However, it's really difficult for me to do. I have to basically reverse the hard wired state of mind/thought process I've created for games to be more efficient, and concentrate on what I use to love to do until I started to calm myself down a few years ago. I have to mentally get myself psyched/hyper/fired up, and think of everything as completely stupid/funny, as well as intentionally use tactics to annoy people (like I used to, like screech and jump at them and such). I actually got to test it yesterday at a friend's (he was sitting there telling me that I needed to find a way to get rid of it, because being really angry/miserable isn't the point of games, and I used to never be that way), and it worked! I had a game where I only went 14-6, and half of my deaths were to Commando users, (not to good for me, but I'll go with it), and I didn't rage at all.
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