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Natural Selection 2 is on sale, $12.49

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gonna get it later today,looks neat,and cool soundtrack too,reminds me of what would of been cool in an old style Resident Evil game

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Me and crow were playing it earlier today and it is definitely a fun game, but it can take a bit for it to "click". It also for a lot of people has terrible performance.



I'll admit, I wasn't feeling the performance hit. But it's not yet clicked for me. I like playing Marines (shoot and build, simple as fuck) but somehow the aliens just don't work too well for me. I guess it could be the view angle being fixed. When you're crawling along a wall or the ceiling, your perspective of the world is the same top-down.



just got it to download Cool



didn't get to play as humans yet but unless you attack in groups as alien you're kinda fucked because the humans can insta kill you pretty much and they wipe out the aliens like nothing with those mechs. I kept getting on horrible alien teams (only side open) . Not many open servers with good ping for me



Natural Selection II is an amazing game, when I get a PC I'm getting it; it has a much bigger skill curve than you'd initially expect and the main game boils down to how good your commander is (obviously individual skill still matters, but not nearly as much) and how well you listen to them. Even if your commander has a terrible plan and you listen, you're more likely to win than if you all had good plans and didn't listen to one another. It's very team-based and it's amazing.



That's the lamest gameplay video I've ever seen. The damn thing never even got past the load screen.



I'll get a better one for you and post it. Smile



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