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S3 vs Iphone 5

The Adli Corporation
10 posters

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1S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-16, 15:59



S3 vs Iphone 5 Samsungad

2S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-16, 16:04



Pretty bad ad on Samsung's part

But it is pretty telling

3S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-16, 16:50



Apple seems pretty screwed. Time will tell.

4S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-16, 16:53



I think its bad ass the phone has picture in picture

5S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-16, 17:06


It's a neat feature i don't really use it though.

6S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-16, 17:06



Yea its uses would be limited for me too

But its still a cool ass feature in a phone, like you said,

7S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-16, 17:53



I love my 4S. Their is nothing special about the Iphone 5. The only thing i wan't from 5 would be 1080p and the better camera. I wouldn't use hardly anything from both phones. Most people that i encounter that hate Iphones. Its because they don't know how to operate it or to stupid to even have a phone. It is usually human error for everything in general really.

8S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-16, 17:56



Most people I know that dont like Iphones, dont like them because Apple is horrible. Not user error.....

Plus most people have an Iphone because its "cool"

True story

9S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-16, 18:04



Most people that complain for me. Is it's because its slow. It is because they think it has unlimited space and ram. They never close their apps or watch how much space they have left. I will close their apps and they are like " what did you do?"! Haha

It just depends on what everyone wants to use their phone for really. I like Apple because it is very stable. Everything else is just now catching up with Apple. Its like sony catching up with today's modern technology. Haha

10S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-16, 18:54

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

S3 vs Iphone 5 T2XYmU_RAU-cOxUbh7grsQ2

11S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-16, 21:08



I have an iPhone 4S, I don't use it like a flaming retard, and I'm perfectly happy with it. It might not be the best thing in the world, but it's reliable as hell, it works exactly as it should, and in general is a really nice machine.

Also, that ad lies. My dad constantly complains about his S3 dying, it drains battery like a motherfucker.

12S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-16, 22:29



The two are fairly comprable. I wouldnt say one is better than the other one paper, the ad just goes into more detail about the S3 then it does about the iPhone. Pretty much a question of which OS style you like more.

But, these days, phones are like political parties so most people dont see it like that.

13S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-17, 04:23



Yea, i agree with Pariah and Zillah. I don't use mine for anything special. Hell, work pays for my bill. But, i asure you that the their is nothing special about the Iphone5. Its just a way to get more money. Seeing as now the iphone5 has a different charger. I would have to buy chargers for my room, car, travel and everything all over again.

14S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-17, 04:51



Hold on, it changed the charger, as in the USB connecting slot?

15S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-17, 09:21


StormEye wrote:Hold on, it changed the charger, as in the USB connecting slot?
Yeah its been talked about a lot on the news and such.

16S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-17, 10:05

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Pariah wrote: Also, that ad lies. My dad constantly complains about his S3 dying, it drains battery like a motherfucker.

Yeah I don't know how you'd get 790 hours out of a charge. I essentially have to charge mine everyday. With moderate use I get ~36 hours out of a charge. So If I don't want it to die in the middle of the 2nd day I just charge it everyday. Not that big a deal since I just do it while I'm sleeping.

I could get 2 days out of it with very light use. But yeah the S3 eats battery for lunch.

17S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-17, 11:19



soap posted a big video series about how android is better os than ios. it was pretty convincing.

18S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-17, 13:48



good nytimes article deatiling the progress of smartphones

19S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-17, 18:29



"Shake to update"... Hmm A- No. Suspect

20S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-17, 18:36

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Grey wrote:"Shake to update"... Hmm A- No. Suspect

haha yeah I think it's dumb too so I leave that turned off.

21S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-17, 18:39


Zillah wrote:good nytimes article deatiling the progress of smartphones

Fuel cell technology sounds interesting..

22S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-17, 22:05



chunckylover53 wrote:
StormEye wrote:Hold on, it changed the charger, as in the USB connecting slot?
Yeah its been talked about a lot on the news and such.

Darn it, I just got a new car that has Apple USB connector just a few months ago...

I guess I will have to go to Benz and see if they will support new thing.

23S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-17, 22:09


They said they will be selling an adaptor.

24S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-17, 22:12



chunckylover53 wrote:They said they will be selling an adaptor.

Well, thats not bad I guess. But I would rather have a non-adapter version for "clean" look, if I can get it to be that way.

25S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-17, 22:14


Don't worry storm the ladies will already be impressed by the car...

26S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-18, 00:08



Storm drives a benz?


< Drives a Chevy pick up oh yea

27S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-18, 00:12


He lives in Hong Kong doesn't he? You either drive a Benz/BMW/Rolls or you can't afford a car.

28S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-18, 00:15

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

< does not own any type of motor vehicle.

feels bad man.

29S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-18, 00:17



But how you gonna pick up them ladies?

30S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-18, 00:21

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

it's cool they can sit on the handlebars on my bike Razz

31S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-18, 00:22



Well there you go

32S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-18, 01:50



Parking fee is ridiculous over here.

I pay about $500 for my apartment parking, per month, about the same for the office parking, and on average parking is $10 per hour.

Not to mention that some areas are very hard access using cars, so in many cases public transportation is favoured. Even if the place is accessible, the parking can become a problem, as its a small place and space needs to be used to build something more useful than parking lots.

33S3 vs Iphone 5 Empty Re: S3 vs Iphone 5 2012-09-18, 21:35



It would've been better if they left out all their throw-ins like Smart Stay and just showed off the GS3 as a more powerful phone in pretty much every way. Listing all of their little features that nobody really cares about is pretty weak when Apple could do just the same.

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