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Google (owners of Motorola) are suing Apple.

Epyk MD
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Patrick Star
Cardboard Fox
Dropped Da Soap
The Adli Corporation
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The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation




The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i hope Google win this. little fish gets sued by big fish, then biggest fish sues big fish Very Happy



It's about time somebody powerful sues Apple. Those guys are annoying.



so google joins up with motorola, motorola then tries to use something apple related
and after apple says no dont do that google sues them for patent infrengement

... sounds like a load of shit to me, i dont care who wins they both suck



Once again your complete inability to understand the situation is shocking

Apple is using a Motorola patent

Motorola has tried multiple times to get Apple to pay for licensing

Apple wouldnt

Motorola sued with Google support



Google (owners of Motorola) are suing Apple. Tumblr_m349z0qjrI1rr5mrwo1_400



meh it was mostly them saying how google never actually does this they didnt explain it very well

p.s. dat sig Razz

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

infadel117 wrote:so google joins up with motorola, motorola then tries to use something apple related
and after apple says no dont do that google sues them for patent infrengement

... sounds like a load of shit to me, i dont care who wins they both suck you read anything at all? all?
Or do you just read the link and then come up with asinine assumptions?



i go into the topic, i open the link, read everything in the link twice, then i look at the posts you guys have put out here, shudder at how you speak and post my opinion on the matter.

i dont have any legal experience meaning i dont know all the terms and dont care what they mean i also dont have to take shit from you people Razz so once again i give up and will go back to playing every system i have



We would like to settle these patent matters, but Apple’s unwillingness to work out a license leaves us little choice but to defend ourselves and our engineers’ innovations

That is literally highlighted in the article and explains in pretty laymen terms

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

The entire article as a whole was very easy to read, despite being about law and shit.

The fact that you said you read the article, and our comments yet posted something that has nothing to do with the article and is completely different from what we were saying is just astounding.



Plus Bruce Willis is suing apple as well now

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Shit just got real.

Also are we going to have a repeat of "that" topic?



Yes Cardboard, we are. This time, you will get in on it too.

But on topic: I'm scared of Google. They are one of, if not the, most powerful company in the world, and they've shown that their regard for international law and specific sanctions is pretty much nonexistent. I'm glad they're taking a shot at Apple, but this is just freaky to me. I honestly am afraid of a Google-Apple merger, since that would leave control of the majority of the world's information traffic in the hands of a single entity.

Ok, back to insulting infadel:

Jesus Fucking Christ that was stupid. Not only is your information backwards, it's almost frighteningly moronic. This might just be the second dumbest thing I've seen on the internet.



Fuck Thomas Edison wrote:
But on topic: I'm scared of Google. They are one of, if not the, most powerful company in the world, and they've shown that their regard for international law and specific sanctions is pretty much nonexistent. I'm glad they're taking a shot at Apple, but this is just freaky to me. I honestly am afraid of a Google-Apple merger, since that would leave control of the majority of the world's information traffic in the hands of a single entity.

I, for one, welcome our new overlords.

All hail Google!


Frostbyrn wrote:Once again your complete inability to understand the situation is shocking

Is it really? Razz



Poor Kman

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

He brings it upon himself!



He wields stupidity like a weapon

If some maniac comes into a community swinging a weapon its our Civic duty to take him down



Lawyer up boys

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

infadel117 wrote:i go into the topic, i open the link, i read everything in the link twice and fail to understand any of it, then i look at the posts you guys have put out here, shudder at how you seem to actually understand anything and post my uninformed and borderline mentally deficient opinion on the matter.

i dont have any practical reasoning abilities meaning i dont know what im doing most of the time. being an irrational fool i also dont want to take simple advice from you people Razz so once again i give up trying to be somewhat intelligent and will go back to playing every system i have in a vain attempt at self assurance.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap




topic derailed



infadel117 wrote:so google joins up with motorola, motorola then tries to use something apple related
and after apple says no dont do that google sues them for patent infrengement

... sounds like a load of shit to me, i dont care who wins they both suck

Google (owners of Motorola) are suing Apple. 0QXBN

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Now are you going to try and turn it into a whole thing about how it was derailed because you were attempting to troll us?



infadel117 wrote:topic derailed

as soon as you start typing, the topic becomes "how dumb Kman sounds"

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

I've got feels for Kman, and they bad.Google (owners of Motorola) are suing Apple. 2333154_med



Fuck Thomas Edison wrote:I honestly am afraid of a Google-Apple merger, since that would leave control of the majority of the world's information traffic in the hands of a single entity.

Thats just not going to happen, as they are not stupid and would allow government to be able to carve them up into small pieces with appliances of antitrust laws. Besides, Apple's board will never allow their sanctuary to be corrupted by outsiders.



This topic should be about how Cardboard pulled a Zillah imo



StormEye wrote:
Fuck Thomas Edison wrote:I honestly am afraid of a Google-Apple merger, since that would leave control of the majority of the world's information traffic in the hands of a single entity.

Thats just not going to happen, as they are not stupid and would allow government to be able to carve them up into small pieces with appliances of antitrust laws. Besides, Apple's board will never allow their sanctuary to be corrupted by outsiders.

