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Funny Misunderstandings?

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1Funny Misunderstandings? Empty Funny Misunderstandings? 2010-10-15, 20:09



They can be from anywhere, RL or the Internet, but what's a funny misunderstanding you've had?

One that I really remember was back when I used to play Runescape. I was chatting with somebody for about a half hour on there, and all of sudden this guy says, "Do you want to be my mate?" and like "WTF?!" So, I type...."Uh...what?" He act like it's the most normal thing, he's like "You know, friend?", and I reply..."OOOooohhh, okay. Yes, lol" First person I've ever met from a foreign country (Britain, to be exact), and I didn't know they called friends that so it was a WTF?! moment until he clarified.

2Funny Misunderstandings? Empty Re: Funny Misunderstandings? 2010-10-15, 20:11



lol runescape but I have had quite a few misunderstandings with tech support.

3Funny Misunderstandings? Empty Re: Funny Misunderstandings? 2010-10-15, 20:15



That was back in the good old days when I was 11-12 years old and had a 33 Kb a second dial up connection.

4Funny Misunderstandings? Empty Re: Funny Misunderstandings? 2010-10-15, 20:15



A couple weeks ago I was at Baskin Robbins having ice cream with my 8 year old daughter when she suddenly, loudly said: "Don't fuck with mushrooms!"

I was dying laughing and asked her "did you just say don't fuck with mushrooms?" and she said "NO! I said no public restrooms" and she pointed at the sign she was reading... Still makes me laugh to think about.

Very Happy

5Funny Misunderstandings? Empty Re: Funny Misunderstandings? 2010-10-15, 20:18



DrBob276 wrote:That was back in the good old days when I was 11-12 years old and had a 33 Kb a second dial up connection.
have you checked it out recently it actually looks pretty good bow.

6Funny Misunderstandings? Empty Re: Funny Misunderstandings? 2010-10-15, 20:59



T-800 wrote:
DrBob276 wrote:That was back in the good old days when I was 11-12 years old and had a 33 Kb a second dial up connection.
have you checked it out recently it actually looks pretty good bow.

Runescape looks alright but I lost interest after my cousin got off itbecause I used to have races for certain quests. And then wildernesshunting would be fun. Just spamming the dragon sword like a douche. I remember the old days..

Wait wat i started at when I was 8 or 9
and then stopped at 11 or so.. WTF 3/4 years? I'm sad.

7Funny Misunderstandings? Empty Re: Funny Misunderstandings? 2010-10-15, 21:30



You can't PK in the wilderness anymore, which is boring and was so fun to hunt down lower ranked players near mining pits and kill them. xD

But what made it more fun, is that you were being chased half of the time too.

8Funny Misunderstandings? Empty Re: Funny Misunderstandings? 2010-10-15, 21:33



DrBob276 wrote:You can't PK in the wilderness anymore, which is boring and was so fun to hunt down lower ranked players near mining pits and kill them. xD

But what made it more fun, is that you were being chased half of the time too.


except going against the black dragons and what not. xD I used to run alone into the wildy into the highestl evel possible and find randomness.

9Funny Misunderstandings? Empty Re: Funny Misunderstandings? 2010-10-15, 22:14



DrBob276 wrote:You can't PK in the wilderness anymore, which is boring and was so fun to hunt down lower ranked players near mining pits and kill them. xD

But what made it more fun, is that you were being chased half of the time too.
Yes you can but you have to be on a wilderness world or a pk world at least that how it was when I was playing.

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