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(BL2) Some Q's about gun scaling and leveling

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Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Alright I have my Gunzerker who is level 15. I have played almost exclusive 4 player co-op with him and I have played a total of 14 hours. Then I have my Siren who is now level 11, I have only played single player with her and I have only played 4 hours.

Do you get less exp during co-op or something? I know having multiple people can waste some time but 10 hours for the next 4 levels?

Also, my guns with Maya are much better than Salvador. with Maya I have a sniper rifle that does 124 per shot with a 10 round clip and an AR that does very similar damage with a smaller clip. On Salvador I have two similar guns that either do the same or less, despite being higher leveled and playing with multiple friends.

Do you guys think this is just coincidental? Or does having multiple players not make that big of a difference as far as loot scaling?




The game scales when you have 4 people in

So you should get better drops when in co op

AND the XP is the same. You get the same amount in SP or co op. Positive.



There's a noticeable amount more green and above loot when playing co-op, especially with 4 people.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

All my friends must be stealing the good loot then because Salvador sure isn't getting it lol.



all the time's I've played the game in co op I've found nothing but junk,but low and behold,when I played solo last night I found lots of good stuff

try and play the slots too in town man,they have better stuff than most stores lol



Lucky wrote:All my friends must be stealing the good loot then because Salvador sure isn't getting it lol.


*Jumps out window*

Very Happy

Nah but I usually try to give you guys good stuff

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Its just odd, is all. I have found plenty of blue guns with salvador. But the two I have with Maya are just a bit better. NTM I got an explosive pistol at level 5 with maya, that I was using when I was level 12 with Salvador >_>



I use Assault rifles so you can have my Hand me downs Very Happy

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I use whatever is handy. I like to keep an AR, Pistol, Shotgun, and maybe an SMG on me whenever I can help it so I don't have to worry about ammo

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