Google already flouts international antitrust laws, what's to stop them from continuing



this reminds me of Motorola suing Microsoft,and everybody was crying on gfaqs about how the xbox would be banned since it uses Motorola's wifi tech

wonder what's up with that.....I'm guessing the court battle would drag out so long the xbox 720 would be out by then and it wouldn't matter



Merging with Apple will put them in a completely different status.

Both Google and Apple are having issues with antitrust laws. Flouting about it at the moment does not necessarily mean that nothing will happen when the merger happens.

The government will be able to have more concrete evidence to actually carve the company up into small pieces, and the risk that Google is taking (Apple probably does not want, I'm putting Google as the only party that wants merger) will be far more substantial compared to the practices it has done so far. Until now, the penalties for its practices only mounted to financial settlements, but it could have more physical effect on the company as a whole in this merger's case.



Kurz wrote:Now are you going to try and turn it into a whole thing about how it was derailed because you were attempting to troll us?
actually this time that wasnt what i was getting at at all

im saying this site has become overrun by pony obsessed 19 year olds that think communism and anarchy are better forms of government than democracy based off of the assumption that america sucks and on top of that all of them consider themselves trolls and cant wait to stomp on infadel because he is a "stupid" texan when i say absolutely nothing about your nonstop complaining about how "my computor did this" or "i have lost faith in this brand of product for x reason"

call me stupid all you want people im here and im enjoying watching the site quickly become gamefaqs but with freedom for you to do whatever you want

those of you that are still on my friends list are there because i think theres still hope for you, those that arent reverted to snobs the second the majority of all the original members left




Patrick Star

Patrick Star

infadel117 wrote:

im saying this site has become overrun by pony obsessed 19 year olds.............

< has at the maximum 10 bronies

Last edited by Camel on 2012-09-03, 23:19; edited 2 times in total



Camel your post is blank, man.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i know i was trying to fix it no luck.



Something wrong with posting?

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

If all he did was quote a post and that was it, then it's working fine for me.

On topic though, I hope Apple loses. I was kind of pissed that they kept going after all these other companies. I've never liked Apple and never will.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

StormEye wrote:Something wrong with posting?
quote within a quote, wrote something at the end, but it's blank and shows up as a few section breaks. When i edit it the text is still there just doesn't show up for some reason
EDIT: Think the problem was no space between the angle bracket, must have been some sort of code



well i see the text

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

infadel117 wrote:well i see the text
Just edited in a space between the carrot a couple minutes ago.



Im not a 19 year old Brony



infadel117 wrote:
Kurz wrote:Now are you going to try and turn it into a whole thing about how it was derailed because you were attempting to troll us?
actually this time that wasnt what i was getting at at all

im saying this site has become overrun by pony obsessed 19 year olds that think communism and anarchy are better forms of government than democracy based off of the assumption that america sucks and on top of that all of them consider themselves trolls and cant wait to stomp on infadel because he is a "stupid" texan when i say absolutely nothing about your nonstop complaining about how "my computor did this" or "i have lost faith in this brand of product for x reason"

call me stupid all you want people im here and im enjoying watching the site quickly become gamefaqs but with freedom for you to do whatever you want

those of you that are still on my friends list are there because i think theres still hope for you, those that arent reverted to snobs the second the majority of all the original members left

Lets break this down

Pony obsessed 19 year olds? Well I think me and Soap are both 20 and Adli is 18 , And bringing up Pony's is usually peoples way of taking a swipe at Ante who hasnt really had any beef with you lately to my knowledge

Communism and Anarchy, I assume that was aimed at Pariah as he is the only one who really holds Anarchist views. This was also a reference to a topic that happened over a year ago in which case you really need to let it go and hating someone based on their political idealogy is just silly unless they are trying to start a new Reich or something

People "making the Assumption" that America sucks,Fair enough your brother is a soldier and you come from a pretty patriotic family.I dont think you were here when this started with Sym making a topic asking why people disliked America then getting pissed off when people gave him honest answers but whatever

Most of us consider ourselves Trolls fair enough once again.Then you say we target you for being a stupid texan.The fact your Texan has nothing to do with it,The fact your an idiot has everything to do with it.You cant blame predators for attacking the weak member of the herd thats nature man

Im being kicked out of the computer lab now but trust me I had alot more to say



infadel for admin



Whoa man.....dont bring me into this. Very Happy


Khfan60 wrote:infadel for admin

commi brony



I like apple and google both. Never had a problem with apple, ive had PC's break on me while my macbook keeps going 5 years later, the only iphone problem ive had is losing it, wheres as my samsung galaxy S1 started seizing up after 6 months and died shortly after. I like google a lot too, google earth is absolutely genius, i only use Gmail, and google is the only search engine I use. Im also getting google fiber in a couple months. I dont have a problem with Android, just the phone it ran on.

Soooooo, i dont have much of an opinion here. its true companies have infringed on apple's copyrights, but I have no doubt apple has infringed on other companies copyrights as well. Im not sure how successful this one will be, because if it achieves what its trying to do it would mean billions, if not hundreds of billions of lost profits for apple. Just seems unlikely.

oh and kman you dont make sense.



Khfan60 wrote:infadel for admin
why would i want to run a dying site

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