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"A level cap increase in Borderlands 2 would break the game."

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Looks like we aren't getting a level cap increase. Bummer.



How would it "break" the game?



did you read the article? they explain it pretty clearly. and it's true.



Basically, the scaling would be ridiculous. Also, with another 5-10 skill points, you could make some really, REALLY powerful builds.



What was that they said?

Modify your game save so you have every single talent anyway?



Dear Gearbox Software,

I don't need your help to break the game.

everyone with a PC, basic reading skills, and a flash drive.



Unfortunately, consoles dictate a lot of decisions. I'm sure my 670 could easily handle it, but consoles would explode. Sad day



Soon enough when the next gen consoles come out we wont have to put up with that shit anymore



Ok, Sym and Twitch, this is for you.

Bull-fucking-shit. What they said about the console not being able to handle it? That's 100%, bona-fide, proven (and if you so desire, provable) horse shit. I personally have made characters from level 0 (before the default level) to level 666, not once has the game failed because of it. I've gotten a level 10 character with enough skill points to max out every skill tree, still hasn't failed on me. The attributes of the character, as in the money, skill points, levels, badass rank (found a way to mod that to 999999999) none of that can possibly crash your game, and this is all from experience, on my xbox. There are two ways I've successfully crashed my game on xbox. I've created guns that fire 10,000 pellets (game crashed due to insane number of renders necessary when I fired it) and when I forced it to crash by using a gun that dealt damage so high that it basically over-fucked my xbox. That's it. I've never had a crash otherwise, and this is after months of running around with up to four characters past level 50, with maxed out skill points, bank space, backpack space, guns...AND FUCKING PLAYTHROUGH 3. What they just released, that is absolute bullshit, and a complete lie. And I can prove all of what I just said.



Why would they lie about that though?

Not that I dont believe you

But my comment was more pointed towards the fact that consoles are killing game development right now



Why lie about it? Because they know we're already doing it and that no one cares. They're maybe lying about it because they just don't give a fuck about their community and see us as a giant effervescent cow to milk for more money. "Hey, what does the community want? A bigger bank/backpack space and more levels? Nah bro, fuck that. Here's another $15 dollar DLC."

if anyone wants to raise their levels and otherwise actually make the game interesting, I'll direct you to a good site to visit.



this is more about the balance guys. GBX would have to go back and completely rework the endgame, create a bunch of new talents, and shuffle around the old ones to keep people from making builds that utterly trivialize all the content.

doesn't excuse GBX from not having the foresight to develop around a level cap increase in the first place, but there it is.



Ante wrote:this is more about the balance guys. GBX would have to go back and completely rework the endgame, create a bunch of new talents, and shuffle around the old ones to keep people from making builds that utterly trivialize all the content.

doesn't excuse GBX from not having the foresight to develop around a level cap increase in the first place, but there it is.

or...or...and hear me out here...they could unlock pt3 for everyone. It took one guy a few months to figure it out and release it to the modding community, they could quite literally copy his code over and update it in a patch, that's all it would take. And oh, he did that for playthroughs 3,4,5 and 6.



what? how does more playthroughs change anything? i'm pretty sure you're completely misunderstanding me.



After playthrough 2, instead of going into the "endgame" of endlessly fighting every boss and repeating your side quests for loot, go into playthrough 3. At playthrough 3, the beginning enemies are starting at level 50, you're basically on par with them. It is actually a challenge to level up henceforth, so you have to play smart. That's what the result of additional playthroughs is. Also, no matter what kind of build you have, you won't ever be able to solo one of the end bosses on playthrough 3 alone. Trust me on this, I've tried every class, with multiple skill trees. It don't work.

As to some skill trees being trivialized? Yeah, that happens already. It might be ok for a while, but zer0s melee tree becomes virtually useless halfway through pt2, same with a lot of the other character's and their trees. If they wanted to make playing a variety of skill trees a legitimate idea, they'd have to fix them one way or another. Raising the level cap would just be a bonus onto that.

