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My Friends List

Epyk MD
9 posters

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1My Friends List Empty My Friends List 2010-10-14, 02:04

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

If your not on it, post here stat.

2My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 02:14




I finally got around to playing with a few SeC guys earlier and it was awesome. I even got Milk to start calling the Russian medic 'Krauser' since that's what my friends and I do.

3My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 02:15



if YOU'RE not on it

My Friends List Thumbnail.aspx?q=254329690873&id=ed585d63b0dbe76844290a06f9c2d7d9&

im so bored... should prolly go to bed

note edit: epyk you were the first gfq/sec member on my friends list and the reason i got into this whole thing. thank you

4My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 02:16



yeah go to school tomorrow too

and like I said I didn't bother sending requests until today. I'm aware that not-being on Doc's FL makes me a loser and it's honestly destroying me. I don't know how much more I can take bro Sad

5My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 02:31

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Iv not played a whole lot the last few week, but I wanted to all you guys on there, since half the time I try to invite one you to the squad so your not teamed with ransoms, I find out your not on my list X_x.

Ill add you Jev as soon as I get home, I have to go through my list and pick out the ppl I play with least

6My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 02:33

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Bob Sag, I need to read my posts before sending

7My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 02:33



Im not on.

8My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 02:37



I don't think I am, dunno for sure though.

9My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 02:41

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Hen, was it back during the weekly gamefaq matches?

10My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 02:43

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Ante I don't think your are, I remember last week I joined you guys and didn't know you were on.

11My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 02:47



I'm not on it, but I don't blame you haha.

12My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 02:53

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Ill get you on there in the AM bla

13My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 02:56



What time are you usually on, I played with you once I think and that was it. I'll gladly play more BC2 with you but I don't think we're ever on at the same time.

14My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 03:13

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I'm EST zone, I work nights so I'm usually on at 7am if I'm not tweaking the site or forums, on my days off I'm usually found online somewhere from 10p to 5am.

I mostly can only catch the morning gamers or khult (who always beats me out of ace pin by 10+ points. Even though I'm medic whoring recently -.-)

15My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 08:54



I'm not on it.

16My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 11:30



Alright well I"ll be going back to work for a couple days till my weekend so I'll try to catch you on my days off.

17My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 11:33



You're not on my list Epyk. =( What happened between us?

18My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 11:40



You insulted his awesomness?

I need to team up with Epyk more... we had some great games just a week or two ago!

Same goes for you Mills.

19My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 11:42



Mr. Dr. Awesome wrote:Hen, was it back during the weekly gamefaq matches?

hellz ya. i remember the server kicked me out and i couldnt join a party. and i didnt know itwas pistols only one time. also the first gfq/sec dogtag i got was frostbyrns on vip Very Happy

20My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 11:47



John Spartan wrote:You're not on my list Epyk. =( What happened between us?

you deleted me mills, about a week before SeC launched, you posted on Gfaqs you were cleaning out your friends list...

21My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 11:54



Yeah I do that regulary. At that point I had no idea how awesome you were. I'll keep you on this time.

Great memory by the way.

22My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 12:05



ill clear out some room, need a break from trying to figure out this damn javascript anyway

23My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 12:27



You're a better man that I am with this site and all. I'm somewhat computer retarded.

24My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 12:42



I'm pretty sure that i'm not on it

25My Friends List Empty Re: My Friends List 2010-10-14, 13:07



JDM_Jev wrote:memememe

I finally got around to playing with a few SeC guys earlier and it was awesome. I even got Milk to start calling the Russian medic 'Krauser' since that's what my friends and I do.

not sure of the GT, at lease if there are spaces or what not

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