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[WoW] Been 5 years since I last played WoW

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...and it seems like my old account is deleted, and cannot be recovered...




I have no wish to start up again. I had too many characters, most of them half-finished. I got too addicted.


It's been about 5 years for me too, stopped playing a few months before Lich King came out, just didn't have the time to get involved in all the raiding and my guild wasn't anything special.

Part of me wants to start playing again.. But i really don't want to get sucked in again.



I'm just playing on a starter edition (flippin Blizzard no longer acknowledges the fact that I used to have fully purchased game with level 70, max back then, character...), as I had nothing really worth playing in LAN Cafe in Hong Kong, when I was with my friends.

Seems like English edition of the game cannot join Asian servers. My choices are limited to America, Oceanic, Europe and Latin America. Getting around 170~200 ping in Oceanic server. I wonder if I will continue or not.


I guess you'll have to PVP some and then see?



Currently my character is in Normal server.

With some changes, I am not sure whether I want to jump into PVP server right now.

Besides, I never really liked MMORPG PVPs.

Bunch of people thinking time investment = skill sort of erks me.

I used to play in PVP server back in the day, but many people were just being assholes, and nothing else. PVP server seems to me more of gank low level server...

Not sure how it is now though.


100% Agree with that it just all trickles down to the cookie cutter PVP rotations, i meant like maybe you could try a battle ground or whatever they call those things where they stack you against a team of equally leveled players to fight.



I just reached level 8, and still in Pandaren island. LoL

Don't even have a profession, and I don't think you can PVP or match up for it at this stage.

I also just realized I can create characters for both A and H in a same server. When the heck this changed?


I kind of think you could always do that except for PVP servers.. My memory is a little cloudy though.



May be that was it.

Never played on non pvp server before.



If I decide to join, it'll be purely for the "get to level 30 for free" type deals they've been putting out. I loved exploring and having fun at the early levels, the middle grind was the worst.


After playing some Korean MMOs all grinds never seem that long anymore...



You can create both A and H toons on a PVP server now. They changed it a year or two ago. There's no "grinding" for leveling now either. You will be deleting quests left and right as they fill up your quest log faster than you can do them. Arena (LOLMLGPROMODE) is garbage unless you're rolling a FotM setup, but Battlegrounds can be fun in small doses.

My account has been inactive since Mists came out but I've been thinking about resubbing and seeing if I can't get my old raiding guild back together...



[WoW] Been 5 years since I last played WoW Mucke1

saw the battlechest for like 5 bucks >__>


Ante wrote:You can create both A and H toons on a PVP server now. They changed it a year or two ago. There's no "grinding" for leveling now either. You will be deleting quests left and right as they fill up your quest log faster than you can do them. Arena (LOLMLGPROMODE) is garbage unless you're rolling a FotM setup, but Battlegrounds can be fun in small doses.

My account has been inactive since Mists came out but I've been thinking about resubbing and seeing if I can't get my old raiding guild back together...

I heard you can now look for a raid by getting put into a queue and it'll randomly throw you in with a group of people also looking..

Now it being randoms in a raid it sounds a little heptic, but... I've heard they made the game a lot easier.



raids found in raid finder are easier, but the gear is worse. there's still normal raiding and heroic (aka wipe mode) raiding. it's a really common misconception that WoW is getting "easier." Blizzard is just giving more avenues for the less dedicated to participate in all the things the game has to offer.


Ah ok, my friend resubbed for a month when mists came out and unsubbed after it, was just going off of what he told me.



well one of my friends bought me mists for christmas so i resubbed and decided to give it a go... about 8 hours in and one long ass questline later...

Obviously I can't speak for the endgame yet, but holy crap the questing is great. Blizzard must've hired some new writers because the story is really, really good. I'm actually reading quest text instead of just sprinting to all the quest givers and spamming accept. The environments in Pandaria are fucking top-notch, the dungeons (the two I ran at least) are extremely well done from the trash mobs to the bosses, and the new pet battle system is pretty fun as well. Man I can't believe I was going to skip out on this.


Ugh, you make me want to start up again... My cousin and her bf were talking to me about it last night.


So downloading the free trial now.. Can't hurt to just check it out on my terrible desktop.


So i've been messing around on a worgen warrior (wow awesome starting zone) and an undead priest, never played a priest but i've played an undead so i am familiar with the area. Now my friend keeps bugging me to play it with him. I get 13 FPS on this with all low settings i wonder how i played this before. I like the look of everything though i've always liked the art stytle they must've overhauled some things?

Decisions, decisions...



Thats some horrible performance man

I wouldnt be able to play it at 13 fps


This is the same comp i played it on like 6 years ago. And even then it could just barely handle it.. Haha.

I guess i was so use to playing runescape(played for years) that smoothness was something that never occured to me.

Actually seems like this comp doesn't even meet the min requirements anymore >.>



Yeah WoW has gone through several revamps. Completely maxed out on my rig I dip down to ~45 FPS in certain areas around Pandaria.

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src=""></iframe>

Some screens I've taken while leveling to 90... Almost 88 now. Anyone who says WoW is an ugly game is blind.



God I wanna play it. But at the same time, I don't want.



The art style is really well done

It ages well


Hey Ante what class or classes do you play, pvp server? And yeah i always liked the way the game looks. Ugggh so tempted.



Currently I'm playing a shadow priest, but once I hit 90 I'll probably go back to discipline. I've spent the last 3 or so years healing and it's definitely what I enjoy most. I used to play a rogue back in BC and early Wrath. No PvP server, but I used to spend a lot of time in Battlegrounds.


I did like being a healer in FFXI but oddly enough never tried it in wow.. If i do start up again i might try that out more.

Which is looking pretty likely >.<.



[WoW] Been 5 years since I last played WoW 43years



it's true, i am a time traveler

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