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In your opinion...

Keyser Söze
Dropped Da Soap
Green bean Specialist
Mrs. Terry of Hat
Ron Swanson
The Adli Corporation
Captain Pirate Pineapple
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51In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 22:59


menacinglemon wrote:tl;dr

Chewy is god.

52In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 23:03



I can count to potato

53In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 23:21



Nah it's cool Pariah. I guess I didn't really mean insulted so much as disappointed knowing that I've... sheltered my real self from you guys so much that you can pretty accurately describe my interactions here as what you wrote.

i am an enigma

54In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 23:25



Ante wrote:Nah it's cool Pariah. I guess I didn't really mean insulted so much as disappointed knowing that I've... sheltered my real self from you guys so much that you can pretty accurately describe my interactions here as what you wrote.

i am an enigma

actually, here was my process of thinking.

Think of whoever I can on the SeC, as they pop into my head think of what I've learned from them and what I admire them for. And that's about all I know about you xD

55In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 23:27



well...thanks pariah...ass

56In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 23:27



I used to think I was smart and then college calculus.

57In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 23:28



Lemon, I know less about you than I know about Ante.

58In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 23:28



Storm is PC gaming master. No doubt. Second would be Tom. They both have more knowledge about PC's than I do.

59In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 23:30



Sym wrote:Storm is PC gaming master. No doubt. Second would be Tom. They both have more knowledge about PC's than I do.

Tom and storm...their computer knowledge is ridiculous.

60In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 23:30




Mr Got detained at customs for not filling out the back of the paper


Guy with the overly long nickname Very Happy

61In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 23:32



I know one thing by learning about law and shit in college...I find it extremely boring, but I now know more loopholes and laws then most people...and want to be a cop just to be a complete dick to people for the littlest things.

But alas I cannot do that or be military anymore either (my broken ankle and surgery years ago without physio has given me severe athritis in both ankles)....

so I am looking into film or history (as a teacher)....who knows man....who knows

62In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 23:33



ヽ(゜▽、゜)ノ weer al smrt.

63In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 23:34



Terry is the only one that can appreciate my vast football acumen. Sad

64In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 23:37



if we're gonna talk about college and shit like that, this is a pretty nice little song/comic.

also why I despair for going to school.

In your opinion... - Page 2 KMcMS

65In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 23:43



YUP that somes it up

66In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 23:44



my life plan was fucked up when i moved high schools at the end of grade 12...and even in grade 10.

Grade 9 was one school, 10,11 was another, 12 was another.

10, 11 I knew what I wanted to do....12 stopped any chance of that because of the classes they offered....but hey deal with the shit stick you are handed..

67In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 23:46



If I have to go in to an interview for any of the colleges I apply to and they ask me my major preference, I swear to god I'm singing this.

68In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-18, 23:52



better off going need to sing...or talk to a to a guidance council i have to do that soon.

69In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 00:00



im can program well and draw and that's pretty much it. Oh and debate. More like arguing though.

70In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 00:21



Kurz wrote:
And yeah, Zillah is the smartest kid I know when it comes to politics. Dude seems to know everything and be able to fluently debate on it.

I do my best Smile

71In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 00:23



Duck wrote:I used to think I was smart and then college calculus.

yes same, except im struggling with highschool precalculus and algebra based physics... god im terrible at it.

I do like to think i have a well rounded bank of knowledge when it comes to most things though

72In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 00:25


Zillah is a smart kid, i know you guys like to talk shit on him but i'll always defend Zillah <3

73In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 00:31



Alright nobody likes a kiss-ass, gilly...

i guess youre smart too <3

74In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 05:16

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

MEGA MILK wrote:Probably Chewy.

He went to college.

I've been in college for 8 years almost, I have seniority here.

75In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 07:57

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Chewy, I could have read like ten times that post about human intelligence. Love it, haha.

Also, glad to know I'm not the only lit nerd that no one believed from an early age...did Great Expectations for a book project in third grade and everyone thought I cheated. I did major in English when I first went to college and LOVED it, but it really is a useless degree unless you want to teach it.

