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Xcom is awesome

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1Xcom is awesome Empty Xcom is awesome 2012-10-24, 07:42



Playing the demo right now for xbox, it has a really cool soundtrack and an eerie vibe to it

2Xcom is awesome Empty Re: Xcom is awesome 2012-10-24, 10:25



it looks like a more violent version of the sims with some rts action mixed in to me. Looks pretty cool but the art style reminds me of megablocks.

3Xcom is awesome Empty Re: Xcom is awesome 2012-10-24, 16:13



Urghh got up to the alien base last night

I had a firefight through a cliff wall

4Xcom is awesome Empty Re: Xcom is awesome 2012-10-24, 17:41



The demo is not indicative of the full game, not even close

My favorite game of the year, but yes it does have alot of bugs.

5Xcom is awesome Empty Re: Xcom is awesome 2012-10-24, 17:45



Also if you understand simple math stay away from this game

They have no idea what statistics mean

3 soldiers missed a 90% shot and the forth missed a 99% shot on an enemy with no cover at all standing in the middle of nowhere

He went on to kill my Canadian Heavy Peter "Plague" Hunter

6Xcom is awesome Empty Re: Xcom is awesome 2012-10-24, 17:57



Frostbyrn wrote:Also if you understand simple math stay away from this game

They have no idea what statistics mean

3 soldiers missed a 90% shot and the forth missed a 99% shot on an enemy with no cover at all standing in the middle of nowhere

He went on to kill my Canadian Heavy Peter "Plague" Hunter

you do realize 99% means there is a chance to miss right?

If you play the game long enough the averages even out.

7Xcom is awesome Empty Re: Xcom is awesome 2012-10-24, 17:59



Also you will and can hit your fair share of 50% shots as well.

I agree its frustrating, but the longer you play the averages do even out.

8Xcom is awesome Empty Re: Xcom is awesome 2012-10-24, 18:01



You do realize the statistical probability of all those 4 shots missing right?

Doesnt matter though the only soldier I really try to keep alive is Isabella "Dizzy" Flores

9Xcom is awesome Empty Re: Xcom is awesome 2012-10-24, 18:10



Frostbyrn wrote:You do realize the statistical probability of all those 4 shots missing right?

Doesnt matter though the only soldier I really try to keep alive is Isabella "Dizzy" Flores

Its possible

I've maybe missed 3 total with that high of a percentage.

I've got 45 hours into the game now. Not saying it cant happen, but that's not going to happen, probably ever again.

But again, I agree its frustrating when it happens, as it usually happens at the worst possible time. I missed a 95% shot last night and was insta killed by a elite muton right after that. RAGE!!!!

10Xcom is awesome Empty Re: Xcom is awesome 2012-10-24, 18:15



Yeah but now my Canadian sniper "Uni" is sad

I think she misses Plague Very Happy

11Xcom is awesome Empty Re: Xcom is awesome 2012-10-24, 18:23




I name my soliders too

12Xcom is awesome Empty Re: Xcom is awesome 2012-10-24, 21:22



Most of mine have insulting nicknames/Pop culture references or SeC references Very Happy

South Korean Sniper Hiro "Penguin" Nakimura Very Happy

13Xcom is awesome Empty Re: Xcom is awesome 2012-10-24, 22:09



A 90% shot isn't actually 90% depending on your difficulty, btw. If you're on Classic it's quite a bit lower.

And the LoS issues aren't bugs per se, it's just a case of the game's visuals not matching up with the rule-set. You can make some shots that look pretty weird the way they're represented visually, but make perfect sense under the rules of the game.

14Xcom is awesome Empty Re: Xcom is awesome 2012-10-24, 22:26



I was kinda let down by the graphics compared to the pc vids I've seen on here Razz. But I got used to them

15Xcom is awesome Empty Re: Xcom is awesome 2012-10-26, 23:47



The graphics are kinda meh on PC even IMO

They do the job though, and the art-style is awesome.

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