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Had the trippiest/scariest dream I ever had

HydrasBreath ♜
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Can't remember EVERY detail but it involved me being in a dream inside a dream, coming from the past to warn the future, the grudge/the ring chick coming out opening her mouth making that god damn ticking sound lol... and when she did it made this sound like from the old chainsaw massacre movies like that weird screeching revving up sound

oh and it kinda worked out in the end because I met this hot chick who I saved from the grudge undead zombie bitch haha...

it's kinda spotty, and it even involves BF3(was telling an old 5th grade teacher I'm almost lvl 100 and they wanted to play w/me haha..)

this weird creepy dead space-ish cursed fetus thing that precedes the zombie grudge chick

it was weird how I woke up in the dream inside the dream,after riding on this school bus the 5th grade teacher was driving by the park in my town,I lose my shoe somehow out the bus,I get off to get it,then it like breaks in half and I suddenly have two again......then these like 2-3 pit-bull dogs come up being friendly except the leader looks distorted in the head and talks like how the Hanar jellyfish do in Mass Effect in this weird echo voice.

They keep nudging me and the leader says something about their leader said to wake me up then kept doing like swimming I do the swimming motion then I'm suddenly coughing up water, I had been like drowning in some plastic tub container the grudge zombie bitch put me in I guess >__>

I get out of the tub and I'm at my dad's house(duplex) on the side I used to live on. Somehow a sexy 18-19ish chick lives here now, like one of those hot emo chicks haha.

somewhere along the line I wake up in real life with the grudge chick screeching at me in the dream so I jolted awake

the rest of the dream was kinda a blur, I remember there being a clone of my dad and he was drinking beer with his mexican friends in the front yard, making the hot chick my GF, me finding out I was from 200 years in the past where the usa crumbled from the inside out, then the soviets were primed to control the world, but in the future they still hadn't, so something had happened along the line.

would of made me an interesting novel XD. I hate when you have an interesting ass dream and as soon as you wake up,you forget half of it...

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

damn dude you need to stop smoking crack before bed Razz...that's an extremely messed up dream.



lmao! all I had before bed was one of those bbq sammaches and some nacho cheese doritos Razz



I don't dream too often, but when I do, they're extremely realistic and fucked up if it's a nightmare. I have a couple that have always stuck in my mind.

The first one was pretty recent. I was having this crazy dream where I was switching between perspectives of two room mates. One being a serial child murderer and the other, a paranoid schizophrenic writer. It was long and drawn out, hearing all their thoughts, seeing through their eyes. It was unnerving. And then I kept waking up, going back to sleep, and then resuming the dream. After a while I didn't even want to fall asleep and just laid in the darkness until I couldn't stay awake anymore.

Second one that really stayed with me was a dream where I was at a party in my house. Everyone was having sort of a new years celebration, but we were counting down to the supposed end of the world, being together for our last moments. When the time was coming, we were counting down and when it got to midnight, nothing happened. Everyone was cheering and hugging, celebrating that nothing happened, but I looked out the window and all of a sudden, a huge white flash engulfed everything and it all went silent.

After a few seconds, I was floating in the air and all I could hear was endless screaming and I heard a voice in my head, reading off all my sins and everything I've done wrong. When it was done, everything went black and then I jolted awake and ran to my mom's room. It was a bright, sunny day and she was just laying there. I told her what had happened and broke down, crying. And then that's when I REALLY woke up. I had tears in my eyes. That shit was heavy.



I had a dream last night, though all I remember is that someone said my fingernails looked nice.

I was flattered, to say the least.



Sounds like a bad salvia trip lmao



needs more boobs.



Hmm Last night

Dreamed I got stuck in an Elevator during a Zombie Apocalypse with the cast of How I met your mother

Me and NPH had a fight over who got to bang Robin



Frostbyrn wrote:
Me and NPH had a fight over who got to bang Robin

you mean first.

My solution would be kill off Ted. Not really for women, certainly not for food. Just...cuz he needs killin



I shut the Elevator door so Ted could get in



Yeah Jr, you really need to lay off the crack

Last night was pretty good, involved my crush, whipped cream and chocolate syrup to say the least...

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