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AC3- the worst in the series

Ron Swanson
HydrasBreath ♜
Dropped Da Soap
9 posters

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1AC3- the worst in the series Empty AC3- the worst in the series 2012-11-27, 16:09



Yes even worse than the first, somehow.

Reasons Im disappointed

- Game is super linear, not a true open world like previous games.

- Story is super blah

- First 5 hours are a glorified tutorial

- Conner is no Ezio or Altiar. Hes very boring, with next to no personality.

- The vertcality is missing. The wilderness is just not as fun as running on rooftops. Also New York and Boston are alot smaller than cities from previous games.

- No motivation to do any of the side activities

- Crafting is half baked

- Some of the forced stealth missions are just terrible, and are a massive game of cat and mouse.

There is more, but these are just quick thoughts

EASILY my most disappointing game of the year so far




Its really hard to hate on this game because its the smoothest of the series yet, the game is a technical marvel(at least on PC)

BUT something is just missing. The soul of the series seems to be gone with this adaptation.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Must resist urge to nitpick....

But Ac3 is easily my favorite in the series.

And Connor I think is easily the best character. Hes not the typical stoic and assholish character that Altair was, and he isn't the perfect character that Ezio was. Ezio was way too perfect. He was popular, well lliked, had no flaws, was a lady's man, and etc etc etc.

Atleast Conner had some character in the Homestead.

And I agree with the 5 hour tutorial. It was fairly boring playing as Conner as a kid, but a blast playing as Haythem.

And not to burst your bubble bud. But this game was easily bigger then Brotherhood and Revalations. The Fronteir alone is nearly as big as AC1's overworld. And both New York and Boston are as big as the other cities in the two previous games.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Is it weird that I liked the first one the most?



I never said anything about the size

Its a huge game

I just said its linear, which it is.

The story missions usually always only have ONE way to beat them. Which the older game allowed some freedom.

I still think 2 is the best in the series, hands down

Brotherhood was really well done as well, Revelations was pretty good, kinda short though.

I totally disagree on Conner. I just dont like him. I guess that part is subjective.



HydrasBreath wrote:Is it weird that I liked the first one the most?

The first was awesome since it was just so fresh



Oh one thing I do love


HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:Oh one thing I do love


are those supposed to be the AC3 equivalent of throwing knives?



HydrasBreath wrote:
Sym wrote:Oh one thing I do love


are those supposed to be the AC3 equivalent of throwing knives?

No they are melee weapons

And they are bad ass

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

No.....theyre brutal



I want my own tomahawk now

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

AC games are always fun but I always feel empty once I've finished them. The story always sucks, lets just face it, its terrible and convoluted. But god help me if I don't love stalking a target from the rooftops and pouncing on them with knife drawn.



The best weapon in the Small weapons category where the Tomahawks are is actually a dagger Very Happy

And I loved the wilderness

But they need to get rid of all the stupid trivial optional objectives especially when there own engine or level design screws them up

Like when you go to kill Pitcairn and the optional objective is to air assassinate him despite the fact there is no fucking trees or anything around



The story is always a bit convoluted, yes.

But I love how the series ties in real historical events



have you played the multiplayer yet? it's really fun



I'll probably only get this once it comes down to like $5.

I was iffy about it taking place in the wilderness, doesn't seem right in what is pretty much a parkour based game.



I have not played the MP

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Frostbyrn wrote:The best weapon in the Small weapons category where the Tomahawks are is actually a dagger Very Happy

And I loved the wilderness

But they need to get rid of all the stupid trivial optional objectives especially when there own engine or level design screws them up

Like when you go to kill Pitcairn and the optional objective is to air assassinate him despite the fact there is no fucking trees or anything around

Dude....there is a ramp shaped rock RIGHT Behind him that you can run off to kill him

And for the most part I agree with the objectives. Although I am sitting at 97% sync right now. There not hard or impossible to get just a tad confusing. Though once you do get them you feel like an idiot half the time.

And the game doesn't just take place in the wilderness chewy. There are hardly even any main quests there. And the ones that are there are pretty damn fun. And I actually really loved the frontier. There is loads Anand loads of stuff to do tere(that isn't related to collecting items). Plus the tree running is pretty damn fun. W hen you get a good stride going you can cross most of the frontier without hitting the ground. Makes you feel lime a fucking predator chasing down groups of red coats with your bow or lynching them from the trees with your rope darts.

