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PETA attacks Assassins Creed 4

The Adli Corporation
Green bean Specialist
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1PETA attacks Assassins Creed 4 Empty PETA attacks Assassins Creed 4 2013-03-07, 18:26

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist



PETA is fucking retarded.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah, PETA need to realise their campaigns are just dumb as hell. they are going about it the wring way.



The Adli Corporation wrote:yeah, PETA need to realise their campaigns are just dumb as hell. they are going about it the wring way.

killing 99.98% of the animals they take in in order to "save them from killing shelters" is also the wring way. Fucking asshats.



I think every member of PETA was dropped on their head more than once as an infant, and were forced to sniff paint and markers 24/7 for the rest of their life.



I'm sad.
I don't actually know enough about PETA to make fun of them properly.



Metalzoic wrote:I'm sad.
I don't actually know enough about PETA to make fun of them properly.

Count yourself lucky, just know that they are they get the award for: World's Biggest Fucking Retards


Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Kitsune wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:I'm sad.
I don't actually know enough about PETA to make fun of them properly.

Count yourself lucky, just know that they are they get the award for: World's Biggest Fucking Retards


Well its a tie between them and the WBC



Educate Metal time! Everyone mention one thing about PETA.

They created a bestiality site demonstrating that you can "love" animals.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

And they have ads with naked women.




Grey wrote:Educate Metal time! Everyone mention one thing about PETA.

They created a bestiality site demonstrating that you can "love" animals.

You're kidding right?

And damn them for having naked women in their ads! DAMN THEM!



Did they ever go through with that porn site that after a certain amount of time it would interrupt the porn with animals getting slaughtered?



Grey wrote:

They created a bestiality site demonstrating that you can "love" animals.

My lawsuit is still pending over them using pictures of me without permission



They give handouts to young children that are extremely graphic trying to brainwash them into becoming like them, with things such as blood filled KFC buckets and such.

They throw red paint on expensive coats made out of animal hide/fur.

They intentionally adopt animals out of shelters to kill them (90%+ of animals they adopt are killed), and then put them in garbage bags and throw them in dumpsters because it is "better than living with humans".

They fund ALF/ELF eco-terrorist organizations, in a sense, making them terrorists themselves. These terrorist organizations are responsible for an extremely expensive house on the coast that was very ecologically friendly being destroyed/burned because it "wasn't good enough"

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

He said ONE thing Kitsune. Not several! Save some for the rest of us! Very Happy



I hate PETA with a passion, they are terrorists, and I think if they want to the join the animals so bad, why not classify them as one and put out tags for them. > : )



They made a version of Pokemon called Pokemon: Black and Blue. It was basically michael vick's version of pokemon. So much abuse.

My main beef with them is the 99.98% kill rate. Of the animals that they take in, millions upon millions of them, 9998 out of 10000 times, the animal is killed. That's higher than a many shelters.

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