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iphone 5 revealed

Dropped Da Soap
13 posters

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1iphone 5 revealed Empty iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-12, 18:26



you have google. i trust in you.

2iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-12, 18:32

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

3iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-12, 18:34



the only thing that has me interested is the new battery system. Apparently it's supposed to be 225 hours of standby, but in the grand tradition of Apple products it'll likely be smaller.

4iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-12, 18:35



I hadnt already gotten a galaxy nexus and I wasnt afraid that google was about to cockslap apple i might consider getting one. Small screen and lack of 4G were the only down sides to getting one before.

5iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-12, 19:07



I'm pretty disappointed with today's announcements. I think Apple really needed to announce a killer feature today that would definitely put it ahead of top Android phones, but instead they only played catch-up on screen size and 4G.
The announcement I'm actually most pleased by is the redesign of the iPod nano. The previous square versions were just a touch-screen iPod shuffle. Good job on returning the nano to what it should be, Apple.

6iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-12, 19:18



imo iphones are better put together and a lot more aesthetically pleasing than most android phones. Now that the iphone 5 is on the same technological level as android it seems like a pretty good contender. I mean i dont get that much utility out of having diamond cut aluminum around my pocket computer but damn if it isnt cool and if its around the same price why not?

7iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-12, 19:24


Duck wrote:imo iphones are better put together and a lot more aesthetically pleasing than most android phones. Now that the iphone 5 is on the same technological level as android it seems like a pretty good contender. I mean i dont get that much utility out of having diamond cut aluminum around my pocket computer but damn if it isnt cool and if its around the same price why not?

Have you seen what happens when you drop one? It's nice but.. I rather have a cheaper more durable outside so it can atleast withstand impact if it does happen.

It's more of a "ohhh look how pretty" than logical.

8iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-12, 19:30



chunckylover53 wrote:
Have you seen what happens when you drop one? It's nice but.. I rather have a cheaper more durable outside so it can atleast withstand impact if it does happen.

It's more of a "ohhh look how pretty" than logical.

I had an iPhone 3GS. I dropped it down two floors worth of concrete stairs.

It got a crack in the docking area, and that was it.

And I'll agree, Androids look a lot less interesting to me aesthetically, but they're probably more durable. I don't know why, but they just feel alien to me. I can't find it in me to like them, and I've tried.

9iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-12, 19:31



I cant stand Apple aesthetics

10iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-12, 19:41



The iphone 3G and 3gs were super durable, the new Iphone 4 design is much more fragile. Frankly, i think both the iphone and android models have screens that break way too easily. I see more phones with broken screens than intact screens for each type.

Shaymojack wrote:I'm pretty disappointed with today's announcements. I think Apple really needed to announce a killer feature today that would definitely put it ahead of top Android phones, but instead they only played catch-up on screen size and 4G.

I think Jobs were still around he would have pushed the envelope a bit more and added NFC technology or something else more revolutionary

11iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-12, 19:41

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I dropped an itouch off my chair once, damn screen shattered so bad.

Dropped my Classic numerous times on Concrete, thrown it out of my pocket at times, things barely bent out of shape..

12iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 00:12



Zillah wrote:I see more phones with broken screens than intact screens for each type.

I think it's more so that the average person you see with a busted one is an idiot.

13iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 00:16



iPhone's largest source of revenue is blind brand loyalty.

They can release iPhone3 with 5 label and still make money.

14iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 14:57



15iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 16:24



Shinma wrote:

God damn genious

16iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 16:42



iPhone 5 disappoints me. It honestly looks like a ripoff of the Samsung Galaxy 3S. The only parts that interest me are the LTE capability and the new processor. Otherwise, waste of money.

17iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 16:43



Every version is just very marginal upgrades anyways

18iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 17:00


Sym wrote:
Shinma wrote:

God damn genious

Oh god if that's real... lol.

19iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 17:10



Apple people lmao

20iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 17:37



they cant be real apple fanboys. everyone knew the iphone 5 was gonna have a bigger screen. Most of those people probably had the 3gs or something and the 4s actually WAS an improvement. Im sure the video is leaving out plenty of people who were like "no this is definitely a 4S".

21iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 18:00



Duck wrote:they cant be real apple fanboys. everyone knew the iphone 5 was gonna have a bigger screen. Most of those people probably had the 3gs or something and the 4s actually WAS an improvement. Im sure the video is leaving out plenty of people who were like "no this is definitely a 4S".

Thanks for ruining my fun!

22iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 21:43



i had to think of that as self defense after i saw all the "lol americuh is dumb" comments

23iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 21:51

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

But AmeriCUH is dumb....seriously....

24iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 21:57



Everyone knows stupidity is exclusive to the US.

25iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 22:00



America invented stupid, fuck yeah.

26iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 22:05



Ante wrote:Everyone knows stupidity is exclusive to the US.


27iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 22:52



Sym wrote:Apple people lmao

You could make that same video with virtually any product.

28iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 22:56


Zillah wrote:
Sym wrote:Apple people lmao

You could make that same video with virtually any product.

shut up apple eater.

29iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 23:00



I ate an apple this morning...

30iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 23:04



Zillah wrote:
Sym wrote:Apple people lmao

You could make that same video with virtually any product.

Ive never seen such a blind fan base than Apple fans. Most of them just buy it for the name.

31iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 23:09



Many of those Apple fans (maybe its Asia only) are actually not Apple fans at all.

They are Jobs fans.

Heck its a form of religion, but in this case it has very little positive aspects of what actual religions are supposed to have.

Many true Apple fans (the ones that had been using Apple products from its early days) don't even like current Apple practices, and Jobs especially.

32iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 23:16



StormEye wrote:Many of those Apple fans (maybe its Asia only) are actually not Apple fans at all.

They are Jobs fans.

Heck its a form of religion, but in this case it has very little positive aspects of what actual religions are supposed to have.

Many true Apple fans (the ones that had been using Apple products from its early days) don't even like current Apple practices, and Jobs especially.

Not like that in America at all.

I wish.....

I worked in the cell industry for years and it was amazing .

33iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 23:16



Sym wrote:
Zillah wrote:
Sym wrote:Apple people lmao

You could make that same video with virtually any product.

Ive never seen such a blind fan base than Apple fans. Most of them just buy it for the name.

From now on, we refer to this as Call of Duty syndrome.

34iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 23:20



Its how it is. I was required to ask people why they chose they phone they did, and suffice it to say, the results were not pretty.

And from my experience in college people are the same way with mac books and ipads.

35iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-13, 23:25



Sym wrote:And from my experience in college people are the same way with mac books and ipads.

This I have seen.

Its probably Highschool mind that they brought to college and university, where they are the "cool" people when they use Apple products, and others are "losers" not using the "cool" product...

At the time, though, there was no iPad, so it was Mac laptops that were used for "show-off" (of their dumbness).

I could understand some of them actually needed those for their work, but most of them were flippin ENGLISH MAJORS who had ABSOLUTELY no idea of how to use their machine.

Heck, many of them just installed and used Windows mostly...

36iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-14, 02:22



37iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-14, 03:05



iphone 5 revealed 429823_196344807165462_1337338646_n

38iphone 5 revealed Empty Re: iphone 5 revealed 2012-09-14, 06:55



Ha! I will keep my Iphone 4S. Their is little difference from the 4S and 5. Only thing i want from the 5 is the better camera and ability to record video's in 1080.

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