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DICE can just fuck right off

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1DICE can just fuck right off Empty DICE can just fuck right off 2012-10-03, 18:03



Perma ban over a color mod? Are you kidding me?

DICE is about this close to losing a customer with all this BF3 bullshit we have dealt with since day 1.



there's gotta be some explanation for this. either that or EA is too blame.



Yea thats what I was hoping.

But it seems people have already been banned for it

Seems like DICE got butthurt that modders improved the visuals



But its not even a mod. Aren't those just the default colors with the DICE color filters turned off? I mean they already made those colors, they can't be mad that someone liked something they had made at some point can they?



You would think

Its actually a mod which just improved the existing assets to make the colors more realistic looking, and not so grey,

I think they actually incorporated new colors, at least thats how I understood the article.



that would make a bit more sense. but seriously i cant imagine why DICE thought bleaching the color out of B2K was a good idea in the first place. trying to compete with fallout 3?



Gotta wonder if its actually EA, or if it is DICE.

Either way I lost alot of respect for them over this. BF2 was built for the modding community pretty much.



Well the official word was that BF3 was way too complicated to mod in any serious extent, something about the lighting engine and stuff.

No one has cracked the game and made their own mod tools yet so im going to assume thats at least partially true.



The colour skin is what originally pissed me off about BF3.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

that is a fucking joke.



I know what you mean....EA ruined em. I only play BF3 now with my friend on the weekend since it's the only game he has haha

EA has ruined alot of companies, Bioware,etc....



dice has been with ea since bf1942



Already expected.

Online FPS games had been banning players for stuff like AA injectors for some time now.

I think its due to the limitations with Anti-Cheat programming that flags these mods as hacks (well they are hacks, just not the auto aim type or anything that dramatically boosts player performance).



StormEye wrote:Already expected.

Online FPS games had been banning players for stuff like AA injectors for some time now.

I think its due to the limitations with Anti-Cheat programming that flags these mods as hacks (well they are hacks, just not the auto aim type or anything that dramatically boosts player performance).

Actually you can still use a FXAA injector and get results sorta similar to this. This will get you banned because it edits the actual game files, which is a big no-no for any online multiplayer game.

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