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So I can't download big files....

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Anyone know what could be causing this?

My downloads just stop at random points and say they're complete. But it's really just a corrupted incomplete file.

It's getting annoying as shit... I've been trying to download the same file for the past 3 days...



VERY unlikely, but is your harddrive formatted in FAT32 by any chance?

Your connection might be unstable, so maybe it could be causing it as well.

What kind of download are you talking about anyway?



I don't think my harddrive is in FAT32, don't know why it would be. Don't know how to check though. Plus I can download big files with torrents, just not via browser.

The thing is it was like this back when I had my computer at my brothers house. Different ISP, different router, and a different wifi adapter. Plus, if I'm downloading two files at once, one will just stop and say completed while the other one goes on.

Just trying to download a couple albums right now, zip and rar files. But I remember having the same problem downloading Heaven as well which I ended up having to torrent. Unfortunately these don't have torrents available...



Jar, thats just something to do with your connection, server condition, or your internet setting. Not your HDD format.

Actually its mostly server instability that causes this (the server that holds this file).

If you want to check your HDD format,
1. Right click on C: (or whatever your main drive is)
2. Properties
3. Check File System. (should list NTFS most likely, if not.... wth....)



Yeah it's NTFS.

I would think it was the file server but it's been like this for 3 different files on 3 different servers. Too much different scenarios for it to be anything other than my computer... And like I said if the connection was getting disrupted it would stop all of my downloads, and give an error, not just mark one as complete I would think.

I'm wondering if it's possible for Steam to interfere with this.. that was pretty much the only program I had installed when I first started having this problem. Maybe I should ask the guys at eCollegePC if they did anything weird.



What are the file sizes, and the servers that its downloading from?

If you know the actual servers, maybe you can do ping testing.



Bandcamp, rapidshare, and like 5 or 6 different servers when I was trying to download 3DMark 11. File sizes were different, around 250MB, one that's 140MB. But I've gotten the 240MB one past 140MB, it's actually 72% complete now.




Your Anti-Virus or Firewall can be a problem.

Don't think you are downloading legitimate copy (judging from the site names), and your AV program can flag these files as dangerous and stops them automatically. Especially if the AV uses online database that pulls file information from the pool.



Most files actually are legit, and I was having the problem before installing any AV.

Do you think it is a possibility that it's Steam causing the problem? I actually just finished a 241MB file and 140MB file(which ended up being wrong format...) after stopping steam.... I'm gonna start shutting down steam before I do big downloads and see if the problem continues.



It might help. But I doubt it will have much impact.

BTW, seems like there is something wrong with either international line or just US lines.

I am having difficulty downloading banking documents for work, located in American servers.



It must be terrorists.

Damn terrorists trying to stop me from getting my music.



Mmm. I had this kind of trouble when I was a


but that was because the vanilla downloaders on IE and FF both had trouble downloading the whole thing.

I used an independant download manager that downloads chunk by chunk.

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