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Whats your favorite aspect of music?

Keyser Söze
The Adli Corporation
HydrasBreath ♜
10 posters

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Is it the lyrics?

Or the beat?

Or the drums?


and why

Mine is the musicmanship. Most of my favorite artists are very musically accomplished, and I strive in my personal life to become as technically competent on guitar as possible. It doesnt matter which genre it is, I love and appreciate high levels of musical skill.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

It's definitely the riffs for me. The "actual music" so to speak. I can forgive most things as long as the music is solid. And I'm with you on musicianship. I definitely appreciate when someone is the master of their instrument.

As for why well it's because I'm a musician myself. For most non musos I think the lyrics would be the most important since that's probably what they identify with the most second would probably be the beat as most popular/club music demonstrates.

I think peoples answers would be pretty genre dependent.

If you're a proghead/metalhead/stonerdoom/classical kind of person then the riffs/melodies/harmonic progression and musicianship are probably things you are more inclined to appreciate.

If you're into pop/rap/hiphop/country...the more "mainstream" genres then the focus is probably more on the lyrics and the danceability of the tune (ie the beat or groove)

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Saxophone, if there is one.

i really want to play the Sax, but i know i wouldn't get as good as the Sax players in the songs, plus they are HELLA expensive Razz

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

The Adli Corporation wrote:Saxophone, if there is one.

i really want to play the Sax, but i know i wouldn't get as good as the Sax players in the songs, plus they are HELLA expensive Razz

Yeah any kind of orchestral or non-standard fare instrument (basically anything that's not a guitar, bass or drums) will rape you in the ass price wise. Even if you get an entry level model.



riffs,melodic stuff,beats to rap lol, it chills me out,music has helped me through alot of dark times in life



Trying to isolate one specific part of the music doesn't seem right to me. I can say "oh I like the riffs for this song" or "oh, the drum beat is awesome" but it's not something consistent. You can have truly awesome lyrics and the song will suck due to awful guitar. For me, it's the whole package. How the music sounds when put together, that's the most important part.



....... Interesting. It's hard to pin down and say what it is about music that does it for me. My emotions can be moved more easily by music than by other things. One thing that I have always enjoyed for instance is brass instruments. I love that brassy sound and it can cause such emotion. Batman movies use brass instruments to great effect, and for instance watching How to Train your Dragon with my kids and when he first rides the dragon and there is this theme music with the Brass instruments the driving force. OMG fucking amazing work. So I love the emotion that a well written piece of music can deliver.

Honestly a lot of time I don;t even focus on the Lyrics of a song.

Also enjoy the sound of an acoustic guitar. Something pure about it.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze


I enjoy technical music and admire great musicianship as well, but I think the actual feeling is all that matters, even if the feeling is just being conveyed by a bad guitarist that only knows two chords. As long as he gets the feeling right, fuck musicianship.

To back up the argument, hardcore punk and old school grind.



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:Feeling.

I enjoy technical music and admire great musicianship as well, but I think the actual feeling is all that matters, even if the feeling is just being conveyed by a bad guitarist that only knows two chords. As long as he gets the feeling right, fuck musicianship.

To back up the argument, hardcore punk and old school grind.

Damn, I was expecting some treatise on technical mastery, but that was fucking spot on greg. You're a musical master.
+1, I'm absolutely with you on this.



I'm pretty much with Greg on the feeling thing. Feeling and musicality are what I want the most in a song.

Lyrics are probably least important for me, although they can make or break a song. Most of the stuff I listen to is instrumental though.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:Feeling.

I enjoy technical music and admire great musicianship as well, but I think the actual feeling is all that matters, even if the feeling is just being conveyed by a bad guitarist that only knows two chords. As long as he gets the feeling right, fuck musicianship.

To back up the argument, hardcore punk and old school grind.

Too true. I've been listening to alot of Stoner stuff lately...that shit is all about feeling and groove.



Yea I totally agree with you Greg, but something about musical competence gets me off

BUT if the band has no feeling, then it can become musical masturbation, which is never good. Well its fun to fuck around like that, but not in songwriting.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:Yea I totally agree with you Greg, but something about musical competence gets me off

BUT if the band has no feeling, then it can become musical masturbation, which is never good. Well its fun to fuck around like that, but not in songwriting.

Very true. There's a quote from Al Cisneros (bassist/vocalist from Sleep and OM) that I love. I'm kind of paraphrasing here but

"Music without heart and soul is just hollow sound"




Bands like Dragonforce come to mind

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:Word

Bands like Dragonforce come to mind

haha how anyone can take them seriously is beyond me. Just mentioning their name is practically a joke in itself.



People actually like them

Its amazing



I kinda like them just because their music sounds ridiculous, loud and annoying. That's something I tend to enjoy.



They are loud and annoying

Ive seen them live ( dont ask ) and they were the loudest live band Ive ever heard. And thats saying ALOT. Loud to the point of being stupid, loud just for the sake of being loud.


I like one dragonforce song ,through flames and fire. I havn't really been up on them though.. I remember hearing them in highschool, probably my brother.

But i am always told i like bad music anyways.

I find as i got older i like things that have a little more meaning to them.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

chunckylover53 wrote:I like one dragonforce song ,through flames and fire. I havn't really been up on them though.. I remember hearing them in highschool, probably my brother.

But i am always told i like bad music anyways.

I find as i got older i like things that have a little more meaning to them.

Through the fire and the flames is at least somewhat tolerable. The rest is pretty garbage.

Check out these mad guitar skillz Razz

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



The loudest band I've seen is eKoostik Hookah...

At least relative to the size of the venue. They didn't give a shit if it was a 200 square foot tent, they would blast the speakers so loud that a crowd of 100,000 could hear them. I was literally deaf after each of their shows for the rest of the night with severe ringing the next day or so, and I've seen them probably a dozen times.



Man Herman Li sucks ass at guitar Very Happy

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:Man Herman Li sucks ass at guitar Very Happy

I know he's sloppy as fuck and a real wanker. lol!



Depends I guess, though I gotta agree with Greg on the whole feeling thing.

In metal: dat bass
In rap: dat beat
And I like good lyrics as well.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Pariah wrote:ridiculous, loud and annoying. That's something I tend to enjoy.

yes ive noticed that Cool



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:Feeling.

I enjoy technical music and admire great musicianship as well, but I think the actual feeling is all that matters, even if the feeling is just being conveyed by a bad guitarist that only knows two chords. As long as he gets the feeling right, fuck musicianship.

To back up the argument, hardcore punk and old school grind.

I'll piggy back onto Greg because I completely agree with him. I'll also want to add that the cohesion of the band and the musical elements have to align for me. Ie. do the vocal elements fit well with the pace or aggressiveness of the musical elements? Do all the musical elements work together to create a seamless or well oiled machine?

I think the song has to tell a bit of a story as well and it doesn't necessarily mean just vocally. I like to hear a beggining, a middle and an end to a song. I like layering, builds and break downs to help tell that story.

Back to feelings though, I get incredibly impressed how much music can influence your feelings. Songs can get you all pumped full of adrenalin or cause you cry even if you don't understand what's being said. For something so simple to effect us so profoundly, it really is incredible.

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