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Possible Replacment for food?

Ron Swanson
Patrick Star
Green bean Specialist
12 posters

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1Possible Replacment for food? Empty Possible Replacment for food? 2013-03-21, 20:30

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

found it a bit interesting.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

I would totally switch to soylant.
My friends were tossing out the idea of eating a tasteless cube that would give you your supplements and what not for the day.

if I had any money or a girlfriend, I would probably eat out more often
Hue hue hue


I don't think i'd really miss it. I eat to live not live to eat, would solve a lot of health problems if it works.



Is it made from soy? Soy isn't good for men to eat in large amounts.



Metalzoic wrote:Is it made from soy? Soy isn't good for men to eat in large amounts.

That's because men are supposed to eat steak and potatoes, not girly shit like soy xD

But on a serious not, I think that would be an excellent solution for starving societies.



It's basically food, but broken down into the base components. It's entirely possible to get the components that you get in meat from certain vegetables.

Not saying I'd give up meat, but if this stuff can be mass produced without wasting much (raising cattle, with all the costs associated), it could very well be a viable solution to food limited areas.



This would probably fuck our economy Very Happy



Frostbyrn wrote:This would probably fuck our economy Very Happy

If the food industry can integrate the production of this stuff alongsid...Pffft what am I talking about?

They're going to bury him and keep the monopoly on "delicious real food."

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Am I the only one who wants nothing to do with this?

Eating food is one of the most enjoyable things I do from day to day.



Finally just read it. It isn't a soy based food at all.

I love this idea of getting rid of food. Eating to me is something I have to do and try to get out of the way as quickly as possible. If I could get rid of it entirely (except for when it sounded good) I would be stoked.

I think I will contact him and see if I can be a test subject.



I hate eating and I too just do it quickly to get it over with....most of the time I have to make myself eat. Alot of the time I don't really have an appetite either. Eh,off to make myself a sammach I guess

don't know how it would work for guys either,something about soy having too much estrogen

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

How can you hate eating?!

You guys are all fucked up in the the head lol. Ask yourself this question before you get carried away.

Do you even want to live in a world without gravy?

No, no you don't. I eevn answered the question so you weirdos didn't fuck it up.



Ermm... I don't ever eat gravy. I avoid it actually.

JrTapia1991 wrote:
don't know how it would work for guys either,something about soy having too much estrogen

What the?!?... Did you even read this topic before posting?

I already said earlier that Soy products are bad for men's health to eat, and right in my previous post before yours I even mentioned that this had nothing to do with soy products.

As your punishment you are condemned to eat only Soy for 1 year until you grow tits, and die.



oh I read it Razz was just adding to it because I barely ever hear anybody talking about how it's bad for guys when all the health freaks seem to rave about it. I've never eaten it,but it sounds yucky silent cyclops

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

This sounds awful, though I like the idea of using it for developing countries...I'm with Terry, food is one of the best parts of my day, haha! Interesting concept though.


Well i think we'd all still eat regular food, but sometimes you're in a rush and can't really have a meaningful meal with loved ones.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

What about enjoying cooking?



I refuse to eat soy

Its for women



Sym wrote:I refuse to eat soy

Its for women

Metalzoic wrote:Finally just read it. It isn't a soy based food at all.

I love this idea of getting rid of food. Eating to me is something I have to do and try to get out of the way as quickly as possible. If I could get rid of it entirely (except for when it sounded good) I would be stoked.

I think I will contact him and see if I can be a test subject.

What are you doing Sym.



I am constantly hungry and love eating. I'd miss it.



I guess I find food a chore is because of my extremely fast metabolism,I'm hungry not that long after I finish eating

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