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Copyright Alert System (6 Strikes = No Internet)

HydrasBreath ♜
Epyk MD
Artimise Flare
Green bean Specialist
14 posters

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Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

Five major ISPs, including AT&T, Cablevision, Verizon, Time Warner, and Comcast, sign on to help copyright holders "educate" consumers downloading copyrighted movies, games, music, and more.

'Copyright Alert System' rolls out to catch illegal downloaders

Five major ISPs, including AT&T, Cablevision, Verizon, Time Warner, and Comcast, sign on to help copyright holders "educate" consumers downloading copyrighted movies, games, music, and more.
Dara Kerr
by Dara Kerr
February 25, 2013 5:36 PM PST

The "Copyright Alert System," aka "six strikes," kicked off today with the cooperation of five major Internet service providers. The goal of the new campaign is to curb copyright infringement by going after consumers rather than pirates.

While the CAS seems like something that would raise the hackles of privacy and civil liberty groups, the plan isn't to arrest, sue, or fine people downloading illegal movies, games, or music. Instead, the group managing the program -- the Center for Copyright Information -- says its objective is to "educate" such downloaders that they are infringing on protected intellectual copyrights.

"Implementation marks the culmination of many months of work on this groundbreaking and collaborative effort to curb online piracy and promote the lawful use of digital music, movies and TV shows," executive director for the Center for Copyright Information Jill Lesser wrote in a blog post today. "The CAS marks a new way to reach consumers who may be engaging in peer-to-peer (P2P) piracy." ........



Green bean Specialist wrote:
While the CAS seems like something that would raise the hackles of privacy and civil liberty groups, the plan isn't to arrest, sue, or fine people downloading illegal movies, games, or music. Instead, the group managing the program -- the Center for Copyright Information -- says its objective is to "educate" such downloaders that they are infringing on protected intellectual copyrights.

Um, I'm pretty sure that people know that already.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Seeing as I don't usually pirate big name videos or whatever or video games I think I'm good. Most of it is anime that I wouldn't be able to get otherwise due to licensing issues.

This is old news though, I knew about this for a while now.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

im hazy on if streaming qualifies as pirating under this mofo...



fuck. that.



Epyk MD wrote:im hazy on if streaming qualifies as pirating under this mofo...

doubt it



They already have a 3 strike system here and I have never seen anyone actually get caught out by it

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah I've known about this since late last year cause I follow these dudes

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

They have pretty entertaining and informative tech videos (albeit somewhat biased I think).



Artimise Flare wrote:Seeing as I don't usually pirate big name videos or whatever or video games I think I'm good. Most of it is anime that I wouldn't be able to get otherwise due to licensing issues.

This is old news though, I knew about this for a while now.

They will find a way.

Don't doubt it.

Though it will have hilarious results if everyone has to stop using internet from those companies due to mass infringement. A few weeks of no one using an ISP, their channels get cut to public services and such.



It would be nice if this actually worked and they caught and jailed/hung all worthless pirates.



Chewy wrote:
Green bean Specialist wrote:
While the CAS seems like something that would raise the hackles of privacy and civil liberty groups, the plan isn't to arrest, sue, or fine people downloading illegal movies, games, or music. Instead, the group managing the program -- the Center for Copyright Information -- says its objective is to "educate" such downloaders that they are infringing on protected intellectual copyrights.

Um, I'm pretty sure that people know that already.

Wait, illegaly downloading music/videos is illegal? I had no idea...


Yeah "educate" us with a nightstick i bet.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Don't educate, inebriate!!



I also think its funny how you get SIX strikes...



Zillah wrote:I also think its funny how you get SIX strikes...

It's weird. Far to lenient so I'm guessing they are trying to err on the side of being very wring.

I don't really believe in giving someone more than one warning. If they do it one more time after that they should receive the full punishment.

Like my current boss says "You can do anything once"
, meaning you don't get a freebie warning. Screw up once and that's it, you're gone.



^Except odds are, this thing will never even be enforced outside of a couple times so they can say theyre working to stop pirating.



Zillah wrote:^Except odds are, this thing will never even be enforced outside of a couple times so they can say theyre working to stop pirating.

I agree. Seems like much more of a publicity stunt than anything useful or enforceable.



I'd hope it's a publicity stunt. My dad and I both use torrents to transmit files between computers (he has to use them to transmit mountains of lab data to our home server, I use it to get my games and files equally distributed over my PC and Laptop). This kind of system would seriously screw us over, and even the legal actions would be scrutinized. It's basically an invasion of privacy form my standpoint.



You see, there are a total of 4 million bits in that MP3 file you downloaded and all of them were copy righted. You ran out of strikes 6 bits into that download.



Duck wrote:You see, there are a total of 4 million bits in that MP3 file you downloaded and all of them were copy righted. You ran out of strikes 6 bits into that download.

You cant copyright a 0 Very Happy



Frostbyrn wrote:
Duck wrote:You see, there are a total of 4 million bits in that MP3 file you downloaded and all of them were copy righted. You ran out of strikes 6 bits into that download.

You cant copyright a 0 Very Happy

Yeah but you can copyright a 1.



Chewy wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:
Duck wrote:You see, there are a total of 4 million bits in that MP3 file you downloaded and all of them were copy righted. You ran out of strikes 6 bits into that download.

You cant copyright a 0 Very Happy

Yeah but you can copyright a 1.

My Binary contains 2's because im special Very Happy



Frostbyrn wrote:
Chewy wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:
Duck wrote:You see, there are a total of 4 million bits in that MP3 file you downloaded and all of them were copy righted. You ran out of strikes 6 bits into that download.

You cant copyright a 0 Very Happy

Yeah but you can copyright a 1.

My Binary contains 2's because im special Very Happy

I think Apple copyrighted 2's man you might want to change that.



Chewy wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:
Chewy wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:
Duck wrote:You see, there are a total of 4 million bits in that MP3 file you downloaded and all of them were copy righted. You ran out of strikes 6 bits into that download.

You cant copyright a 0 Very Happy

Yeah but you can copyright a 1.

My Binary contains 2's because im special Very Happy

I think Apple copyrighted 2's man you might want to change that.

Another thing Apple has stolen

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