Also, there's not really a ton of difference 19 levels can make. It sounds like a lot, but it was basically just a slight boost. I haven't extensively played with a 19 level increase, but for me it was not that great.



I have a deep history with ARPG/MMO mechanics Pariah. I know what I'm talking about, and so do the GBX devs. Progression in these games is not linear, there's a very specific algorithms that dictate power increases per level, enemy health and damage, etc. Hacking your way to "new" playthroughs and higher levels than the max the game normally allows is nothing like if GBX went through and actually implemented a legitimate cap increase. It just. Won't. Work. Not without an unreasonable amount of time that the devs need to work on actual new content.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

thanks, Obama.



Ante, did you not understand what I meant when I said "unlock" the third playthrough? It's already in there. It wasn't made by a modder in his basment, it was programmed in by Gearbox. It was left unfinished, and a guy named fatpat666 was the one who figured out how to get it to work. The character traits, enemy stats, all of that is according to the gearbox formula, the only thing the modder had to do was get it to work. It was shipped on disc, incomplete due to timing issues. The early attempts to break it (it's referred to as BadassMode btw) were what originally released the Graveyard.Sav problem. That's already in the game, the only difference was that a modder had to open it up for the public instead of Gearbox doing it. And if you want to play that playthrough, you need to be over level 50, there's no way to win it otherwise. They can absolutely raise the cap and still have a playable game, that's not in question.



Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.



Conker wrote:Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.

You sound just like that Jehovahs witness from this morning and that didnt end well for them



I think it's stupid in the 1st game there was all that inventory and bank space but it was so limited in this game,that was my big complaint with the game. Got to like lvl 39 on playthrough 2 and just got burned out,never did any of the glitches or anything

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Frostbyrn wrote:
Conker wrote:Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.

You sound just like that Jehovahs witness from this morning and that didnt end well for them

Care to elaborate? I feel like there's a potentially good story here.



HydrasBreath wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:
Conker wrote:Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.

You sound just like that Jehovahs witness from this morning and that didnt end well for them

Care to elaborate? I feel like there's a potentially good story here.
Well I put red food coloring in my mouth so it looked like blood was coming out of it and had a raw steak in my hands

Then I asked them if they would like to join me in celebrating the Equinox

The look on their face was priceless

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Frostbyrn wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:
Conker wrote:Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.

You sound just like that Jehovahs witness from this morning and that didnt end well for them

Care to elaborate? I feel like there's a potentially good story here.
Well I put red food coloring in my mouth so it looked like blood was coming out of it and had a raw steak in my hands

Then I asked them if they would like to join me in celebrating the Equinox

The look on their face was priceless

haha awesome!



it would piss me off at my old apts when they'd go around knocking on doors,I never answered it



HydrasBreath wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:
Conker wrote:Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.

You sound just like that Jehovahs witness from this morning and that didnt end well for them

Care to elaborate? I feel like there's a potentially good story here.
Well I put red food coloring in my mouth so it looked like blood was coming out of it and had a raw steak in my hands

Then I asked them if they would like to join me in celebrating the Equinox

The look on their face was priceless

haha awesome!

Yeah and its not even the Equinox stupid JW's

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

We don't really get jehovas in my neighborhood but if they ever came I'd like to answer the door with a giant dildo and ask them if they'd like to buy one.

I'd need to get said dildo first though.



This achievement lied to me:



yea after that achievement I thought it was for sure they would raise it.I guess all they would have to do is raise the level of the raid bosses?idk,I never bothered with them. Alot of the stuff in the game was useless anyway. I wanted more diversity,not the only guns being worth anything for awhile being the explosive






Yeah. The one problem I have in this game. The legendary loot outclasses everything. Making all those bazilion guns useless.



I hope that the article is a lie. I really would love to have a legit level cap increase, it would make the game great.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I kinda thought that they weren't going to do it, the mix of powers you could have then would be rediculous.

No man was ment to have two nuclear turrets....

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