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CS: Global Offensive

Epyk MD
Dropped Da Soap
Gary Effin' Oak.
16 posters

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1CS: Global Offensive Empty CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 03:30



Anyone picking up this title on the Xbox? 1200 points.

Pretty solid game, had a lot of fun with it so far.

2CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 03:35



360? Probably not many.

PC is another story.

3CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 03:54



Already rocking this game on PC. Don't think I'll be getting it for console.

4CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 14:10



I've got CS. 1.6 and Source on my PC, I'm not getting GO for a good while

5CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 14:14



I've been thinking about getting it Very Happy

it would take all day to download due to my sucky internet and sucky xbox live download servers >___>

6CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 14:32

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

Ill probably get it. Im not digging the playing with a controller thing but since BF3 is dead, why not. Soon, very soon.

7CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 14:33



Cant imagine playing CS with a pad

8CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 18:31



Yeah they had to tone down CS a shitload when they came out with it for the Xbox. Not sure how it would work with it's current bullet spread.

Hopefully they keep up with the updates for you guys though, they plan on adding a lot.

I like the game so far though. It's cool that people have already made a bunch of custom maps like poolparty and such for it. Can't wait to get my graphics card so I can play it on high settings without random textures being replaced by a bright purple and black checkered surface.

But fuck they need to bring silencers back. I want my guns to go pew pew pew.

9CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 20:06



I have it and im liking it. Had to stick with destroying bots because me and Byas couldn't get into a game.

10CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 21:18



I'm might get it.

For PC.

11CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 21:20

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Ill get the trail. See how I feel from there. WAs never a big fan of twitch shooters, and CS is the twitchiest, but isn;t.

12CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 22:05

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

MEGA MILK wrote:I'm might get it.

For PC.

CS: Global Offensive 1065_original_9StYb

13CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 22:20



Afraid not. I've watched some vids of it, but I just don't get it. Gameplay wise it looks to me like it's 10+ years old.

14CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 22:22



Metalzoic wrote:Afraid not. I've watched some vids of it, but I just don't get it. Gameplay wise it looks to me like it's 10+ years old.

It is 13 years old.

15CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 22:24



The game play is old. But its much more skill based than anything else currently out.

There is a reason people have played it for so long

16CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 22:32



Its probably one of the only remaining FPS that is both played in big competitions, and is still popular enough with the players.

Entry barrier is EXTREMELY high on PC (especially 1.6. Oh lord...), due to the fact that the game has not changed much over the years, and the players basically played the darn same game OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER 9000 AND OVER again that new players will have to suffer a lot before they even feel they are only worth a value as a maggot in a pile of shit...

17CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 22:39



Metalzoic wrote:Afraid not. I've watched some vids of it, but I just don't get it. Gameplay wise it looks to me like it's 10+ years old.

That was pretty much the point of it. A sexy looking upgrade of the original.

As for the skill level, people aren't that great in casual. Still a lot of really good people but I've done decent a round or two and I'm rusty as hell.

18CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 22:41



You are rusty, but not new.

And I believe that the members of the SeC, at least of those that I know, are competent enough to be able to adapt with any and all games without having to whine about anything.

19CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 22:46



Yeah I guess I do understand the mechanics so it gives me a bit of an edge. The old tricks still work too like strafing back and forth really fast to reduce crosshair size/spread instantly.

It really does feel just like 1.6 which I like. Spread seems a lot less predictable though, but maybe I'm just not as used to it. I used to be able to get headshots by holding down the trigger on the AK.

20CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 22:50



AK was a bit notorious for that....

21CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 22:52




Right foot = head.

22CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 22:54



I aimed at crotch in Source.

1.6 I actually forgot where I aimed...

23CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 23:10



Im doing OK

Not getting raped anymore

Now that Im used to the game again Im probably pulling even on my K/D

Its all learning the game though. Some people are just soooo damn good it doesnt matter.

I like the play Classic Casual and I can hold my own.

24CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 23:12



Is it server based? Or is it match making style (Oh my...)?

25CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 23:14



There are both options

Server based and match making

26CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 23:15



Yeah there are already servers hosting custom maps like the beloved pool party.

Which is good because I'm pretty sure there are only 2 official arms race maps or something like that.

27CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-23, 23:16



I don't like Arms Race.

I always get wrecked when I get to the Nova afro

28CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 00:19



Jesus christ randoms are awful at this game.

29CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 00:22



Khfan60 wrote:Jesus christ randoms are awful at this game.

I would suspect most of them have never played CS before haha.

30CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 00:25



So did the "Casual" Mode encouraged new players to flow in, I suppose?

31CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 00:26



That and the low price point I think

32CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 00:26



I would imagine a fair number of Xbox gamers have never played a CS game before.

33CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 00:29



Mr. Lundegaard wrote:I would imagine a fair number of Xbox gamers have never played a CS game before.

Fair number of anyone...

It was an old and difficult game to get into for modern gamers.

I feel old for saying that...

34CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 00:32



I sure haven't. Im not really too good in pubs, but im getting better.

35CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 00:42



Its really old school.

Havent played CS in years really

This is a nice nostalgia rush

36CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 02:09



Last I played CS online/competitively was the year that BF2 came out.

I got some severe backlashing for quitting the CS team...

Good ol days. LoL

37CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 03:54



Long story short, CoD players suck at CS:GO.

38CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 08:40



I'd imagine CoD players would suck. They're used to the bullets going right where you aim your gun. That's not the case here, even if you have your crosshair right on the enemy if you spray you're not gonna hit them.

I've had to get used to it myself, learned not to spam pistol shots the hard way in arms race after missing 10 headshots in a row when my aim was dead on.

Arms race is either really fun or really frustrating... I went 2 and 18 in it the other day until I just quit.

39CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 09:14

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

As a CoD player, shit was fustrating at first. After an hour or so of fiddling with the controls and settings. I aint even mad. Had a few good matches this morning. This one old guy and I had an epic back and forth battle since both our team say the least.

Aint even mad at all.

40CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 10:58



I've been thinking of getting it for a new shooter to play besides BF3.......but oh god the horribad randies.........and they worse than BF3 randies? x____X

41CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 11:08

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I may check it out if there is a demo or something. I don't know anything about CS >_>

42CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 11:09



yea there's a demo, I'm actually DLing it right now.Good god hurry up shitty windjammer internet lol

43CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 11:21



mother of god,it's going fast,already at 50% >__>

44CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 12:04

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Its not that big of a file I would imagine. It is an old old game

45CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 12:54



usually it takes like all day to even download something like 1gb off XBL,and this was 2gb Razz

damn the 30 min trial went by fast....I like the MP7,AK is wayyyy too inaccurate and gets me killed trying to crouch down to aim. the Famas and Aug are good too.

I still have the same problem I did with Gears of war online....enemies take a million god damn bullets to kill,but I die instantly

I did ok,playing really conservative,had like a 2.0 KD,but good god the randoms are bad in this game...

46CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 15:02



The AK is gods weapon in CS

47CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 17:12



Yeah CS:Go is actually really good. I played with HvK Smoka Cola and Doom49 the other much fun. At one point everyone on the terrorist side was trying to hide in the port-potty on Lake.

48CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-24, 23:31



If you guys are struggling check out the demolition gametype.

Guns get worse as you do better for the most part, and people tend to not be pros here.
Really quick fast paced matches on small maps as well.

49CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-25, 04:38



Hmmm.....I'd never played a CS game before, so I was keen to try it out and have played the trial.

I never play with aim assist anyway (provided there's an option to turn it off), so adjusted quickly to the controls and did just fine - but the whole thing just feels really archaic to me.

I still had some fun, and would have liked to have played past the 45min trial period, but I think it's a little overpriced at 1200msp (which seems to be the new standard for Arcade these days) and with Fall Of Cybertron just arriving, as well as Armored Kill and Halo 4 in the wings.....I just don't think CS would be worth my money as I can't see myself playing over those.

It seems, from forums I've read, that most of the people loving this are those who are already invested in CS - and personally I don't really see what the fuss is about.

Like I said, I had fun, but it does feel aged to me. I've always found Valve to be just a bit overrated, and this seems like a very lazy job to me.

I think that, at this point, Tactical Intervention looks a lot more interesting - and at least it's trying to bring something new to the party:

*raises flame shield*

50CS: Global Offensive Empty Re: CS: Global Offensive 2012-08-25, 10:53



MADEWITHROBOTS wrote:Hmmm.....I'd never played a CS game before, so I was keen to try it out and have played the trial.

I never play with aim assist anyway (provided there's an option to turn it off), so adjusted quickly to the controls and did just fine - but the whole thing just feels really archaic to me.

I still had some fun, and would have liked to have played past the 45min trial period, but I think it's a little overpriced at 1200msp (which seems to be the new standard for Arcade these days) and with Fall Of Cybertron just arriving, as well as Armored Kill and Halo 4 in the wings.....I just don't think CS would be worth my money as I can't see myself playing over those.

It seems, from forums I've read, that most of the people loving this are those who are already invested in CS - and personally I don't really see what the fuss is about.

Like I said, I had fun, but it does feel aged to me. I've always found Valve to be just a bit overrated, and this seems like a very lazy job to me.

I think that, at this point, Tactical Intervention looks a lot more interesting - and at least it's trying to bring something new to the party:

*raises flame shield*

You... you son of a bitch...

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