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[BF4] WHY DICE?!?! WHY?!?!

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1[BF4] WHY DICE?!?! WHY?!?! Empty [BF4] WHY DICE?!?! WHY?!?! 2013-10-29, 20:54

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

The Rex is practically unusable due to its horrific fire rate, it was perfect fine back in BF3 in it's twilight days.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot DICE, why the hell did you nerf the ROF so damn much?!

Seriously, every other semi auto handgun just crap on it, not to mention its horrible moving accuracy, there really isn't any reason to use it from my brief time with it online.

2[BF4] WHY DICE?!?! WHY?!?! Empty Re: [BF4] WHY DICE?!?! WHY?!?! 2013-10-29, 20:56



i need to use it

3[BF4] WHY DICE?!?! WHY?!?! Empty Re: [BF4] WHY DICE?!?! WHY?!?! 2013-10-29, 21:19



Hmm, I will try it out today.

Though, from what I have seen in the SP, I don't think I am going to like it either.

Its in my Recon loadout, in case I need to one shot kill with body shot after I make body shot with BA.

4[BF4] WHY DICE?!?! WHY?!?! Empty Re: [BF4] WHY DICE?!?! WHY?!?! 2013-10-29, 21:23

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I prefer the semi auto's since you typically need to have a fast firing very mobile side arm to stand a chance in those "oh snaps" moments that tend to occur as you're running around as recon.

5[BF4] WHY DICE?!?! WHY?!?! Empty Re: [BF4] WHY DICE?!?! WHY?!?! 2013-10-29, 21:34

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

REX is complete garbage from what I used so far.

6[BF4] WHY DICE?!?! WHY?!?! Empty Re: [BF4] WHY DICE?!?! WHY?!?! 2013-10-29, 21:36


JrTapia1991 greatly saddened me how nerfed it is. The ROF was all it had going for it. Maybe the 44 magnum will be better,but that thing always shot slow

7[BF4] WHY DICE?!?! WHY?!?! Empty Re: [BF4] WHY DICE?!?! WHY?!?! 2013-10-29, 21:42

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

JrTapia1991 greatly saddened me how nerfed it is. The ROF was all it had going for it. Maybe the 44 magnum will be better,but that thing always shot slow
At least with the .44 magnum you had the chance of a OHK on a wounded player. It takes at least 3 shots to kill someone with full health while using the Rex. The time it would take you to get those three shots off, the other guy with the M9 dumped half his/her magazine into you.

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