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Favorite GOTY and why

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1Favorite GOTY and why Empty Favorite GOTY and why 2012-10-22, 23:21



Trying to get some activity on here

Mine has to be XCOM- Enemy Unknown

So far its my favorite game, and Im addicted to it.

I love RTS games, and this is amazing.

- the difficulty
- the strategy required is immense
- Reboot of a series I played as a kid
- Love the UFO/Alien setting
- Really makes you think and use your brain

2Favorite GOTY and why Empty Re: Favorite GOTY and why 2012-10-22, 23:24



I personally cannot wait to pick up MOH: Warfighter tomorrow....going to record my first online game and put it up on the SeC

3Favorite GOTY and why Empty Re: Favorite GOTY and why 2012-10-22, 23:24



as well as the entire first story mission

4Favorite GOTY and why Empty Re: Favorite GOTY and why 2012-10-22, 23:27



MoH looks cool

But a game Ill wait for a sale for

5Favorite GOTY and why Empty Re: Favorite GOTY and why 2012-10-22, 23:29



pfft trading in RE6 (Which I enjoyed, but beat iwhat I wanted to already) and its only costing me $10...but since I p reordered...$5.

I cannot wait for the story and the buddy buddy style multiplayer (ala Team Tactical from COD)

6Favorite GOTY and why Empty Re: Favorite GOTY and why 2012-10-22, 23:31



Are you playing on the console?

7Favorite GOTY and why Empty Re: Favorite GOTY and why 2012-10-22, 23:32



yeah. I just got my xbox back, I didn't realize how much I missed playing with a controller.

8Favorite GOTY and why Empty Re: Favorite GOTY and why 2012-10-22, 23:35



Gah I cant play FPS with a controller.

Other genres I can just fine though.

9Favorite GOTY and why Empty Re: Favorite GOTY and why 2012-10-22, 23:40



really? I play alot better on console (I turn auto aim kills me in online games. (I like FPS on Console because of the trigger style button...mouse doesn't feel the same)

10Favorite GOTY and why Empty Re: Favorite GOTY and why 2012-10-22, 23:42



Probably Borderlands 2 for me so far.

Awesome characters and dialogue, huge improvement over BL1 in a lot of aspects, and the difficulty seems to scale really well where I'm basically always just hanging in there in big battles.

Also there are lots of guns. Don't think I've found a shotgun revolver yet though... I miss those...

11Favorite GOTY and why Empty Re: Favorite GOTY and why 2012-10-22, 23:43



menacinglemon wrote:really? I play alot better on console (I turn auto aim kills me in online games. (I like FPS on Console because of the trigger style button...mouse doesn't feel the same)

Controller is so terrible for FPS IMO

Just horrible.

Ive never liked it.

12Favorite GOTY and why Empty Re: Favorite GOTY and why 2012-10-22, 23:48



hmm this year has seen for me, RE ORC, ME3, RE6, BL2

and others I don't know if they would count DMC HD Collection, SH HD Collection(which I heard is a buggy mess), Dead Island GOTY, Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition,

others I haven't played, FF13-2, The Darkness 2, KoA:Reckoning,RE:Revelations, Synicate, Binary Domain, SH Downpour,Prototype 2, Max Payne 3, The Witcher 2,Dragon's Dogma,Spec Ops The Line, Ghost Recon FS, Sleeping Dogs, Transformers FoC, CS:Go, Torchlight 2, Darksiders 2, Xcom,

still to come out big stuff, Halo 4, AC3,Hitman,BO2,

On a side note looking at wikipedia....I did not know Serious Sam 3 BFE came out on xbox last week >____>

13Favorite GOTY and why Empty Re: Favorite GOTY and why 2012-10-22, 23:51



Probably Borderlands 2 or Company of Heroes 2 if that ends up coming out this year. I havent played many new released this year though. BL2 might actullay be the only one.

14Favorite GOTY and why Empty Re: Favorite GOTY and why 2012-10-22, 23:53



Darksiders 2 is awesome

15Favorite GOTY and why Empty Re: Favorite GOTY and why 2012-10-22, 23:54



Sym wrote:
menacinglemon wrote:really? I play alot better on console (I turn auto aim kills me in online games. (I like FPS on Console because of the trigger style button...mouse doesn't feel the same)

Controller is so terrible for FPS IMO

Just horrible.

Ive never liked it.

It's terrible in your opinoin and most pc-gamers opinions...again its preference. I know guys who use controllers on PC and still do good (they have the sensitivity up high.

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