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Borderlands 2

Ron Swanson
Captain Pirate Pineapple
10 posters

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1Borderlands 2 Empty Borderlands 2 2013-01-16, 17:45


Rate it for me please. It's $30 at Best Buy this week. I'm considering buying it after work today.

2Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-16, 17:48

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I liked the story, characters and gameplay. DLC I'm still up in the air about. If you liked the first, you will like this one. They definitely made improvements.

3Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-16, 17:49




4Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-16, 17:50


Still splitscreen?

Still 4 classes to choose from?

What has been added?

5Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-16, 17:52



5 classes now

6Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-16, 17:53


Still Soldier, Brick, Sniper, Siren? + whateverthefuck.

7Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-16, 17:54



New characters

8Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-16, 17:56



Gunzerker,New Siren,Assasin,New Soldier and Mechromancer

9Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-16, 17:57

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson


a little repetitive in the sense all you really do is continually collect new/improved guns. But the gameplay is solid, I LOVE the graphics, the dialog is hilarious (probably the best thing about the game really) and I can honestly say it was worth every penny of the $60 I spent on it.

One other thing, I got my GF to play some split screen with me, she kinda sucked but said she enjoyed it.

If you get it hit me up Mills, I wouldn't mind playing a little co-op with ya

10Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-16, 18:03


Ferris wrote:9/10

a little repetitive in the sense all you really do is continually collect new/improved guns. But the gameplay is solid, I LOVE the graphics, the dialog is hilarious (probably the best thing about the game really) and I can honestly say it was worth every penny of the $60 I spent on it.

One other thing, I got my GF to play some split screen with me, she kinda sucked but said she enjoyed it.

If you get it hit me up Mills, I wouldn't mind playing a little co-op with ya

The collecting of weapons is what ended my love affair with BL1. I'm fine with that. If that's the biggest downside, $30 is a great price.

How many of you all still play this? My Gold is about to expire. I may not renew it when it does.

11Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-16, 18:10

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I still play sometimes. Not a ton anymore, but I plan to play the new DLC that came out the other day.

Also, if you play with someone who has the DLC you get to play it for free with them

12Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-16, 18:32


Cool Thanks for the info. I'm gonna grab it.

13Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-16, 19:27



I haven't played it in awhile but wouldn't mind going through it again. It's a good game that improved on everything from the 1st,cool soundtrack and lots of stuff to do

14Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-16, 21:53



9/10. Got old at the end, but it was definitely fun0.

15Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-16, 23:16



I want to play dead rising 2 with Mills...

16Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-16, 23:20



8.743 out of 10 for me.

If you liked Borderlands 1, you're going to poop your pants. It's loads and loads better.

I didn't like those evolving flying things though. They made me angry because they came out of nowhere and killed me while I was busy battling Geodude or whatever those exploding fucks that my robot doesn't know how to kill are called.

17Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-17, 11:09


Picked it up. Only had about 30 minutes or so to play it though. Liked it a lot. Even though I'm only a bit into it, I have already had a lot of laughs.

18Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-17, 11:10


Bla125 wrote:I want to play dead rising 2 with Mills...

About a year or two too late Bla. I played the hell out of DR2. Loved it. Ready for DR3.

19Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-17, 11:32

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Yeah, the game is worth the price of admission just for the dialog. Handsome Jack is my hero.

20Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-17, 11:42


What character did you use first Terry?

21Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-17, 11:48

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

First time through was with the Gunzerker (my least favorite), then I did a co-op playthrough with my buddy as Axton, and then Maya (my favorite).

I've tired the DLC character, Gaige, and I didn't love her. I prefer the turret to her deathclap power.

22Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-17, 11:49



Turret was my fav.tried out the ninja but didn't see the big deal with him

23Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-17, 11:54


I chose Axton first. Nearly chose the gunzerker.

24Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-17, 11:57

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i chose Axton, but then found out i sniping is hella satisfying, so when me and Pariah start co-op ill roll Zero for the snipez (i know everyone can snipe, but Zero has better skills for it)

25Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-17, 12:10


I've never been a big sniper

26Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-17, 12:12

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

the turret is insane. I specced mine about halfway down the left hand tree until I got rockets, then I went to the bottom of the right hand tree for double turrets.

I would often just toss out the turret and walk away as it demolished everything.

27Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-17, 12:15


I loved the turrets in the first game. I'll work on those.

28Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-17, 12:32



Terry, I can't explain how fun it is modding a commando to have maxed out skills in every point.

double nuking slag-shooting turrets ftw.

29Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-17, 12:34

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I loved the grenade-spam build I had for Axton.

Only problem was I underestimated the spread of the bonus package rather often.

30Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-17, 12:42


I really avoid modding in any game. It takes so much of the fun out of the game.

Just for fun, fine. But most people who use mods use them frequently. Not for me.

31Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-17, 12:57



MISTER ZOMBEE wrote:I really avoid modding in any game. It takes so much of the fun out of the game.

Just for fun, fine. But most people who use mods use them frequently. Not for me.

I'll admit, I was wary of modding at first, I was afraid it would make the game boring. And being level 50 with a 21billion dmg fun was boring...

then a guy named fatpat666 figured out how to make the game produce playthroughs 3,4,5,6...

at playthrough 4, the health on enemies is insane. I had to mod a character to level 127 in order to survive. Also, my modding is mostly making new types of guns, like guns that affect your player gravity (one of my guns lets me fly xD) and heal you. That and just weird-looking designs.

32Borderlands 2 Empty Re: Borderlands 2 2013-01-17, 13:37


Hmm. I guess I would have to see it.

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