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SeC stats graphic update!

5 posters

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1SeC stats graphic update! Empty SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 13:30



The graphic I made for us is now in 2nd place on the BC2 site for Big Clan Graphics. It's had 8,300+ hits so there are a shit ton of people out there using it even though it says SeC on it. On average it seems to close the gap on 1st place by a hundred hits or so per day so it may be the #1 graphic soon. Very Happy

It's also on page 15 of most popular graphics overall.

I want to see how far up the list we can bump it, so if you guys have a second will you go to it and give it a "like" rating.

Big Clan Graphic tab.


2SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 13:36



It's gone up another 21 hits just since I posted this topic! Shocked

3SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 14:00

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Its a well made banner, I'm surprised it took this long considering it took the 1st page with in hours of it being up

4SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 14:28



True, but the others on the first page had been there for months and also had a lead of several thousand hits.
I think I might make a version for mods and another for you. If I do any requests?

EDIT: Only 1 more and I have 100 combat excellence pins!
Very Happy

Last edited by Metalzoic on 2010-10-16, 14:29; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Because I'm badass)

5SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 14:36

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

You should do a death by humiliation version.

Repair tool kills,
Defib kills
Smoke grenade kills
Uav road kills

Is "death" an attribute that's tracked?

6SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 14:37


it should have wheels of hazard on it too

7SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 14:37

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Oh and make it purple plz
I like purple...

8SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 14:41



I like the humiliation one.


defib is like 4
repair tool 5
uav road kills 8
smoke launcher kills 188

9SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 14:44



I don't think it tracks deaths just kills... I was planning on making yours match your Admin color (either the black or the text which would probably look/contrast a lot better)

it should have wheels of hazard on it too
I'm not going to change the standard one. I made it to showcase your overall progress and acheivements... Wheels of hazard doesn't really represent anything meaningful.

10SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 14:47


Metalzoic wrote:I don't think it tracks deaths just kills... I was planning on making yours match your Admin color (either the black or the text which would probably look/contrast a lot better)

it should have wheels of hazard on it too
I'm not going to change the standard one. I made it to showcase your overall progress and acheivements... Wheels of hazard doesn't really represent anything meaningful.
I meant the humiliation one lol

and by death he means when you DEATH someone

11SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 14:48

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I know right, I think it would be hilarious to see the stats for those sky rocket over night as everyone is fighting over the "The Humiliater" title

12SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 14:51



Gotcha. I misunderstood... Hmmmm... it would take some work but I might be able to squeeze a "humiliator" section on there.

EDIT: No. It will be better as a skinny bar that matches the SeC graphic. That way if people want it they can add it underneath or by itself.

Last edited by Metalzoic on 2010-10-16, 15:29; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Do I need a reason?)

13SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 15:51



Nice! Always feels good when you get to have mini-internet fame. Very Happy

14SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 15:59



There's one thing I don't understand though...about any of the graphics with "Team Player" and such....where do they get the numbers?

I lol'ed because apparently, I'm more of a vehicle whore than most people here, though I rarely use vehicles (minus the blackhawk, but I used to pilot a lot too, only towards the end did I ever get to gun), and I lol'ed at my Objective Focus (7%), because I know that's true, but I still have a Team Player of 41%, despite the low objective focus??? Wtf?

15SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 16:17



You changed your name to Frostbyrn! Laughing Between you, Frost, Zombee and D00msday I'll never know which I'm talking too unless I double check first.

Here's how I made it:

Teamplayer is your team & squad score (revives, ammo, heals, repairs, assists, motion mines, spot assists etc...) compared to your general score (score without pins, insignias, bonuses etc...).

Objective focus is your total objective score compared to your general score.

Vehicle whore is your total vehicle score compared to your general score. However, I believe vehicle score is an inflated stat because I think it includes any points you get while in a vehicle even if they're team, squad or objective points.

Then it just shows it as a percent.

16SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 16:20



Lol, still, it's kind of an oxymoron to have "41% teamplayer" "7% objective score" xD

17SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 16:23



Its on the first page, on #2 position for me right now. LoL

SeC stats graphic update! 360_Storm3ye

18SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 16:27



Yeah. It's gained about 100 hits since I posted this topic a bit ago. The #1 position has gained about 50 in that same time. We'll get em'! Twisted Evil

19SeC stats graphic update! Empty Re: SeC stats graphic update! 2010-10-16, 16:31



Frostbyrn from DrBobs hacked account wrote:Lol, still, it's kind of an oxymoron to have "41% teamplayer" "7% objective score" xD

Objective is only the points you get from capping a flag or arming/blowing up an m-comm. Teamplayer is only support points.

I get what you mean though

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