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second match of BF3 went well.

Cardboard Fox
The Adli Corporation
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1second match of BF3 went well. Empty second match of BF3 went well. 2013-02-23, 15:15

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

joined a noob server to ease my way back into the game and found it had a lot of high ranks in it. i still did well though Smile



The Adli Corporation wrote:noob server/

They are shams, all shams, in all games.





Good match though



Rank means nothing so far as I've seen.

My first few games were rough getting back into it, but lately I've been top 5 on 64 man servers, last game was literally me (at rank 14) followed by three colonel 100s.



Rank doesn't mean shit I agree

I see plenty of Level Huny Colonels that suck ass



Sym wrote:Rank doesn't mean shit I agree

I see plenty of Level Huny Colonels that suck ass

Bad shitbuckets cause me physical pain.



At least on PC there are alot of subpar ones

I cant speak for the console experience however

I saw a level huny with over 2k hours played......only looked at his stats because he was horrible. Like back to back to back matches going like 2-25



Sym wrote:At least on PC there are alot of subpar ones

I cant speak for the console experience however

I saw a level huny with over 2k hours played......only looked at his stats because he was horrible. Like back to back to back matches going like 2-25

he has tons of determination. Not that much actual skill though. That's why rank is a bad indicator.

You wouldn't believe it sym, I just played a game on one of the CQ maps. I was 4th on my team, the one in the top half who wasnt a colonel.



Oh if only rank were based on performance.

A big "FUCK YOU!" to those who want to be namba one (eventually) but it would help in telling who is good or bad.

Also, that would require unlocks to be changed.



meh. I'm doing assignments now, to get some better guns. Someone should have told me how overpowering the SPAS was Razz

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

im 5 multikills away from the Rambo dogtags Smile



Pariah wrote:meh. I'm doing assignments now, to get some better guns. Someone should have told me how overpowering the SPAS was Razz

It's a re-skinned 870 with a negligibly higher rate of fire and one less pellet/flechette per shot.

Just saying.



MEGA MILK wrote:
Pariah wrote:meh. I'm doing assignments now, to get some better guns. Someone should have told me how overpowering the SPAS was Razz

It's a re-skinned 870 with a negligibly higher rate of fire and one less pellet/flechette per shot.

Just saying.

The higher fire rate has gotten me out of a lot of problems, I like it a lot.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

MEGA MILK wrote:
Pariah wrote:meh. I'm doing assignments now, to get some better guns. Someone should have told me how overpowering the SPAS was Razz

It's a re-skinned 870 with a negligibly higher rate of fire and one less pellet/flechette per shot.

Just saying.

But it's a SPAS-12.



Cardboard Fox wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:
Pariah wrote:meh. I'm doing assignments now, to get some better guns. Someone should have told me how overpowering the SPAS was Razz

It's a re-skinned 870 with a negligibly higher rate of fire and one less pellet/flechette per shot.

Just saying.

But it's a SPAS-12.

With an unfolded stock.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

MEGA MILK wrote:
Cardboard Fox wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:
Pariah wrote:meh. I'm doing assignments now, to get some better guns. Someone should have told me how overpowering the SPAS was Razz

It's a re-skinned 870 with a negligibly higher rate of fire and one less pellet/flechette per shot.

Just saying.

But it's a SPAS-12.

With an unfolded stock.

Oh so it is, how disgusting.



Cardboard Fox wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:
Cardboard Fox wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:
Pariah wrote:meh. I'm doing assignments now, to get some better guns. Someone should have told me how overpowering the SPAS was Razz

It's a re-skinned 870 with a negligibly higher rate of fire and one less pellet/flechette per shot.

Just saying.

But it's a SPAS-12.

With an unfolded stock.

Oh so it is, how disgusting.

It is pretty unacceptable. DICE will realize the SPAS is nothing without it's stock folded out one day.

I didn't know about that 1 less pellet per shot though. Good info.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

SPAS is made for slugs

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

the unfolded stock makes me sad. i want my BC2 SPAS.



Ferris wrote:SPAS is made for slugs

I unlocked slugs last night. It's a toss-up which I prefer more, slugs or flechettes.



Try as I might even on meatgrinder metro servers,I've only gotten 1 of the multikills for the rambo dog tag =/

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

JrTapia1991 wrote:Try as I might even on meatgrinder metro servers,I've only gotten 1 of the multikills for the rambo dog tag =/

yeah, multikills are harder against infantry becuase they can scatter easily (and on CQB maps everyone expect grenade spam) to avoid grenade damage. its best to go for vehicle insta-kills with C4 Smile



Adli, wanna play a bit tonight?

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

what time GMT? my flatmates are watching movie so i might join them (if its a movie worth watching)



10ish? I'm at GMT-6, I'll be getting home around 4.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah sounds good




The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

played a bit of recon on CQ earlier, TUG-S ftw.

still got ages to go before i get my MAV though. that MAV was the only thing that kept me playing BF3 in the weeks before i traded in my 360 copy.



The Adli Corporation wrote:played a bit of recon on CQ earlier, TUG-S ftw.

still got ages to go before i get my MAV though. that MAV was the only thing that kept me playing BF3 in the weeks before i traded in my 360 copy.

try for the challenges. I'm having a shit-load of fun with the crossbow, and with trying to get the sniper rifles. I'm close to the MAV though, I'll play with that thing.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i locked down Caspian Border with a MAV all the time back on 360. the first base on defence was so epic, since you had the chimneys to juke behind when you got locked-on by AA. have a semi-competent team and any armour got obliterated and any infantry got sniped before they could get to the base Very Happy

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

A while back I was using the Saiga and raining on everyone's parade. Was pretty funny watching people QQ'ing over my "MlG L337 CaNnOn"

I've been getting the itch to play again, but lately none of my IRL friends want to play so...that kind of sucks Sad



hey Art, wanna hop on with us? I'm just about to jump on and try to get some laser designations for a challenge, I can play with you.

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