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Do you prefer cats or dogs?

Cardboard Fox
Epyk MD
Ron Swanson
Patrick Star
Keyser Söze
HydrasBreath ♜
Artimise Flare
Green bean Specialist
25 posters

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1Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 02:21



Cats all the way



Cats!!!!!!!! Surprised



I have two

A maine coon, and my wifes crazy cat.

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist






Should have made this a poll, but screw it, im drinking.



Never had a cat, so dogs.



Reasons I prefer cats

- cleaner
- eat less
- dont make a mess
- can leave them alone for a few days with food and water and the will be fine
- much more independent
-they are fuzzy
- they dont smell



Dogs all the way Very Happy

My Dog stays puppy size forever

Doesnt smell

Has poodle cross bred in her so she doesnt shed fur

Much more affectionate than my bastard cat

downside is she barks alot and only eats human food

Unless the cat trys to eat her dog food then she gets jealous and puts him in his place



You prefer an emotionally shallow animal, Focker?

10Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 04:30



Cat...guard dogs outside are alright but they stink so I'd never have one inside

11Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 04:51



Man cats are dominating

12Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 05:41

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I love both, but I think I prefer dogs just because of their companionship, cats are not typically very social creatures from my experience.

13Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 05:47



My cats are very social

14Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 05:50

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Don't get me wring, I actually am thinking of getting a Flamepoint siamese whenever I'm able to move out of the dorms here on base.

If raised right, I think a cat that's adopted when they're a kitten can be raised to be very social. It's just the vast majority of the ones I have met are just not.

I may be a bit biased because my only pet between the two has been a lab chow mix. Tetsu looked like a little bear when he was a pup Smile

15Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 05:56



Yea I find people like whatever they were raised with the best

16Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 06:00

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

True, I was raised around dogs more than cats, Beagles, Huskies, Akita' among a few others are my favorite breeds.

Don't know many cat breeds though.

17Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 06:05



All you need is a maine coon then you would be sold

18Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 06:10

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Do they shed real bad? I had the opportunity to play with a number of siamese cats before, and their temperament and lack of profuse shedding has mad them a real attractive breed to me.

19Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 06:13



Main Coons shed like hell yes


Ive made a few topics on here about how I have to clean my PC more often than most people because of this. If I dont cat hair will accumulate in my GPU fan and it will over heat.

Siamese hardly shed at all

20Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 06:19

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I have my uniforms to take care of and the less cat hair the gets on them the easier that is lol.

But yes, I liked the siamese because of their relatively low maintenance.

21Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 06:31

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I never had either growing up. My friend has an adorable cat that absolutely loves me. He always comes and sits on me whenever I go over. So cats I guess even though dogs are cool too.

22Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 08:13

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Dogs, by a cat hair though.

23Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 09:36




24Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 09:54

Patrick Star

Patrick Star


25Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 11:04


Dogs always had them.. Have 4 at the moment usually have at least 2.

I definitely won't have any pets when i move out though.

26Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 11:14



Was raised with cats, now I have a dog. I'll never go back.

Dogs by a mile.

27Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 11:49




although i'd really like a pet fox

28Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 11:51

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

This shouldn't even be a discussion, dogs.



everyone knows that.

29Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 13:26



I like other people's dogs...

But they're a pain the ass to take care of. Cats don't get anxiety,poop in litter boxes, and you don't have to train them. I'd much rather have a cat given how lazy I am.

30Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 15:43



Cats, though I love both.

31Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 16:34



Chewy wrote:I like other people's dogs...

same. and I like dogs more just because Im allergic to cats...

32Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 16:36




Though i'd rather have a snake or a ferret

33Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 16:48



I like cats. I also dislike most dogs at other people's houses when I visit. Always following you around, making noise, have to be the center of attention, making a mess. Sure they're better companions than cats as a social experience but I dont really crave for the companionship of something with the intellect of a one year old. Probably because I don't like kids either.

I like cats because they're just chill and sit around being fluffly foot rests and stuff and require no maintenance. If you had a dog that just sat around looked cool I'd like that too.

34Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 17:01



Ante wrote:cats

although i'd really like a pet fox

The new Fire starter pokemon is a fox I believe

35Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 17:28



36Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 17:37

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I kind of want a dog. But told the wife if we got a coon...then that would be close enough.

37Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 17:41



Epyk wrote:I kind of want a dog. But told the wife if we got a coon...then that would be close enough.

If you didnt get the memo slavery is illegal

You guys had a war about it Blue Team vs Grey Team remember

Plus coon is kind of a nasty word dont you think

38Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 17:56



Looks about 50/50 right now

Damnt I should have made a poll

39Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 18:04

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

For those among us that can't put two and two together.

Main Coon.

40Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 18:06



Maine Coons are the best

They are seriously cat dogs

41Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 18:07



For those of us who dont get misinterpretation for comedic effect


42Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 18:09



Mangos are soooo good

43Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 18:10



Plus everyone knows your not racist unless you get this

What do you call a baby pig thats black?

44Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 18:29


Ante wrote:

They can be domesticated, I never knew? i think i'd be afraid to own one, my dog chased one out of the yard before

45Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 19:08

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Frostbyrn wrote:Plus everyone knows your not racist unless you get this

What do you call a baby pig thats black?

I passed the test.

I prefer cats, certain dog breeds are great though.

46Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 19:24



Cats ftw. Always had a cat, always will. I got lucky, my current cat Esteban doesn't shed at all.

47Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 19:44

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Very Happy

48Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-08, 22:43



Dogs are so way better than cats. Litter box or not, the cat is still shitting in your house. I don't like animals going potty in my house. And I don't really like cats. Dogs dogs dogssss.

49Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-09, 10:30



cats won't shit in your house if you let them out when you go to work. then you come home and they come back inside whenever. I don't have a litter box and i have two cats. Only problem is once in a while they will mistake the potted plants for mini litter boxes.

50Do you prefer cats or dogs? Empty Re: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 2013-01-09, 17:50



Plus cats are just so fluffy

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