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Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor

The Adli Corporation
8 posters

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1Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-07, 02:31



2Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Re: Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-07, 02:38



Honestly I dont see any new info here

This is the same as the "leaked" Durango specs

Seems they are going to focus so much on Kinect


3Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Re: Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-07, 02:45




I will probably be buying a next gen console.

So I hope the new Xbox is better than the leaked specs.....

4Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Re: Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-07, 03:05



Sym wrote:

I will probably be buying a next gen console.

A story: A man plays a console for many years, And afterward he sells the console on craigs list, and he believes he's finished with the console. But no matter what else he might do with his hands, love a woman, build a house, change his son's diaper; his hands remember the controller.

5Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Re: Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-07, 03:10



If they do have the split, I'll be going the pc console road.

6Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Re: Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-07, 03:23



The thing that scares me about the next xbox is being casual as hell

They are already hyping the Kinect saying its going to be integrated just about everywhere.

I forsee alot of shovelware, and crappy, casual games. I hope I am wring.

7Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Re: Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-07, 05:44

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

im worried about the next gen Xbox. the PS4 looks decent, but ill probably just stick with my laptop and try to get the most out of it before i leave Uni, then get a powerful desktop.

8Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Re: Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-07, 05:59



I foresee the "next-gen" being filled with turmoil and financial woes for many big name console developers and publishers. These companies really can only push the core gamer so far before people just stop buying this garbage.

9Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Re: Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-07, 06:41



10Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Re: Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-07, 11:50

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I don't want motion controls!!! God how I hate them.

11Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Re: Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-07, 17:39



Ante wrote:

They mentioned the creepy tech.

12Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Re: Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-07, 23:39



Grey wrote:
Ante wrote:

They mentioned the creepy tech.

Ah, I only skimmed. Sorry.

13Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Re: Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-07, 23:50



No prob. It's complete bullshit.

14Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Re: Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-07, 23:52



No big deal.
I'm curious to see how the next Xbox stacks up to what we know of the PS4 though.

15Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Re: Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-08, 01:27



I think the PS4 looks to be more promising with what we know currently, however that could all change

16Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Re: Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-08, 08:15



Sym wrote:I think the PS4 looks to be more promising with what we know currently, however that could all change

^^ this.

I do really hope MS come through, as I've loved having both an Xbox and (especially) the 360.....but I am concerned.....

17Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Re: Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-08, 08:17



I've felt this way for awhile,alot of stuff going casual and the exclusives being pounded to death,also fav franchises turned/turning to crap, aka re6,etc.

18Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor Empty Re: Xbox 720 Yahoo Rumor 2013-03-08, 08:54



To be honest, whatever happens I'll more than likely pick up the new Xbox so I can continue to play Halo Rockin!

It's more a question of which console becomes my 'main'.

Mind you, MS upgraded the specs of the 360 after Epic showed them Gears running on the spec they'd provided, and then with twice as much (IIRC) RAM. At decent cost to themselves, MS upgraded the spec of the 360 late in development.

Now that Sony have played their hand, I wouldn't be that surprised if MS pushed the spec of the Nextbox up (in particular, to match that super fast 8GB RAM) to compete.

That's given, of course, that the rumours about the Nextbox being weaker are true.

We'll see, I guess...

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