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Dynamic Level Scaling (GW2)

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1Dynamic Level Scaling (GW2) Empty Dynamic Level Scaling (GW2) 2012-09-08, 18:44

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Dynamic Level Scaling (GW2) 2QRHV

*golf clap*




Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

So....what it spawned more mobs because your a higher level or what?



I hate games that scale Mob size with level

Fucking Warband does that

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I think it's more along the lines that they scale YOU down if you're too high of a level so you can't just own everything in your path.

It's a system that I actually really like, you constantly feel like you're making progress, even if you're say level 50 and are helping a friend quest in a lvl 5 area.



Ill be on later



i'm playing on my sylvara thief

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Artimise Flare wrote:So....what it spawned more mobs because your a higher level or what?

look at the levels.

a level 43 player has been scaled down to level 37... to fight level 42 mobs.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Artimise Flare wrote:I think it's more along the lines that they scale YOU down if you're too high of a level so you can't just own everything in your path.

It's a system that I actually really like, you constantly feel like you're making progress, even if you're say level 50 and are helping a friend quest in a lvl 5 area.

this is exactly right. it makes you weaker, so that the content is still enjoyable for you and others. i like it, but in this case it leveled the player down too far and got him killed.

i went and helped Duan with one of his story missions as a level 75 Ranger, and it scaled me down to level 14 so i didn't just roflstomp everything in one hit.

i still roflstomped everything due to traits and experience, just not in one hit. i had to move around and pay attention since all my stats were equivalent to a level 14 Razz

10Dynamic Level Scaling (GW2) Empty Re: Dynamic Level Scaling (GW2) 2012-09-08, 21:17



This is great. Ante joined me last week and it scaled him down so out content was enjoyable for both of us.

11Dynamic Level Scaling (GW2) Empty Re: Dynamic Level Scaling (GW2) 2012-09-09, 08:17

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Sym wrote:This is great. Ante joined me last week and it scaled him down so out content was enjoyable for both of us.

its the only way to make dungeons and dynamic events valid. if i could go into Ascalon Catacombs as level 78 Ranger then i could Solo the entire dungeon over and over Razz

12Dynamic Level Scaling (GW2) Empty Re: Dynamic Level Scaling (GW2) 2012-09-09, 09:17

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

its a smart move really, makes the content last longer and gives you a reason to go back and revisit old dungeons imo.

13Dynamic Level Scaling (GW2) Empty Re: Dynamic Level Scaling (GW2) 2012-09-09, 11:37

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i've only done one dungeon Razz hopefully we can group together and do Ascalon Catacombs together some time. maybe get Art in if the guesting system is good Smile

14Dynamic Level Scaling (GW2) Empty Re: Dynamic Level Scaling (GW2) 2012-09-09, 14:22



Ill be playing this game alot today

15Dynamic Level Scaling (GW2) Empty Re: Dynamic Level Scaling (GW2) 2012-09-09, 17:41



i will hopefully be playing a lot, but i still just need levels

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