Now while the game doles a bit wring calling it the worst in the series is stupid. Everyone knows that is revalations.
But the game is easily a.c.2 quality

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Kurz wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:The best weapon in the Small weapons category where the Tomahawks are is actually a dagger Very Happy

And I loved the wilderness

But they need to get rid of all the stupid trivial optional objectives especially when there own engine or level design screws them up

Like when you go to kill Pitcairn and the optional objective is to air assassinate him despite the fact there is no fucking trees or anything around

Dude....there is a ramp shaped rock RIGHT Behind him that you can run off to kill him

And for the most part I agree with the objectives. Although I am sitting at 97% sync right now. There not hard or impossible to get just a tad confusing. Though once you do get them you feel like an idiot half the time.

And the game doesn't just take place in the wilderness chewy. There are hardly even any main quests there. And the ones that are there are pretty damn fun. And I actually really loved the frontier. There is loads Anand loads of stuff to do tere(that isn't related to collecting items). Plus the tree running is pretty damn fun. W hen you get a good stride going you can cross most of the frontier without hitting the ground. Makes you feel lime a fucking predator chasing down groups of red coats with your bow or lynching them from the trees with your rope darts.

Now while the game doles a bit wring calling it the worst in the series is stupid. Everyone knows that is revalations.
But the game is easily a.c.2 quality
You can run around the camp and there's a tree that leads to the flag pole then you air assassinate him from there.



Its not stupid, its my opinion.

I said its conflicting as this is the most refined version yet, I just dont like the direction they went.



Assassin's Creed in the bushes just doesn't seem right to me. When it's free, I might get it just because I have all the others. Otherwise it has no appeal to me.



Also- to much running around in the first 8 hours

Now im just nitpicking, but it really does get annoying

Technically its the best in the series, content wise its the biggest in the series, overall i have had the least amount of fun with it......go figure. Rather sad.....



the mp is really fun for me

but i don't see the problems that you have with it, some stuff is a bit off but all games have that, i love the story.

the problem with assassins creed if there is one is the fighting sequences when you can just fight massive groups of gaurds and not even take a hit. I think that is better in AC3 but it is still there.

The multiplayer really made the last few ac games for me, but to each his own



I enjoyed the game. It is my favourite. AC1 was okay. ACII got me into the series...Brotherhood added more to the series...then Revelations killed it for me ... it was incredibly boring.

This game made me re-fall in love with the series. I liked the wilderness and I would hunt on my way to objectives and even when I finished the story I would continue to get assassins to join me and just mass slaughter red coats/blue wwas a good time



Surprised so many of you liked it so much

Easily my most disappointing game of the year



I thought medal of honor:warfighter was your most disappointing




I had no expectations for that game. I didnt even buy it. I just thought it was a terrible game. The worst kind of MMS.

I love the AC series, and have played every single one. I was expecting this one to be the best of the series, but to me that didnt happen.



No whats weird?

Those weird minigames that pop up and then never happen ever again

Like the bowls at the homestead or how you only use a cannon once (You might have been able to use them more I dont know) or the command these troops thing at lexington bridge or whatever

Oh yeah and the fucking "Guards"

I came across some patriots fighting some redcoats and went to help the patriots because the game was forcing me to work for the bad guys

After saving their stupid blue ass's from the red team they fucking attacked me for killing Guards


Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Frostbyrn wrote:
I came across some patriots fighting some redcoats and went to help the patriots because the game was forcing me to work for the bad guys

After saving their stupid blue ass's from the red team they fucking attacked me for killing Guards


Aye i remember liberating a fort then seeing some blues struggling to kill a red officer so i thought " Hey i guess we're cool now might as well help them" But nope they attacked me as soon as i killed him. Ungrateful bastards.
I also agree with you on the mini games. I thought commanding the soldiers was pretty cool but you only get to do it like once.



I imagine its because they are all in some sort of Guard class

Stupid ass Ubisoft

Also maybe its because im not American but I really had no investment in the fight at all,I had about as much interest as a match of Halo

Oh im on the Blue team kill the Red guys whatever

Also maybe the lack of choice

Especially the end

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