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Are you F****** SERIOUS? ***MAY RUIN YOUR MOOD***

Mrs. Terry of Hat
Cookie Monster
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Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

What despicable, lower than the coals of hell, more useless than my shit, inhumane motherfuckers these two sorry excuse for human beings are. I would sacrifice my job for the satisfaction of obliterating the limbs off these two if I were that officer who came to intervene.



Jesus Christ they have to be the Most fucking retarded people on earth to do shit like this

I feel like Hacking their Fucking limbs off with a Blunt weapon

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Terrence Baggins wrote:Jesus Christ they have to be the Most fucking retarded people on earth to do shit like this

I feel like Hacking their Fucking limbs off with a Blunt weapon

And leaving them alive to suffer life without limbs.

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

That is awful...reminds me of the article I read the other day about the girls laughing at their peer's funeral after she committed suicide.

I lose a little more faith in humanity everyday.



what the fuck?

so not getting a prompt response to a text message warrants taunting a dying 7 year old?

some people are so fucked up, I wouldn't hesitate to throw a molotov cocktail through those people's window and I'm hoping that their other neighbors are thinking the same.

and man the news report says that they had a "change of heart" and apologized after they started receiving death threats. that's not a change of heart that's avoiding getting yourself killed, they're still just as big of assholes.



I suddenly feel the urge to hack their email/facebook. Why the hell would anyone do this to a 7 year old. My god some people are stupid beyond belief.



This just adds to the existing premise that the human race is doomed.

If a birthday party issue can turn families against each other then WTF is the point.

I know there a good people out there hopefully more than bad, but it's the bad ones that Fuck life up for the rest of us.

Poor girl....


Another reason why texting isn't a reliable form of communication.

Maybe if she actually called the person they would have gotten a timely response. Or perhaps she just wasn't welcome to the party. It's pretty clear why that would be the case.



I'm going to poop in their microwave. That's how serious I am about this.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I never liked texting. If it's a big deal or about something that's going down today or soon then a call is always best. Texting is for small talk IMO.



That's why I wish that all of humanity would die; that the sun explodes, or a virus comes and kills all of us. Disgusting, worthless animals, who's time is nearly up. Those are the kind of people I would go all "Law Abiding Citizen" on if they ever did shit like that to my kid.



That movie is amazing.

And these people are just sad. How could someone taunt a dying 7 y/o dying from the same disease that killed her mother. And because they took too long to reply to a text.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Apparently 4chan is seeking retaliation/justice upon those two inbred fucks.



Cookie Monster wrote:Apparently 4chan is seeking retaliation/justice upon those two inbred fucks.

What are they going to do about it? Troll them?! :/



DrBob276 wrote:
Cookie Monster wrote:Apparently 4chan is seeking retaliation/justice upon those two inbred fucks.

What are they going to do about it? Troll them?! :/
Hack the **** out of there email/facebook lol.



YES! Lol, I want to see the results ASAP if they do anything.



See they Angered 4chan and thats some Bad Juju you dont want on your ass

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

They have their address and passed it around there from what I heard.

Apparently this is the lady's new facebook page.



Jesus Christ those people are in for a world of trolling

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I also heard tons of death threats were made against the couple as well, which resulted in an apology from the scumbags (whether they meant it or not, probably not).



Yeah it just sounds like its self Preservation at this point Someone should give them a Terminal Virus and then we can mock their ass

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Looks like karma just kicked in. If she's convicted I have no doubt the other inmates will "embrace" her presence for being evil to that little girl and her family.



Cookie Monster wrote:Looks like karma just kicked in. If she's convicted I have no doubt the other inmates will "embrace" her presence for being evil to that little girl and her family.

By embrace, you mean rape, and possibly beat her to death. >: D

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I really hope she doesn't die. That's way to easy. I hope she suffers enough to change into a better person so her kids can grow up to be better people. I really wish she and her other half were infertile before she had her kids, but too late for that. Just maybe the apple will fall far from the tree. For now that's hoping for too much. Sad



It's not too easy if she goes through lots of suffering, then dies slowly and painfully alone. Wouldn't it be ironic if she was getting beat to death by other inmates and the prison guards laughed at her?

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