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Blops 2 imporessions

Ron Swanson
9 posters

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1Blops 2 imporessions Empty Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 04:19



I've played it a bit tonight. Up until rank 15.

So far I really like it. In fact my initial impression is that it might be my favorite COD game. Time will tell...

The maps: Awesome, I absolutely love the style and art direction they took with them. They are full of color, minute detail and personality. Gone is the multiple gray brown color palette and it looks great. They are crawling with paths and shortcuts, crawlspaces and overlooks. Far more detailed then they have ever had them before. The only one I don't really dig is the boat, it just seems bland compared to the others.

The setting: I thought I would dislike this game because of the near-future semi-Scifi setting, but it turns out it really works. It makes it seem less faux-military and more fuck-it-lets-have-crazy-fun-times-WOOOOOOOOOO! In fact it has a very, very strong Perfect Dark vibe to it in the best way possible. It also reminds me a bit of Timesplitters. Fun stuff here.

The gameplay: Fast, smooth and damn good looking. I haven't had any hit detection issues so far (knock on wood). In fact it almost seems like it is running to good for it being launch day. It reminds me more of MW2 than Blops 1. Fast, furious and crazy. Only time will tell what horrible imbalances there might be. Hopefully nothing to bad and they address issues quick. The variety in classes now is awesome. The break between perks and attachments is great. Cool design decisions.

First impression? Very fun, different cool atmosphere, runs like butter. Fun stuff.

That's just me though. For those of you that have played it what are your thoughts?

2Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 04:27



I don't think there should be any hit detection issues in CoD these days, as it should be client side hitscan. What you shoot on the screen is what you hit.

Unless there was a change in BO2 that I am not aware of.

I know Treyarch is trying to swing around some MASSIVE ban hammer with BO2, so may be there will be less BS going on. Might just be a reason for me to try MP out. A little worried about getting temp banned for a lag that might be treated as a lag switch, but its better than rampant lag switching. Not like we have different games to play these days, so ban away~

3Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 12:08



Ah, I forgot to mention that this is MP only.

I never tried the SP, in fact I skipped all the opening scenes. I also haven't tried Zombies, but it looks awesome in this one

4Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 12:22


Kinda tempted to buy this.

5Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 13:03

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I was thinking about it, but it will have to wait a little while.

How cheesy are some of the killstreaks? That is something that always pissed me off was some random missile hitting the ground and fucking my world up.

6Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 14:25



I like how Ghost is so late in the progression.

They've actually split the avoidance perks into 4. Ghost for UAVs, Blind Eye for AI killstreaks, Cold Blooded for scanners and player killstreaks and Hardwired for CUAV and EMP immunity.

Now you need to sacrifice more to be totally invisible.

7Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 16:10



I it alot.....

8Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 16:28

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I'm kinda surprised to hear this game get as much praise on here as it is. Definetly a little more interested.

9Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 16:30



Im only level 14 on MP and only about 2 hours into the SP

But so far I agree with everything Metal said

10Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 17:46



I agree with Metal,it's awesome,and I'm enjoying it alot more than I did Halo.

if you get one of the early copies it has Nuketown 2025 map included on a download key,it's like 100mb.....there's a playlist only for it on different game of my fav. games ever last night was on hardline (king of the hill) on that soooooo many kills with the shotgun Very Happy

I haven't played most of the zombie maps and game types or the story at all,but I'm level 22 in multiplayer,and I like how it seems much more balanced now with the perks,etc.

might take me awhile to get the FN FAL to select fire perk >__> ,don't know if it'll be worth the trouble.

I like either the 870 shotgun or MP7, the PDWs seem very decent like the futuristic P90 top loader gun, G36 is called the Scorpian,thing shoots fast as fuck lol

11Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 17:51



I played Green Run on Tranzit....that is the one where you can travel between all the maps...really fun spent the last 2 hours (my first 2 with the game) was fun

12Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 18:07



Zombies doesnt really interest me all that much TBH

13Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 19:36



Oh and shotguns get a tighter spread when ADS.

This is different.

14Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 20:59



More I play it the more it annoys me

Like every CoD game before it

Pretty much BS death, getting shot in the back constantly, getting killed by fresh spawners. Nothing new to see here.

15Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 21:19



The SP is actually beyond what I expected it to be, in a VERY good way.

Just finished third mission, and had to quit out of tutorial of whatever it was (think it was an RTS(!!!!) of some sort) before it even loaded the actual battlefield, as I needed to fix something up quick. Later when I came back, I spent some meaningless time trying to figure out how to launch the tutorial again. LoL

Probably will finish SP within a day or two.

16Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 21:23



You're supposed to beat it on Veteran in one sitting Stormy.

It's the way it's meant to be played.

17Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 21:23



THe SP is fun so far

But its short, I was hoping the MP would be better for 60$. Im an idiot though.....should have known better

18Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 21:24



MEGA MILK wrote:You're supposed to beat it on Veteran in one sitting Stormy.

It's the way it's meant to be played.

I always poay on Hardened

19Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 21:26



Sym wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:You're supposed to beat it on Veteran in one sitting Stormy.

It's the way it's meant to be played.

I am a plebeian.

I see, I see.

20Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 21:27



I usually play whatever game on Normal first.

It gives me excuse to enjoy the SP more later on by bumping up the difficulty.

It would be pretty pointless for me to play SP again at a lower difficulty setting, unless I am extremely bored and have no other SP FPS that interests me at the moment.

21Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 21:29



FOr some reason I always start CoD games on Hardened since Normal seems to be pretty damn easy.

Hardened is the best IMO

22Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 21:30



MEGA MILK wrote:
Sym wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:You're supposed to beat it on Veteran in one sitting Stormy.

It's the way it's meant to be played.

I am a plebeian.

I see, I see.


23Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 21:34



I like hardened difficulty as well. Its the difficulty I play when I revisit older CoD games.

24Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 21:37



I usually play through most games on normal, then do a run on veteran. If my attention span can last through normal, it's worth it on veteran.

25Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 21:42



Veteran sucks IMO


Cheap insta deaths CoD style all over the place lol

I did beat MW1 and Mw1 on vet though.....wasnt fun lmao

26Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 21:54



Mile High Club on Veteran was... interesting.

People on console were all like "hurp durp it was SO~ easy", but they don't realize that the AI is set to be much dumber than on PC...

27Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 21:57



Oh god I remember that

It took me like 30 tries to get it


28Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 22:00



single shot weapons like the fal and burst fire like the swat 556 just get me killed...had to switch to SMGs just to kill,the vector is pretty decent

29Blops 2 imporessions Empty Re: Blops 2 imporessions 2012-11-14, 22:02



I think it was harder to play MHC on Veteran than competing in the tournaments (CoD4 was my last competition game). It would be stupid easy, if it wasn't for the Time Restraint, but that DARN TR puts me in the same situation as MP where I'm the last person alive to defuse the bomb, and there are bunch of other enemy players alive to shank me in the nuts...

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