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ANet GW2 Ban Thread (Reddit)

HydrasBreath ♜
The Adli Corporation
6 posters

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1ANet GW2 Ban Thread (Reddit) Empty ANet GW2 Ban Thread (Reddit) 2012-08-30, 08:28

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

LMAO. people are playing innocent and ANet just grab the chat logs and post them to Reddit XD

[–]NeurologicalDisorder 125 points 2 days ago
i would LOVE to re-read what 'Neurologic' was banned for. after that suspension's over i'mma drop some money into gems for more bankspace, because i had bank issued at bloody level 8 already Razz

[–]ArenaNetSupportTeam[S] 565 points 2 days ago
Name: OK Chat: Not ok -- Neurologic: "the worm IS fucking hard if you're a fucking mentalpatient no we fucking dont you can take a keep with 5 people if you're not a fucking dickhead"


The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

[–]gamer_vice 12 points 2 days ago
I would like to know why my account was blocked. IGN: Vice

[–]ArenaNetSupportTeam[S] 93 points 2 days ago
Name: OK Chat -- not OK: "shut the fuck up with non-english, geez >.<"

these are too funny Very Happy

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

[–]Norlamin 3 points 1 day ago
I'm posting this again because my question wasn't answered earlier.
I was blocked yesterday, and I don't know why. I got off, went to work, came home and was blocked. I have no problem with being blocked if I knew I did something wrong/said something, the problem is, I can't recall anything that would've got me banned. Could I get a response as to why I was blocked?
In-game Name: Nessera Account Name: Norlamin.6471

[–]ArenaNetSupportTeam[S] 9 points 1 day ago
Name: OK Chat: Not ok -- "Map I jerk off to transgenders, but you don't see me telling others about it. Oh, woops. KILL THYSELVES, SCOURGE OF THE WHITE MEN! REPENT AGAINST YOUR SINS!"


HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

They're using the banhammer because people are being dicks? haha that's pretty funny.



And said people are claiming they are "innocent." This is fucking magnificent, thank you for posting it Adli. Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

This is kind of a weird situation. If every game banned players for foul language how many gamers would there really be? Not very many is the answer.

still, pretty funny

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

swearing or insulting others/rude names get a 72-hour suspension and a forced name-change.

racism/hate speech and gold-selling get bans.



Oh wow, a company that actually enforces their in game censorship. Pretty nice if you ask me.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Pariah wrote:Oh wow, a company that actually enforces their in game censorship. Pretty nice if you ask me.

yeah I agree. It's a refreshing change of pace. I think it's good that people that constantly talk trash/grief and spout insults/slurs get taught a lesson.

If you act like a douche canoe then you don't get to play games.


What if you're jokeing with friends though? Seems like it could be more harm than good.



chunckylover53 wrote:What if you're jokeing with friends though? Seems like it could be more harm than good.

You shouldn't be "joking" with friends in public chat. Use guild chat/PMs/party chat for that.


Oh ok if it's just public it makes more sense.

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