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Amnesia the Dark Descent $5 on steam today

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cool creepy game although I never played much of it....I got the trilogy of games that precede it on amazon cheap a long time ago too lol. (Penumbra Black Plague,etc.)

I haven't heard anything about the new one, Machine of Pigs,in awhile >__> hope it's still coming out soon, I heard Q2 2013



Also Brutal Legend is 9.99

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Amnesia is awesome.

Brutal Legend is tempting...

Yesterday I couldn't help it, and bought Tomb Raider for about $15. But on Origin... ;_; I'm so weak.



I paid 50 for Tomb Raider and dont regret it



damn,I would get it for $15 lol. I was kinda holding out on it,see it go for 30 alot now....also been thinking hard about dark souls on pc but kinda don't wanna have to start allllll over Razz that's a long ass game haha

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

A friend got Tomb Raider too, and just told me that you download it on Origin at first, but then it installs on Steam so you get it there anyway Very Happy Woot!

I'll wait for Dark Souls to be $10. I already got it once, so I'll just get it on the PC for the DLC.

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