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Game Freeze

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1Game Freeze Empty Game Freeze 2012-09-24, 16:54

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Anyone else have problems with BL2 freezing on them? My friend plays from his flash drive (both at home and work). Yesterday he said he was creating a new character and once he hit 11, the game started freezing on him. I didn't have any problems, but today at work, the game kept freezing on us both while trying to play split screen.

2Game Freeze Empty Re: Game Freeze 2012-09-24, 17:17

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Thats why you were spamming me with annoying KALEI IS ONLINE and KALEI IS PLAYING BORDERLANDS 2

I was sitting there going " damn you, fuck you with a spike.

3Game Freeze Empty Re: Game Freeze 2012-09-24, 17:19



I heard some people saying they were freezing on gfaqs,but I haven't had any problems freezing. Then again I have it installed to my actual HDD and not a flash drive

maybe try uninstalling it and seeing if it still freezes.It might be a faulty flash drive,or might have corrupted something somewhere along the line when it was installed

is it a good name brand flash drive or just a cheapo no-name one?Flash drives can vary greatly in speeds. Corsair or Sandisk are pretty good. I heard the sony ones are too but kinda pricy

4Game Freeze Empty Re: Game Freeze 2012-09-24, 17:29

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I didn't install it and it has never frozen on me. My friends controller wouldn't stop rumbling yesterday but it never stopped playing.

5Game Freeze Empty Re: Game Freeze 2012-09-24, 17:36



I heard on gfaqs if you tip Moxxi she gives you a gun that's slyly referenced as her sex toy,it makes your controller vibrate with it equipped lol

6Game Freeze Empty Re: Game Freeze 2012-09-24, 17:57

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

It's a good flash drive. The game isn't installed on it, just save files. I have yet to install the game on my hard drive too. I'll try Gearbox forums and see what others have come up with.

7Game Freeze Empty Re: Game Freeze 2012-09-24, 19:11



I play it off the disk, not a single crash, freeze, glitch or bug so far.

JrTapia1991 wrote:I heard on gfaqs if you tip Moxxi she gives you a gun that's slyly referenced as her sex toy,it makes your controller vibrate with it equipped lol

tip her 15k, she gives you Miss Moxxi's Good Touch. It's a vibrating SMG, but the Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch is better.

8Game Freeze Empty Re: Game Freeze 2012-09-24, 19:17



on mine moxxi's good touch is lvl 30 flame smg, 70%+ crit.hit damage,478 flame dam. per sec. chance to ignite 15%

dam: 362
fire rate:8


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