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X360 Patent Dispute Sees Motorola Denied Console Ban in the US

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Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

Motorola has lost a court case against Microsoft to ban the sale of Xbox 360 consoles in the US, with a patent dispute ongoing this week, regarding an infringement of Motorola Mobility's video coding and playback patents.

Despite a US court ruling earlier in the year that Microsoft had infringed said patents, Motorola pursued the chance to ban imports of Xbox 360 consoles in the US and other territories. The BBC reports that Judge James Robart has now ruled that the patents are 'Frand-type' innovations, meaning that no one company can claim outright ownership as they're vital to industry standards.

Consequently, the judge confirmed that while a ban cannot be issued, Microsoft must pay outstanding fees to Motorola. The ruling reflects a similar decision made earlier this year, in which Motorola hoped to enforce a ban on Xbox 360 hardware in Germany.



interesting. wonder how microsoft is going to react.



cool news lol,I was actually wondering what had ever happened with this news.I remember alot of people were freaking out online about their xbox being banned from import haha

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist



I wonder if this is just Google trying to be a thorn in MS's side.

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