You guys should meet my little would have a field day. He is an avid reader ( he was reading advanced lit to me three and four years ago for school projects), knows just about everything known to man about computers (including programming), and can debate politics and social issues like no tomorrow. He is ten, haha. It is ridiculous. We had a conversation at dinner last night because he has been researching cures to diabetes (our other little brother was just diagnosed, he's 6) and he was telling me all of these things they are working on. I love him, haha! His goal in life is to be the next Steve Jobs (he corrected me once when I told him he was going to be Bill Gates).

76In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 08:01

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Pariah wrote:if we're gonna talk about college and shit like that, this is a pretty nice little song/comic.

also why I despair for going to school.


Ocean Science is pretty good for jobs, Marine Bio is pretty much a career dead-end for most post-grads but Oceanography is a big skill to have Very Happy

i would complain that there are 100 Marine Biology undergrads and only 10 Ocean Science undergrads, but hey... better career opportunities for me! Twisted Evil

77In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 08:25

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

8 years in college motherfuckers. Eight years...

78In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 08:28

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:8 years in college motherfuckers. Eight years...

holy crap, a PhD is 5 years and that is still a long time, i cant imagine 8 years at uni Razz

79In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 08:37

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Normally it's four here, but I'm in no hurry to finish. I'm like the on campus guru.

80In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 09:43


Zillah wrote:Alright nobody likes a kiss-ass, gilly...

i guess youre smart too <3

Nah in all honesty i don't consider myself that smart, i've done a lot of dumb stuff and i'll probably continue to do so.

81In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 10:20

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Ante wrote:Nah it's cool Pariah. I guess I didn't really mean insulted so much as disappointed knowing that I've... sheltered my real self from you guys so much that you can pretty accurately describe my interactions here as what you wrote.

i am an enigma

i want pictures, pictures of Ante!

82In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 11:05



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:Normally it's four here, but I'm in no hurry to finish. I'm like the on campus guru.

Van Wilder much...christ

83In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 11:21

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

chunckylover53 wrote:
Zillah wrote:Alright nobody likes a kiss-ass, gilly...

i guess youre smart too <3

Nah in all honesty i don't consider myself that smart, i've done a lot of dumb stuff and i'll probably continue to do so.

I'm in the same boat gilly.I do so much stupid stuff out of sheer boredom or simlpy for lolz. That I just warp people's basic image of me.

Quite funny.

And yeah another reason I ain't going to college for English is because it's useless in this age. Unless you become a teacher or professor. Which isn't me at all

84In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 12:37

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Chewy wrote:Quite frankly any attempts to quantify the intelligence of any human being are going to be inaccurate for a multitude of reasons. First of all, even when measured individually each of the different criteria that define intelligence don't lie on an absolute scale of what is better or what is worse. Different human brains use different, often chaotic algorithms to solve problems, and these algorithms produce results which are not able to be objectively compared to each other(aside from in mathematics of course). Even if the results of these problem solving algorithms could be quantified(which I suppose they can in terms of speed, but this is the least important thing when the solution to a problem isn't something previously defined), this is only one aspect of intelligence that we are looking at. There are even more abstract, less quantifiable aspects such as the ability to create abstract ideas in themselves(such as music and art), emotional stability and control, and motor skills(most importantly verbalization, at least when regarding societal perception of intelligence).

Secondly, even if each of these criteria were able to be accurately quantified, what is perceived by the party evaluating said person can be quite different than what is actually happening within the brain. Therefor, certain traits like verbalization(or writing) skills and processing speed will be perceived by the majority of society as intelligent, when in fact those who excel at that can indeed fall flat in other categories unseen by the general public.

And I know what you're all thinking here: "But Chewy, if we can accurately differentiate artificial neural networks in terms of superiority, why can't we do it with the human brain?". While you bring up an intriguing point, the fact is that even if an artificial neural network was unanimously agreed upon as an accurate model of how the human brain works by the scientific community, our level of technology has still not figured out how to simulate the seemingly chaotic and genetically driven form of natural intelligence.

And of course, that's just the tip of the iceberg. I've written some literature on the subject if you're interested. *puffs pipe*

Fricken tryhards man. The guy is metioned in a few posts and he lets it go to his head >_> lol

85In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 13:13



The Adli Corporation wrote:
Ante wrote:Nah it's cool Pariah. I guess I didn't really mean insulted so much as disappointed knowing that I've... sheltered my real self from you guys so much that you can pretty accurately describe my interactions here as what you wrote.

i am an enigma

i want pictures, pictures of Ante!

