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Guess whos the genius who stabbed himself in the calf with a Scimitar?!?

Gary Effin' Oak.
Patrick Star
The Adli Corporation
Dropped Da Soap
12 posters

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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap



Might actually go in....

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Guess whos the genius who stabbed himself in the calf with a Scimitar?!? IjTzlSWwyEy_X0_w1FrfbQ2

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Guess whos the genius who stabbed himself in the calf with a Scimitar?!? Tumblr_lge3e6ceHX1qanb21o1_500



good fucking job.


Guess whos the genius who stabbed himself in the calf with a Scimitar?!? 5TKih

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Guess whos the genius who stabbed himself in the calf with a Scimitar?!? 0Z24TF72-kC7rq3GZvNSMw2

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

Guess who hit himself in the face with a flai- oh wait, that was you too.


I want to know what motions followed before the calf stab.



Well how the hell did you manage that?

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I was sneaking up behind a friend with it, intending to scare him. And I was holding it by the handle with the blade pointed at the floor.
Accidentally lifted my leg an inch or two too high and it pierced my calf.

The tip went in almost 1/4 of an inch. Bled for like 20 minutes, and was literally just bleeding. Like dripping. Hurts to put any pressure on it and the muscle is kinda....twitchy.

But so far the pain has died down majorly, bleeding stopped and there was no swelling. And I didn't even take any pain meds, so I aint gonna go get it looked at.




blade pointed at the floor

Fucking idiot.



This is Frost from the future

This moment made such a huge impact on my life

I raised three generations of genetically altered Labradors

This puppy from the Fourth generation was the first one able to successfully copy my facial expression

I invented a time machine it took me 80 years and im nearing the end of my life but here is a picture of that puppy





oh my god, that's just hilarious. I can't believe you did that. In 5.5 years of sword ownership, I've never stabbed myself once. You sir, are just ridiculous.



We should give Soap a gun



and then video what happens

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Well it wasn;t completely my friend turned around sooner then I expected.

But whatevs....I have an insanely high threshold for pain.



Ok, just a little swordsman tip:

don't try to scare people with swords. seriously, it's just not a good idea. even with really exquisite self control, accidents happen. this time, you only hurt yourself, which is better than hurting another.



Be an Hero Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap


And Pariah this was the friend that caused me to bash my face in with my flail.

Really wasn't intending to scare him either, just pull it out and make him jump then show it to him. Wasn't gonna swing it at him or anyhting, just pull it out from behind me.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Also, I should be thankful it wasn't my Rapier that I did that with. I would be going to the hospital. Especially since I sharpend the damn thing so much yesterday.

Damn thing is fucking sharp right now. If I did it with that one, I might not be walking.



Reminds me of a time my cousin was being stupid with a katana. He was acting like he was cutting me up or something like we were playing god damned bushido blade. I grabbed the blade and told him to put it away. He looked me in the eyes, yanked it out of my hand, and sliced through my fingers nearly to the bone. Poured some alcohol over it (horrible fucking idea) and taped up my hand. No stitches. The scars healed pretty well actually. Barely noticeable.



I grabbed the blade

I don't even.



MEGA MILK wrote:
I grabbed the blade

I don't even.

Obviously the start of Soaps kinky erotic novella

Blade is a euphemism

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Sounds like a fun time Soap. Next time record it. In the mean time, be a man and walk it off. Cut my achilles tendon years ago while drinking. Cut a red towel into some strips and that was my bandage. Don't need no doctor, even if there is still a piece of glass in there.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

How did you manage that Kalei?

ALso, I have managed to actually stab myself before though, like horribly.
There was a barbeque at a friends house. My mom was in the kitchen washing the dishes before we eat. She told me to take this steak knife or some kind of knife(cant remember what it was, I was 8)to my Uncle outside who was on the barbeque.

She showed me how to hold it to where I couldn't possibly hurt myself, and made sure to tell me not to run.
I said okay, grabbed it walked outside the house and my Uncle's Labrador ran out the door behind me and tripped me.

I fell and the blade stabbed me right above the hip and impaled by amlost an inch.
Best 4th of July ever.
I also think that was the day that started my love of knives.

Last edited by Kurz on 2012-08-27, 10:40; edited 2 times in total



I don't think you should own any weapons.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Bla125 wrote:I don't think you should own any weapons.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Thats what my mom says too.

But im 19 she cant say shit and stop me! HAHAHAHAH


MEGA MILK wrote:
I grabbed the blade

I don't even.

He mastered Blade Grasp.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I managed to do that when I decided it was a fun time to kick through a window. When my foot went through the glass, my leg dropped down and the window got it's revenge. Once I felt it cut though, my natural reaction was to just pull it away. A piece of glass came with it.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Why would you kick a window?



Why wouldnt you kick a window?



Kurz wrote:Why would you kick a window?

It slept with his girlfriend

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Girlfriend.... Really Frost?! Anyway, I kicked the window after I punched the light.

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