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new stupid quotes

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1new stupid quotes Empty new stupid quotes 2012-09-22, 00:52



My new favorite!

Me: What kind of sammich would you like?

Customer: I don't understand. (stupid look, head scratch)

I swear for a week, at least one person a day wouldn't understand what I meant when I asked them what kind of sandwich they wanted. It was horrible. I didn't know how I could make it simpler. I felt bad for this one girl's dad. He looked soooo disappointed. It took both of us a couple minutes before she got the question. ><


How much is a five dollar foot long?

I wonder that myself sometimes...

Are you open?
Ummm. Letsee, lights on, door unlocked... OPEN SIGN! Why no, we're closed. ><

Will toasting my sandwich add calories?
I almost laughed. I might have laughed. She had to have been on something cause that lady couldn't stand or talk straight.

Annnd, that's all my headache will allow me to remember right now. So I shall end my weekly spam session.

2new stupid quotes Empty Re: new stupid quotes 2012-09-22, 00:56



It is funny to read this since I had this problem when I worked at McDonalds years ago...people sometimes dont understand the simplest things....also I saw this a while ago when getting a sub....some people need a better education.

3new stupid quotes Empty Re: new stupid quotes 2012-09-22, 01:01



sheep wrote:My new favorite!

Me: What kind of sammich would you like?

Customer: I don't understand. (stupid look, head scratch)

I remember back in high school a friend of mine asked the lunch lady "What's a sandwich?" when she asked that. I don't think we ever stopped mocking her for it. If I run into her again I will continue to do so.

4new stupid quotes Empty Re: new stupid quotes 2012-09-22, 04:01



people are idiots....nice to see it's not just limited to my redneck wasteland black hole town lol

5new stupid quotes Empty Re: new stupid quotes 2012-09-22, 07:09



One time this friend of mine turned down skinny dipping with girls

I mock him about it every chance I get Very Happy


Maoris tried to claim ownership of the wind you cant get dumber than that

6new stupid quotes Empty Re: new stupid quotes 2012-09-22, 11:27


We're now required to ask what kind of gas people want and for some reason they act like i am asking for their SSI

Me: How can i help you?

Her: I want $10 worth of gas on pump 4

Me: Ok what kind of gas

Her: What???

Me: What kind of gas

Her: Why do you have to know this? she laughs like an idiot

Me: I just give her a cold stare and say, that's going to be regular right?

Her: yeah

I don't understand why people get so offended, it's usually the people who hardly buy any.

7new stupid quotes Empty Re: new stupid quotes 2012-09-22, 11:31

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

me: there are laptops with fingerprint scanners in them nowadays
mum: 'dont the new Apples scan your eyes?'
me: err, no.
mum: 'yeah, they have the retina laptops with the retinal scanners'
me: no... retina displays just have more pixels than most screens...

yes, my mother thought Mac Book Pro's scanned your retina before allowing you to use them XD

8new stupid quotes Empty Re: new stupid quotes 2012-09-22, 11:36


The Adli Corporation wrote:me: there are laptops with fingerprint scanners in them nowadays
mum: 'dont the new Apples scan your eyes?'
me: err, no.
mum: 'yeah, they have the retina laptops with the retinal scanners'
me: no... retina displays just have more pixels than most screens...

yes, my mother thought Mac Book Pro's scanned your retina before allowing you to use them XD

Ha, that's awesome.

9new stupid quotes Empty Re: new stupid quotes 2012-09-22, 12:10



Oh humanity, you never cease to disappoint.

10new stupid quotes Empty Re: new stupid quotes 2012-09-24, 17:02



Yesss. People are brilliant! And apparently think we Subways bitches have hive mind and that I'll know everything they told someone else. Really been wanting to tell people we're not Borg. But they probably wouldn't understand. Sad

Haha. Mom's are fun too. Mine didn't know what a birthday suit was. She thought it was very sweet that her friends husband had a special suit he wore just for her birthday. ><

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