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My best k/d match yet in BF3.

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1My best k/d match yet in BF3. Empty My best k/d match yet in BF3. 2013-01-24, 19:46

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Had to share this match, just went 37-0 as attackers on Kharg Island rush mode, had an outstanding chopper pilot, Caloosa was his GT...we got hit a few times but landed and repaired it, so we managed to stay in the chopper the entire match



Bama Psycho wrote:Had to share this match, just went 37-0 as attackers on Kharg Island rush mode, had an outstanding chopper pilot, Caloosa was his GT...we got hit a few times but landed and repaired it, so we managed to stay in the chopper the entire match

I had my best match in a very similar way

On Wake Island was the chopper gunner

Went something like 54-5

Awesome match though




Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Metalzoic wrote:BAMA!

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I love when I get a good pilot, cause I wreck stuff with that gun. But I'm an average pilot at best and staying in the air more than a few mins doesn't happen that often for me. In fact, I think I have only had one instance when I got into a chopper with a randy on BF3 and done well.



The best I have done that I can remember recently was on metro with Inflatable Duck and Frost on attackers on metro rush,I went like......66-0 before the final base and they held us off some so I died like 5 times but man I was on FIRE lol

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Ferris wrote:I love when I get a good pilot, cause I wreck stuff with that gun. But I'm an average pilot at best and staying in the air more than a few mins doesn't happen that often for me. In fact, I think I have only had one instance when I got into a chopper with a randy on BF3 and done well.
Same here, I'm just an average pilot, one of my friends is a little better than me so he normally flies and I'll gun.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Best I did was on Kharg Island conquest with the L96 with 32-1



Bama Psycho wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:BAMA!
Man its good to see you!

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Metalzoic wrote:
Bama Psycho wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:BAMA!
Man its good to see you!
I still lurk a decent amount, probably on here every other day or so...just don't post very much.



Yeah, I was mostly missing in action for quite awhile, but lately I seem to burn a lot of time on here.

As to your game I don't think I've ever had a match where I survived in a helicopter the entire time.

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