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1Next GotW article Empty Next GotW article 2010-10-09, 19:23

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Going to write it soon, what would you guys like to see?

2Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-09, 19:27



Hmmm... I've been even more interested in Brink since D00msday posted about it. Seems like it might turn out to be an awesome SeC community game, but it's a ways away still.

Lots of people interested in Fallout, but everyone is already familiar with that.

...I'm going blank on upcoming games. Neutral

3Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-09, 19:32

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Ill prob lean towards brink then. I like that fact that your char is completely customize-able

4Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-09, 19:35



No do fallout new vegas.

5Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-09, 19:35



What is brink? I hasn't heard of that o_O Or i'm justm issing a lot of things.

6Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-09, 19:35

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

How about Super Meat Boy?

7Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-10, 10:43

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

After looking into it brink looks like its going to turn out being a fan favorite with the SeC even if no one realizes it yet.

Ill prob be getting 2 to 3 articles done today, after I get the forums debugged.

8Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-10, 13:13



I agree about Brink, I'm really it's so good it becomes a new SeC game! Very Happy
Another good thing about doing an article on it is it isn't out for several months so not everything is known and it can be updated.

Plus probably not everyone here knows about it (bad, bad Luigi!!)

9Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-10, 13:27

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I'm going to make a notable 1Q-4Q 2011 section, with as much info on the games as I can find included, then if someone comes across something new or wants a game added it'll be a painless effort

10Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-10, 13:29



Kirby games are the clear choice here.

11Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-10, 14:38


Brink is a good choice.

12Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-10, 14:40



Mr. Dr. Awesome wrote:I'm going to make a notable 1Q-4Q 2011 section, with as much info on the games as I can find included, then if someone comes across something new or wants a game added it'll be a painless effort

Is that like a wiki that we can all edit?

13Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-10, 14:44

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I'm going to have it as an embedded document, so you guys can pull it off line make changes then email me the new on and I can get it back up...whole process would take as long as you needed to change it plus 5 mins

14Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-10, 14:50



Very cool. I hope you find enjoyment in all this work you do on here.

15Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-10, 15:00

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Its sort of become a hobby. plus if we get people to frequent the site, the revenue from ads would pay for contest prizes, which would be awesome to be able to be like "oh you by the way you won the SeC contest/raffle/sweepstakes... Here's your new gameboy 3DS

16Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-10, 15:01



I hope you do too, I really appreciate all the work you put into this site.

17Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-10, 15:03



Good I'm glad, I actually enjoyed learning/making that stats tag too. When do we start having ads?

18Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-10, 15:05



Don't we already have an ad on the login page?

19Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-10, 15:07



I auto log in so I've only ever seen that page once.

20Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-10, 15:09



Oh, I always see an ad at the top of the page of the login.

21Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-10, 15:19

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Once we get a decent amount of content/pages. You have to apply and someone from google checks it out.

I'm gonna be sneaky about the ads since they are site theme related. Ima make'm look like they're part of the content

22Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-10, 15:21

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Those are forumotions ads they make me add

23Next GotW article Empty Re: Next GotW article 2010-10-10, 15:21



As long as it helps out the site I don't care what you do with them lol

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