-10), sells the most merchandise, and brings in the most revenue. So WWE does everything they can to keep him as the star of the program. From barely losing, to always holding the title, to never even changing his character.
Which unlike almost every other performer who goes thru different phases, either being a Face(good guy), to turning into a heel(villain, or someone the crowd is supposed to hate), or even changing their personality, John Cena in almost 7 years has never done anything with his character. Because WWE refuses to let him, because they are afraid of losing money.
Which is pathetic because even Cena wants to change and be a heel or just be different, but they wont let him.

So because WWE does everyhing to make him stay the same, Marks cite him as being perfect.



I used to watch some wrestling a long time ago when I was a kid.
I remember this guy.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah I used to watch wrestling when I was in kindergarten. I quickly lost interest in it though.



I watched it till like 2007 then just lost interest.Saw last weeks episode where Brock Lesnar "snapped" Shawn Michael's arm......I just laughed sooooooo bad at how cheesy everything was Laughing Razz

when I was growing up,I really believed the wrestling was real.When I found out it was staged,it honestly just killed it for me.Along with the whole PG thing......I liked the attitude era

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

This was the scariest thing I saw on TV when I was younger.

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