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Canada, Third World Country.

HydrasBreath ♜
The Adli Corporation
Epyk MD
8 posters

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1Canada, Third World Country. Empty Canada, Third World Country. 2012-09-17, 11:52

Epyk MD

Epyk MD



Yup overcharged is true...except for my new internet its pretty fair. 49.99 for 35mb/s down and up to 4mb/s up. (I mean MB). But I split with roommate so its a bit cheaper..

EDIT: 300gb cap too...with a .15 cent charge per gb I think (or .50 cent)

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

unlimited broadband over here. streaming dat 1080p youtubes!

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah I have fiber optic internet...there's no cap that I'm aware of. 15 Mbits up and down. (that's the cheapest/lowest tier plan)



for an extra 30 a month we can get unlimited...but meh



Free health-care, or awesome internet.

Take your pick Canada/America.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Pariah wrote:Free health-care, or awesome internet.

Take your pick Canada/America.

If there's fiber optic available in your area you can have both in Canada.

I think the top tier fiber-op is 70Mbits up and down. Which is pretty crazy.



Yea but how much do you pay for that FO?

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:Yea but how much do you pay for that FO?

For the highest plan? hmm...ok just checked apparently it's 80Mbits for 69.95$. The plan we have is 29.95$. And apparently it's 20Mbits not 15. Could have sworn it was 15 when they installed it though. scratch meh.

There's also a 50Mbit plan for 49.95$.



30 bucks for 20Mbits? That's good as shit, I pay $20 for 3.



Pariah wrote:Free health-care, or awesome internet.

Take your pick Canada/America.

I'd take free health care any day.....I think it should be like canada and how I heard most of europe is, it should be a basic human right...but I guess that's another discussion for another day, but fuck it sec is all about the off topic Razz

Maybe it's just my rinky dink ass town, but even at the ER hospital here if somebody had rotten teeth/abcess they won't pull them,you have to pay out the ass for a dentist.

I heard in some large cities hospitals will pull teeth....I'll have to move there >__>

if dentists would do payment plans that would be nice too... but I guess that's murica, if you're poor nobody cares about you and you should just die they think from poor dental health

thought about moving close to London before w/this chick, then been thinking about Canada lately. It would be better than this redneck desert wasteland swamp I'm in now

ooh and also Russian SKS rifles are $200 brand new in Canada by the crate Very Happy fuck you cheesy US import regulations Very Happy

for 10mb shitty windjammer internet it's like 57bucks a month here including tax. 10mb , then 1.5mb upload. I never have any lag problems even using my xbox on wifi with my bro online and me online as well

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Chewy wrote:30 bucks for 20Mbits? That's good as shit, I pay $20 for 3.

Yeah it's definitely nice. It's not available everywhere though.



I'll take my Healthcare, thanks!

Whatever I have now for internet is really all I need, I have a bundle deal with Shaw Cable and it's $80/month for "high speed" (no idea mb and shit) and I get all the HD channels, movie channels and most of the basic sandvision channels. I'm trying to convince the wife to remove cable altogether and just have internet cause we've been using Netflix on the Xbox for a couple months now.

But that was before NFL started... I'll wait till the season is over Smile

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Crombie wrote:I'll take my Healthcare, thanks!

Whatever I have now for internet is really all I need, I have a bundle deal with Shaw Cable and it's $80/month for "high speed" (no idea mb and shit) and I get all the HD channels, movie channels and most of the basic sandvision channels. I'm trying to convince the wife to remove cable altogether and just have internet cause we've been using Netflix on the Xbox for a couple months now.

But that was before NFL started... I'll wait till the season is over Smile

Yeah I haven't watched cable TV in years probably. If there's anything I want to watch I just download it.

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