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 » The Lounge » Archives » BLOPS Q+A


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1BLOPS Q+A Empty BLOPS Q+A 2010-11-16, 12:58



That's right, let's talk BLOPS.

I figure you can use this topic to ask questions that don't really deserve their own dedicated topic. Just ask whatever, someone probably knows the answer. We can use this as a source of compiled knowledge.

So I have a few questions, first. If you don't know the answer, but have questions of your own, don't be afraid to post them.

1. Why does Second Chance force me to use the M1911? If I equip an M1911 w/ ext. Mags, do I actually have that attachment when I go down into Second Chance? I am doubtful because if I have a CZ75Z57C full auto pistol, I still have an M1911.

2. Are any attachments besides ext. Mags useful for sniper rifles? Actually do any of you even use sniper rifles? I probably have a total of 15 kills with them, at lvl 31. In MW2, I swear I probably had twice as many kills with the Barrett than all the ARs combined. I sniped constantly. This game? Not so much. So I'm reluctant to spend points on attachments that might further gimp my sniping.

2BLOPS Q+A Empty Re: BLOPS Q+A 2010-11-16, 13:02



Thanks for the sticky, Storm or D, whichever one of you just did that!

3BLOPS Q+A Empty Re: BLOPS Q+A 2010-11-16, 16:04



1: sounds like a game design flaw. If your constantly pulling out one kinda pistol in second chance, it's something they overlooked in making the game.

2: Extended mags is really preference. I use them with pistols as they have a low ammo count. They're good for "OH SHIT" scenarios. and having additional in gun ammo is a plus when you have to reload your primary.

4BLOPS Q+A Empty Re: BLOPS Q+A 2010-11-16, 16:33



I would think dual mags would be a better choice than extended mags personally. I mean realistically how often will you stay alive long enough to need those extra clips with a sniper?

5BLOPS Q+A Empty Re: BLOPS Q+A 2010-11-16, 16:45



i could be wrong but i read that dual mags only makes the First initial reload really fast! that seems like a waste.

6BLOPS Q+A Empty Re: BLOPS Q+A 2010-11-16, 16:50



Dual magazines speed up the the first reload in every series of two; it's two magazines duct taped together. You reload fast, then you reload normal, then you reload fast, etc.

7BLOPS Q+A Empty Re: BLOPS Q+A 2010-11-16, 16:55



I think you get two extra mags as well with dual,i could be wrong though. If true though, it kinda makes extended mags obselete.

8BLOPS Q+A Empty Re: BLOPS Q+A 2010-11-16, 17:34



I don't think sniper rifles have an option for dual mags, guys.
But yeah, dual mags increases your ammo count beyond the standard starting number. But whether it provides more ammo than ext. mags or Scavenger, I'm not sure.

Also, I'm wondering if any guns have both attachments. If so, then the choice seems pretty obvious.

9BLOPS Q+A Empty Re: BLOPS Q+A 2010-11-16, 17:54



I think it cancels the option to let you have both, and I'm pretty sure snipers can't have dual mags, yes.

10BLOPS Q+A Empty Re: BLOPS Q+A 2010-11-17, 18:14

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Have Treyarch said anything about fixing the terrible spawns?

11BLOPS Q+A Empty Re: BLOPS Q+A 2010-11-17, 18:15



No, but that's how every CoD has ever been. Spawns in CoD have always sucked. Sad

12BLOPS Q+A Empty Re: BLOPS Q+A 2010-11-18, 03:32


For the second chance thing, the default weapon whenever you have something that isn't "allowed" (launchers, specials) for second chance is an M1911. I would imagine that a full auto CZ75 isn't allowed so it just gives you the default instead.

13BLOPS Q+A Empty Re: BLOPS Q+A 2010-11-24, 14:39



I rape people in last stand pro. Its hilarious to get a triple kill in last stand lol.

14BLOPS Q+A Empty Re: BLOPS Q+A 2010-11-24, 14:41



God I HATE Last stand!!! HAHA Once I see someone using it now though I just empty clips into people and it dosn;t bother me anymore. They will get me once, but not anymore after that!!! HAHA

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