I actually have posted a couple pictures of me here. Somewhere in the picture thread if it still exists.

86In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 13:53



Lucky wrote:
Fricken tryhards man. The guy is metioned in a few posts and he lets it go to his head >_> lol
Not quite sure what you're referring to.

I'm simply attempting to articulate the fact that the inner machinations of the mind are an enigma.

87In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 14:02

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Chewy wrote:
Lucky wrote:
Fricken tryhards man. The guy is metioned in a few posts and he lets it go to his head >_> lol
Not quite sure what you're referring to.

I'm simply attempting to articulate the fact that the inner machinations of the mind are an enigma.

There he goes again with the smarty talk! I've beaten up nerds for less than that.

88In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 17:41



When I think of Ante I always think Insurance Very Happy

89In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 17:42



Dunno if im remembering right, but isnt Majora a teacher? He's probably pretty smart then.

What ever happened to him?

90In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 18:02

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Dont know. I still haven't forgiven him for killing me and our entire blackhawk squad back in Bad Company 2. He fired an RPG out of the side door, and somehow killed everyone inside it with Destruction 2.0.

I was piloting, last base as attackers, and still had yet to die. Bastard screwed it up by somehow breaking game physics whith his RPG

91In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 18:03



Actually that was your fault if you were pilot

I used to do it on purpose for the lols Very Happy

92In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 18:13



Zillah, if you need help with algebra based physics and precalc, add me on Skype. I passed both AP physics and Precalc with flying colours, I'd be glad to help.

93In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 18:58


Kurz wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:
Zillah wrote:Alright nobody likes a kiss-ass, gilly...

i guess youre smart too <3

Nah in all honesty i don't consider myself that smart, i've done a lot of dumb stuff and i'll probably continue to do so.

I'm in the same boat gilly.I do so much stupid stuff out of sheer boredom or simlpy for lolz. That I just warp people's basic image of me.

Quite funny.

And yeah another reason I ain't going to college for English is because it's useless in this age. Unless you become a teacher or professor. Which isn't me at all

Well i don't mean stuipd like soap antics... I just make dumb choices.

94In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 19:00



Dumb choices are always a good idea though. They're a much more entertaining way to do things.

95In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 19:04



Khfan60 wrote:Dunno if im remembering right, but isnt Majora a teacher? He's probably pretty smart then.

What ever happened to him?

idk, he seemed like a cool guy tho, played BF3 with him and some others a couple months back *shrug*

and speaking of bc2, I might download that damn 1.2gb patch in a little while and get on it Razz

96In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 19:07


Chewy wrote:Dumb choices are always a good idea though. They're a much more entertaining way to do things.

You know i've been told plenty of times that i am a very entertaining person, maybe it does have some sort of correlation.

97In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 19:09

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

chunckylover53 wrote:
Kurz wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:
Zillah wrote:Alright nobody likes a kiss-ass, gilly...

i guess youre smart too <3

Nah in all honesty i don't consider myself that smart, i've done a lot of dumb stuff and i'll probably continue to do so.

I'm in the same boat gilly.I do so much stupid stuff out of sheer boredom or simlpy for lolz. That I just warp people's basic image of me.

Quite funny.

And yeah another reason I ain't going to college for English is because it's useless in this age. Unless you become a teacher or professor. Which isn't me at all

Well i don't mean stuipd like soap antics... I just make dumb choices.

Oh, low blow man. Low blow.

98In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 19:17

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Kurz wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:
Kurz wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:
Zillah wrote:Alright nobody likes a kiss-ass, gilly...

i guess youre smart too <3

Nah in all honesty i don't consider myself that smart, i've done a lot of dumb stuff and i'll probably continue to do so.

I'm in the same boat gilly.I do so much stupid stuff out of sheer boredom or simlpy for lolz. That I just warp people's basic image of me.

Quite funny.

And yeah another reason I ain't going to college for English is because it's useless in this age. Unless you become a teacher or professor. Which isn't me at all

Well i don't mean stuipd like soap antics... I just make dumb choices.

Oh, low blow man. Low blow.

to be fair, you did hit yourself in the face with a flail and stab your own leg with a scimitar...

99In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 19:17




100In your opinion... - Page 2 Empty Re: In your opinion... 2012-10-19, 19:18


Well i've never stuffed my mouth so full of candy that i couldn't breathe... Razz

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