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[BL2] Viral Infection- Do not join public games.

The Adli Corporation
Dropped Da Soap
Green bean Specialist
11 posters

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Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

This might only apply to Xbox 360 users.

It has come to my attention that there currently is a "viral" infection spreading around. Due to the modding community finding out a glitch that can infect other players that they join.

As an example, Player A mods their save to infect themselves
Player A joins Player B
Player B is now infected forever.

When you die with an infected save you will lose everything and the save file will be become corrupted and unplayable.

Also note that the infected player does not have to be the host to infect everyone in the game.

The Devs are currently looking into this issue and until it is patched I highly advise not joining any random games or setting your games to public. I also recommend making back-ups of your save games.

***You can tell you have been infected when you die you will go into third person camera and get booted to the Borderlands 2 Main Menu instead of respawning. If this happens hit continue, load into your game and then save and quit. This is not a permanent fix and you will have to do these steps every time. Failure to follow these steps will result in a corrupted save***

If you see this in your save, you're fucked
[BL2] Viral Infection- Do not join public games. Hiprj

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Well thats a good thing I have always had my games set to Private: Friends only.

Thanks for the heads up though



Yeah but if one of your friends plays public they can infect you

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Aw fuck dicks



Well that's a bag of dicks, eh? Hopefully PC is safe even though I haven't launched BL2 in a few days due to ADLI GETTING ME ADDICTED TO SKYRIM AGAIN.



Well. Shit. I gotta check my shit.

Whew. Not infected.

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

<B>What is graveyard.sav? What does this have to do with me?</B>
When you get hit by the glitch that turns your save into graveyard.sav, upon entering FFYL and then subsequently dying for whatever reason, you will never respawn. You die and go into a free roam camera. If you try to load another character, dashboard, restart your xbox, etc, your save data is completely gone and there is no hope of recovering it at that point, as it is renamed graveyard.sav and is missing the majority of the data it once had.

<B>What?! How did I get this?</B>
The glitch originated with the modding community and may or may not have been accidental. It spread from there, and it passes from the infected player to all other players in the game with said infected player. At this point, it's a terrible chain, and chances are it passed to you through some randoms.

<B>But I don't play with randoms! I play with my friends only</B>
Do your friends play with randoms? Have any of you ever had somebody come into a game and trade you anything? It's easy to spread, unfortunately.

<B>How can I get my character back?</B>
Once your save file has turned into graveyard.sav, you cannot get your character back. Too much data has been lost at that point, and it is far beyond salvageable.

<B>So how can I prevent this, or save my character if it gets effected later?</B>
If you want to prevent this, you have to make sure you're not playing with randoms, and that everybody you play with isn't playing with randoms, AND that it isn't currently effecting anybody in your group. Along with that, MAKE FREQUENT BACKUPS, and if you are on 360, do not backup to the Cloud, as it will sync with your HD saves and your backups will be overwritten, apparently. Memory card or USB drive is best.

If you get hit by this and recognize it (free roam camera, no respawning, etc), you can salvage your save.
1.] Quit (it'll tell you you cant save, thats fine, hit quit without saving)
2.] At main menu, hit Continue
3.] Load up, hit start, hit Save and Quit

If you salvage your save in this way, and then continue to play, the next time you die, it will happen again, and you must repeat the steps above. I highly recommend following the above steps and then NOT TOUCHING THE SAVE after that. It's a logical assumption that due to how this is done, Gearbox will likely be able to remove the "infection" from any effected files with the patch once they get it out.

<B>Can you explain what to look for a little better?</B>
Your save data will turn into this if you are beyond help, but at least you will know what happened to you.

If you don't quite grasp what I mean with the free roam camera, etc, watch the video below. It shows you what the no-respawn death looks like, what to look for in your storage device if you think you were hit with this (but at that point, you cannot be helped), etc:

A couple of other notes...
1.] The infected player does not have to be the host in order to infect other players in the game.
2.] Gearbox has already stated that they are aware of the issue in other related threads, and I've sent in a ticket with specific details because well, that couldn't hurt.
3.] I wish I was making this up, but I couldn't make this up if I tried! This has been tested with several players, with chaining the infection, having the infection hit multiple players at once in one game, etc. This is in fact a very real threat at the moment, and if you don't take the precautions I listed above, it is possible you will be hit with it yourself.



That sounds pretty nasty...

What a bunch of dildos for making something like that. Hopefully Gearbox stops it soon.



Actually its left over code from Gearbox that they activated

Apparently Gearbox had a hardcore mode in development that they didnt delete the code for

Also a bunch of people are making level one Zeros and getting infected on purpose to infect others as "Patient Zer0"

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist


HIV has hit the borderlands.

Damn you Moxxi!!!

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Ante wrote:I haven't launched BL2 in a few days due to ADLI GETTING ME ADDICTED TO SKYRIM AGAIN.

hey Ante...



baha adli

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

menacinglemon wrote:baha adli

im tempted to get it, just because it exists.



damn that's fucked up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmfao............

man, I remember the rumor about the modded grenade in BL1 that if you threw it in an elevator it would supposedly corrupt everybody's data.... haha



Saw this all over GFAQs this morning. Play with only those you know I guess, and check your saves afterwards. As for me, I'll be backing my games up to a flash drive.



Thats why I backup my saves on PC.





yea I'm gonna back mine up to a flash drive. Been meaning to get like a 16gb one anyways to backup saves, maybe I'll get a corsair,they have like a 10year warranty

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist



I bet they're going crazy over on gfaqs...lemme go get some lol's when I read them in a min Razz



jr, I remade my GFAQs account to trade for some stuff in BL2 this morning. The board is EXPLODING with graveyard.sav topics.

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist


Recently a few users have begun violating the Xbox Live Code of Conduct by using an external application to maliciously disrupt the experience and sabotage characters of legitimate Borderlands 2 players on Xbox 360. Fortunately it’s easy to avoid this scenario.

While we work to resolve this as quickly as possible with our partners, concerned Xbox 360 players of Borderlands 2 should consider playing online with trusted individuals in non-public sessions. This does not affect players on PC or PlayStation 3.

We also advise that before ceasing play, users always select "Save and Quit" from within the pause menu while their character is alive. If after the death of their character players find themselves at the main menu of Borderlands 2 instead of respawning in-game, be sure to immediately select "Continue" to resume playing as that character.

We ask that players report any suspicious behavior in Borderlands 2 to and provide as much details and documentation of their disrupted experience as possible to assist us in our investigation.

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